The study examined the fear in people due to overconsumption of alcohol. Participants were invited through social media advertisements and total of 500 participants has participated in the survey out of which 166 were males and 334 females of age 18 to 44 years (M = 28.59, SD = 3.92). The study was conducted via an online survey platform (Qualtrics). Participants who consented to take part in the study were provided a link to the questionnaire. Participants were then randomly assigned to an experimental condition and completed the questionnaire. The aim of the study is to determine the predictive value of fear in people regarding over consumption of alcohol. It is assumed that the fear in people will not have any significant impact on over consumption of alcohol(Hypothesis 1). The fear in people have significant impact on over consumption of alcohol (Hypothesis 2). Multiple regression analysis has been conducted in order to testify the hypotheses of the study. Current findings suggests that fear in people have significant impact on overconsumption of alcohol. Researcher faced time limitation in order to conduct an effective and efficient research.