
Comparing Expert and Non-Expert Attitudes


Added on  2019-09-25

22 Pages3100 Words126 Views
Lab ReportHow People Agree on Statements about Healthy FoodStudent Name: Student ID: Course Name: Course ID:Faculty Name: University Name:
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AbstractThe paper was concerned with understanding the question that, how much people agree on statements about healthy food when the same statement is expressed by an expert and a non-expert. The three hypotheses were built that was assessed after the data collection and analysis.The two statements were considered, one was one-sided and another was two-sided. The questions were developed on the same and were distributed to the 40 respondents. Each question was sent to 10 respondents. The collected data was passed through the Two-Way ANOVA test. The result showed that the statements from expert are likely to increase the attitude towards the health statements. On the other hand, the statements about the non-expert are likely to reduce the attitude towards the health statements.
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Table of ContentsAbstract............................................................................................................................................1Introduction......................................................................................................................................3Method.............................................................................................................................................3Research Design..........................................................................................................................3Participants..................................................................................................................................3Apparatus and Materials..............................................................................................................3Condition #1............................................................................................................................3Condition #2............................................................................................................................4Condition #3............................................................................................................................4Condition #4............................................................................................................................5Procedure.................................................................................................................................5Results..............................................................................................................................................6Discussion........................................................................................................................................8References........................................................................................................................................8
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IntroductionThe statements relating to healthy food habits have positive, negative or mixed impacts on the people who are encountering those statements (Sakamaki et al, 2005). The attitude towards what being encountered depends on variety of factors. The studies have found that the statements that cater directly to the emotional aspect of the human mind and less to the rational aspect leave greater impression on the individual encountering the statement (Duperly et al, 2009). Some of the researchers have conducted the research and identified that the source of statement also playsan important part in the attitude development (Wu and Wang, 2011). The attitude refers to the disposition, position or feeling with regard to anything, whether person or place (Fishbein and Ajzen, 1977). There are various sources that can impact the attitude of an individual towards something (McGuire, 1969).The orientation of the individuals towards health statements and health aspects has always been challenging to understand. The individuals generally orient towards the healthy habits when they come to the realization about the deterioration in their health condition. However, this is not always the case. The impact of surrounding plays vital role in maintaining the understanding about the healthy living and the level of conviction. Even the attitude towards the healthy lifestyles of the participants have been positive, their actual lifestyles have been different. The credit to such situation can be attributed to the surrounding they live in or the culture they prefer to spend their time into. The impact of surrounding living style impacts the way one will consider the healthy lifestyle. If the same aspect is considered in case of healthy food habits or attitude towards the elements related to healthy food habits then it would be interesting to understand whether sources of
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statements impacts the receiver. The two major aspects that are under consideration are the expertise level of speakers conveying the particular message and the level of rational informationpresent in the statement being delivered. Given below are the three hypotheses that have been developed from the understanding so far:Hypothesis 1: Agreement of people on statements about healthy food depends on the speaker.Hypothesis 2: Agreement of people on statements about healthy food depends on the arguments.Hypothesis 3: Both, arguments and speaker is required for agreement of people on statements about healthy food.The purpose of this analysis is to understand “How much people agree on statements about healthy food?” The sections ahead discuss the methods and results considered to conduct the study.Method The section discusses the research method that has been adopted for the conduction of the test.Research DesignThe primary data has been collected for the fulfillment of the research objective. The research hypotheses have been developed that will be assessed based on the results obtain from the analyzed data. The dependent variables were influence of experts or non-experts stating the message, and the two sided view of the statement, that is either positive or negative or both. Likert scale was used for the study. The Given below are the four IVs developed:
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Mentioned below are the questions developed based on the various conditions considered for the test:Condition #1Eating vegetables has many health benefits. They may reduce the risk for stroke and other cardiovascular diseases, as well as being high in vitamin A which keeps skin and eyes healthy and can protect against infections. They are also low in fat and calories and contain no cholesterol.(Professor John Brooks, Nutritional Expert)Please respond to the following statement:Eating vegetables is good for your health:Condition #2Eating vegetables has many health benefits. They may reduce the risk for stroke and other cardiovascular diseases, as well as being high in vitamin A which keeps skin and eyes healthy and can protect against infections. They are also low in fat and calories and contain no cholesterol.(Mr Smith, IT Technician)StronglydisagreeDisagreeNeither agree nordisagreeAgreeStronglyagree54321
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