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Labour Market and Skills Analysis, Recruitment and Selection Documentation


Added on  2023/06/15

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This report discusses the labour market trends, legislation, and skills analysis for Tesco. It also provides recommendations for improving the recruitment and selection process. The report is divided into two parts. Part A provides an overview of the organisation and types of labour requirements, analysing current labour market trends, and the different types of legislation that the organisation follows. Part B discusses the recruitment and selection process, including job analysis, job description, methods of recruitment and selection, and recommendations for effective talent resourcing.

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Labour Market and
Skills Analysis Part 1
Recruitment and
Documentation Part 2

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PART A...........................................................................................................................................3
An overview of the organisation and types of labour requirements...........................................3
An analysing of current labour market trends.............................................................................4
The different types of legislation that the organisation...............................................................5
Analysation of current and anticipated skills for the organisation..............................................6
Comparison of Tesco with Sainsbury.........................................................................................7
PART B............................................................................................................................................9
M3 Developing recruitment and selection process...................................................................9
Job analysis...............................................................................................................................11
Job description..........................................................................................................................12
Methods of recruitment and selection to be applied in different job roles................................14
Recommendation to improve the recruitment process and for effective talent resourcing.......16
Presenting employee life cycle..................................................................................................17
Analysing HR life cycle............................................................................................................18
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Recruitment and selection is the process of hiring the right candidates for the organization
so that it can contribute in success of firm. Along with this, the study is based on Tesco is a
British multinational groceries store that provide retail service to their customer. The
headquarter of the organization is located at United Kingdom. The report will discuss about
the methods of selection that can be applied on different job roles. Lastly, it will analyse the
stages of HR life cycle and the way it support talent management.
An overview of the organisation and types of labour requirements.
Tesco is one of biggest multinational grocery merchandiser retailer, the headquartered in
Welwyn Garden city, England. There are more than 8000 stores at global level also more than
70,000 employees are working with the organisation so three HR department are played
important role in order to manage the administrative function. Through the retention and
recruitment process there are highest rating among all the retail business (Ismail, Yussof and
Uddin, 2019). Also, there are employees who have been doing best performance and HRM
department are heats to thinking forward and well documented.
Types of labour requirements
There different types of labour requirement which according to the work and organisation,
in retail business the most basic is unskilled labour that are not going to provide any
training. The three types of labour requirement for Tesco are as follows:
Skilled labour- In this category of labours they have highly skilled for the particular work such
as it has large number of products in which clothing department are need for the labour who are
already skilled in stitching and packaging of clothes by maintain them according to their code
and category for men, women and kids (Watanabe and Tatsuhara, 2018). Also, there are training
provided to workers so that they can work with high quality. Also, known as the blue-collar or
white-collar worker.
Semi-skilled labour- This type of labour are does not need any advanced training for
specific task because they do only that work which is related to unskilled labour job. In
Tesco there are large number of labours requires for doing the work related to transportation,
segregate the products accordingly.
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Unskilled labour- They are working in the field so that’s they can cultivate in order to provide
raw material for the product. There are more than 25% of unskilled labour are working in the
Tesco (Phillips, LeBaron and Wallin, 2018). Also, they are doing hard work and help the
organisations to increases the productivity.
An analysing of current labour market trends
There are different types of labour market trends such as follows:
Organisational culture is living thing- It has been analysed that culture of the organisation
are shape the labour in such a way so that it changes the behaviour, attitude, dress, language,
values etc. Tesco has strictly followed this type of culture in order to mould the staff
Also, it takes time and there are other factors which are affect this trend such as culture of
family because there are large number of employees who are not working belongs to UK but still
work in Tesco from years (McCord and Bhorat, 2018). Now, it is hard to change their culture
people are not aware about the language so that there are advanced trained provided to the skilled
labour in order to make them professional in their work. So that’s they can maintain organisation
Part-time job- In Ku it is very common to do part-time job with studies so that there are
large number of students who have the doing part time job in the industries so that’s it helps
to get some income and knowledge so that it can be help in the further life. In Tesco there
are students who are between the age 20 to 25 are worked as the employees. This trend helps
to motivate them in order to gain some knowledge in the early age.
There are some factors which influencing the trend such work attitude and career
choice, in such a manner there are many students who are not able to slept at night just because
there studies so that it affects the attitude of work also there are many students who get low score
in the academic because they are working. Also, the carer choice will be change according to
time that affect the people (Brown, 2019).
Teleworking- It is related to the practice which are common for the current trend by using work
from home on the basis of internet, email, telephone etc. Also, there are many employees who
are working on the basis maintaining the customers, colleagues etc. so that this trend is help to
increasing the knowledge as well as there are so many ladies who are doing the labour work for
Tesco in order to get some money. For the skilled labour there are work which is related to tele

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calling to the customer in order to taken feedback from them. So, this process is helped to share
the information related to organisations for discount and other purpose (Chaykowski and Powell,
There are some of the factors which are influencing the teleworking is mistrust because
organisation is not believed on the worker who are working with it. Also, it can demotivate the
labour and affect the productivity of the organisation.
The different types of legislation that the organisation
There are different types of legislation are followed by the organisation in order to doing the
workforce planning.
Equal pay act (1963)
According to this legislation that is an amendment which is fair labour standards act, that are
strictly followed by the organisation. Which are considered about the compensation and benefits
that are help in the workforce planning in order to make the strategy accordingly (Lager and
Bremberg, 2020). Also, on the basis of tis act there is no HR are bias about the discrimination
and compensation method of the labour. The worker of cited firm is very secure about their job
and that is why it has been very long all of them are working in the same firm. Under this there is
no partiality happened due to other reason of the money terms. Tesco has fixed the business
criteria related to equal pay so that employee get the pay related to their designation and worker.
Such as there are skilled labour who have paid more as compared to others. On the other hand,
there are unskilled labour they get salary according to the work. Also, there are help to increase
the job satisfaction to the employees.
Civil right act of 1964
This act is related to the most comprehensive because it helps to maintain the law related to the
race, colour, religion, national origin etc. Tesco is not discriminate the labour on the basis of this
factors also while recruitment or workforce planning there is no individual in the organisation
who are affected because of these practices (Thrasyvoulou, Kanelis and Gounari, 2018). Also,
employees have the right about to file a complaint against the staff who have taking that kind of
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Equal Employment opportunity commission that are related to the department which Ares
enforce to act that all the activities are permit by law such as business activity that are related to
the job which are efficient and necessary for the business operation so there are important to
follow those law even it can be impacted negative for the certain period of time and affect the
employee (Hall and O’Toole Jr, 2020).
Analysation of current and anticipated skills for the organisation
In order to manage the current trends of the marketplace, the company required anticipated skills
deliver the positive effect within the organisation. it give assistance in increasing the
performance of employees who are working for the company. In order to manage the current
trend like organisational culture the manager of the firm utilized the coordination skills (Hood, 2021). in this skill leader focuses on the teamwork. the responsible person allot similar task
to the workers and asked them to contribute equally in the allotted work. further the individual
person discuss the issues issues the employees are facing that can be personal as well as
professional in order to solve them. It helps the workers to manage the work and life
simultaneously as well as assist in balancing in adequate manner. setting of common aim of the
organisation which all working members of the company suppose to accomplish for the further
benefits. The leader of the organisation conduct several activities within the institute in order to
decrease the stress of the employees. Due to that the the manger is able to deliver the best and
positive atmosphere among the working peoples. In order to maintain the culture, the leader of
the company encourage workers to work in effective and efficient manner for that the
organisation implement various reward system. Moreover, the organisation deliver positive as
well as negative feedbacks along with the compensation and bonuses for enhancing the
performance. For the better surrounding the manager utilized the communicational skills to
communicate with the people and involve the employees in the decision making process which
give feeling of being asset to the organisations employees. In order to boost or follow the current
market trend the manager of the firm work on the creativity skills. leader includes each and every
member of the organisation to share the creative ideas with the people which enhance the value
of the brand in the marketplace (Guoand Wang,2019).
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Comparison of Tesco with Sainsbury
Tesco is leading the market of the united
kingdom since many years by serving hufge
Sainsbury is also a retail company which deliver
wide range of the product in the marketplace in
In order to improve the working quality, it is essential to reaccommodate the point in the context
of the company. It is important to adopt some changes to survive and become successful in the
marketplace and increase the competition among various company. Also, this will help the
organisation to maintain the good relation with employees and follow the market trend (Wilson,
2018). Beside this the reaccommodate point will give assistance in attracting and generating new
customer in favour of the company’s product and services.
The points are mentioned as follows:
The company should work on the employability skills of the workers which give
confidence to be more productive.
The organisation discuss the plans of action with the workers which deliver the feelings
of being assets rather then being liability of the company.
The manger of the organization should provide some sort of facilities to the labours like
medical facilities, sick leaves, casual leave and break (Kabrtova, 2018).
Also, the leader of the company can organise the entertainment activity for the workers
so they can reduce the burden or the stress.
Furthermore, the organisation have opportunity to improve the relation with the colleges
by considering their word as area of improvement for the organisation.
The organisation enhance the relationship by delivering or monitoring the individual
skills on regular bases and provide training as well as development programme as per the
needs (Gabbay, 2018).
The leader of the organisation should pay attention on the negative sides of the
employees so the workers will be satisfy if they find productive in accomplishing the
personal goals that can be financial support or related to skills and knowledge

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M3 Developing recruitment and selection process
This is the process is an organization specific plan that is used for finding the right candidates
and hiring top talent. The human resource process is undertaken with the help of manager so
that process is conducted in right manner (Khtatbeh and, 2020). In addition to this, there
are various step that need to be followed while conducting this process. That are mentioned in
details below:
Identifying the right candidates:
Tesco needs to conduct interview so that it can get detail about the candidate and
direct it right position according to its skills and abilities.
Prepare a job description:
The organization has to write the company culture so that candidate has knowledge
regarding the organization. Along with this, it should consist about the job title and
department as well as the hour of working (Hailemariam and, 2019). It should
also include details of qualification and salary as well as mission and objective of
company. That will help candidate to understand the organizational goals.
Develop and execute recruitment plan:
Tesco on its website can upload career page so that candidates can know about the
details regarding the job selection. In addition to this, it can open an account on indeed
and specialized websites so that it can attract large customer (Wyse, 2019). Moreover,
it can make use of social media account in order to advertise about the company
hiring so that it can attract large customer. Furthermore, job seminar will also help in
targeting the candidates.
Review applicants:
The organization can compare the resume of each candidate so that it can identify the
best candidates. Along with this, it will also help in knowing the skill of the candidates
and conduct a phone screening process that will help in identifying the
accommodation in the company.
Conduct Interview:
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After review process the organization has to conduct the interview process that help
the company in finding the right candidate for the position (Tessa and, 2021).
Along with this, the for avoiding the long interview process the firm will make use of
cover letter and writing sample that will help in knowing the intellectual skill.
Check reference:
The company should check the reference of the candidate so that it help the
organization in checking the background such the reason of leaving the previous job.
Sample of job description of Tesco
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Job analysis
It is the process of identifying the tasks, responsibilities, skill and objective of the work
environment for a particular job. Along with this, it is mainly used for crafting the
perfect job description as well as it helps in improving the employees transition into
their new role. Moreover, it is necessary for contain the detail on the role, expectation
and day to day task (Kapur, 2021). In addition to this, there are various step that need
to be followed in analysis that are explained below:
Review the job requirements:
It is important in the process of selecting the right candidate for the job. Along with this,
the Tesco hiring manger needs to book the meeting with a current or previous
employees to review the job. It can book a meeting with the manger so that it can
identify the expectation of the role (Chaves,, 2021). Moreover, it can email a
survey to the current employee inquiring about the job details.
Research Similar Job description:
The organization can search for the another job on the other organization website
so that it can identify their offers. And can apply that in their description.
Identifying the outcomes required for the job:
Tesco in their description can write about the skills it required for the job position
and it should also outline the company goals. Along with this, it can describe the
timeline that candidates can apply for the job.
Examining the job efficiency:
Tesco need to conduct a study on the organization an such if the task can be assign to
another department or employee then it should transfer to that subordinates. Along
with this, the organization need to craft the analysis of each department so that it can
transfer the task to department that is better suited for it.
Determine the skills and training required:
The organization need to provide their employees with proper training so that it can
contribute in long and short term goals (Hamza and,2021). Moreover, it can also
ask the employees regarding any tools and techniques that are needed by them in
order to complete their job. Along with this, company can define the skills needed to
have training for as well as decide the method of the training.

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Define the salary bands:
This can be tricky part for the organization and job analysis will help in resolving this
issue as it helps in throwing light on skill, work environment, responsibility and other
activities needed by the organization. Along with this, the organization can outline
the skill level and compare the job of similar nature and the salary it is providing.
Job description
The company X is trying to increase their brand awareness in the markets so that it can earn
large profit. We are looking for experience and versatile marketing manage that is suitable for
this job.
To lead the execution of marketing programme form start to finish leveraging internal
support and driving collaboration.
To analyse customer insights, consume trends, market analysis and better marketing
successful strategies.
Good communication skill
Project management
Presentation skills
Bachelor degree and master in commerce
Proficiency with online marketing and social media strategy Computer knowledge.
The XY company is looking for increasing their sales so that it satisfy the customer needs. So it
is looking for sales executive that is hungry for this job position.
To interact with the customer and to solve their issue.
To maintain the record of the customer purchases.
Survey customer by selling the products and service and meeting their needs.
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Good communication skill
Prospecting skills
Bachelors degree
Three to five years of experience in sales industry
Methods of recruitment and selection to be applied in different job roles
Recruitment is the process of searching for potential employees to apply for the job in the
company. In order to employee the best candidate required for the specific job role, various
recruitment and selection methods are used by the company (Chaves,, 2021). There are two
types through which the recruitment is done depending upon the efficiency of the candidate and
they are internal and external recruitment methods.
Internal recruitment methods refers to the hiring the employees from within the organisation.
While recruiting the employees, consideration s given to those employees who are currently
working in the organisation. (Hill, and Jago, 2018). The various methods of recruitment are:
Promotion: Promotion refers to the upgrading the level of the employee by analysing
their performance within the company. It refers to promoting and employee from the
lower position to higher position after evaluating their performance with more
responsibilities, remuneration, status and facility. Tesco company uses this method in
order to promote employees according to their skill and capabilities.
Transfer: in this method the employee is transferred from one job to another without any
change in the rank and responsibilities. It can be different forms such as shifting the
employee from one department to anther department, or form one location to other
location. The company transfer the employees from one department to another according
to their capabilities.
Recruiting former employees: By using this method Tesco uses internal source of
recruitment where the former employees are called back as per the requirement of the
position in the organization (Arbak, 2020). Many companies use this method as it is
cost effective and saves a lot of time. This method is useful as the former employees
know the responsibilities and the company have to incur less cost on the training and
development of the employees.
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Internal job posting: Internal job posting is done through advertisement within the
company and is open to all the employees of the organization. It gives an opportunity to
the employees to apply for the vacant positions within the company (Uraon, 2018). It is
also considered as best method as it saves cost which is incurred in the recruitment.
Employee referrals: It is also considered as the best way selecting right employees and is
the process of hiring the new resources through the reference of the existing employees.
In this process, the employees can refer their friends and relative to fill the vacant
positions as per their capabilities and which is required by the company.
Pros cons
1. It reduces the hiring time for the company
2. Encourages the morale of employees and
increases employee engagement.
1. Inflexible work culture
2. Leaves gap in workplace.
External methods of recruitment includes hiring the efficient candidates from the outside the
company. External employees bring new and fresh talent and thoughts in the company. But the
main drawback that hiring from external sources involves huge cost but it helps the company to
find efficient candidates which by their performance will yield profits in future and achieve the
objectives of the company.
1. Direct recruitment: Tesco company uses the direct recruitment in order to recruit the
employees that is done by placing the notice regarding the vacant position on the board
in the organization. This method is called the factory gate recruitment.
2. Employment exchanges: According to the prescribed law, it is mandatory for the
company to provide details to the employment exchange. It is a government entity in
which the complete detail of the job seeker is mentioned and is given to the employers for
filling the vacant positions.
3. Campus recruitment: In order to recruitment the candidates fit for the job role , the
company offers the students' and visits the universities and various technical,
management and professional institutes for recruiting students directly for the new
positions in the organizations.

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Pros cons
1. Promotes better competition
2. It brings new and fresh talent in the
1. Sometimes the company recruits the
candidates with limited understanding.
2. Time consuming
Various selections methods are also there for selecting best and effective candidate for the vacant
position in the organization. This includes Application forms and CV’s , interviews and tests
assessment and references method.
CV: A CV is a document that is filled by the candidates which specifies the job
description. CV stands for ' curriculum vitae'. The company uses this selection method
which is filled by the candidates which contains the information about the applicant
qualifications and hobbies. Tesco companies uses this method to match whether the
candidates if fit for the specific job role.
Interviews: In order to select the best candidate for the job , Tesco invites various
candidates for interview. The interviewers have a face to face meeting where series of
questions are asked and the performance is compared and select the best candidate.
Tests: Interviews involve series of tests depending upon the vacancy. The test is
conducted in order to know the thinking ability of the applicants.
pros cons
1. The company can gain the information about
the candidate , experiences and qualification
2. Face to face interviews allow understanding
better the body language and expression of
1. It takes a lot of time in short listing the job
2. Difficult to organize group discussions and
hence it is time-consuming and costly.
Recommendation to improve the recruitment process and for effective talent resourcing
There is a lot of pressure on the Human Resource department relating to the recruitment process
and selecting efficient employees suitable for the vacant position in the company (Holbeche,
2018). The success of the company depends upon finding and hiring right candidate for the
organization and all of it starts with the recruitment process as any mistake in hiring wrong
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candidate can cost a lot to the company. It is important for the company to make and
modifications in the recruitments and selection process for acquiring efficient candidates for the
different job roles. It is recommended for the company to diversify and refine its job
requirements as it is observed that poor job postings decreases the application rates. The
requirements for the job posting should be inspirational and related to the various career growth
opportunities for the applicant. It is also suggested to hire for attitude and training for skills
which allows the company to access to the large numbers of talented candidates. The candidates
who clear the attitude test will make best employees in long term and also benefit the company.
The company can use the technique such as collecting feedback from the candidates (Lopez-
Cabrales, 2020). It will help to analyse the experience of the candidates in the company and
also helps the company to know the areas where they are lacking behind and can invest in
improving those areas in their selection process which help the company to seek effective, new
and fresh talent in the organisation. It is also suggested that the comp any should regularly make
improvement not only in its recruitment process and focus on modifying the overall
management which can help the organisation to search new talent and also concentrates on
building good brand image of the company in the market.
P7 Evaluating employee life cycle
The employee life cycle is the best way of visualizing employee engagement towards the
company. However, this model is consist of 6 stages of engagement that organization has
with its employees. It is generally an ongoing cycle in the life of employees.
Attraction :
This is the first stage of the employee cycle in this organization has to attract
candidates so that it can help in increasing the performance of the company. Along
with this, Tesco can conduct various seminar programme that will help the company
in selecting the right candidate (Herschberg, Benschop and Van den Brink, 2018).
Moreover, for attracting the employees can make use of digital marketing such as
social media and online website.
For Tesco this is the second stage in the life cycle of employee in this organization hire
right type of candidate for the organization. This stage generally occur when existing role
become vacant or a new position being created. Along with this, organization can try
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various or different type of recruiting process such as media or traditional manner of
promotion. In addition to this, it can specify who it is looking for so that it can save
both its time. Also, chosen organisation will recruit on the basis of e-commerce
platforms so that its helps to promote in the effective manners.
This is the third stage in this selected candidates are welcome in the company and
proper training is given to them so that it can handle the task quickly. As well as learn
about their responsibilities and contributes in success of organization mission.
This is the fourth stage of employee cycle the talent manager can encourage
professional development amongst the team as it will increase the skill of the
candidates. Along with this, talent manager can conduct seminar and conference so
that it can contribute in development.
At this stage manger focus on keeping the employees in order to ensure that it is both
happy and challenged in their role within the team. In addition to this, the manager
has to maintain positive culture withing the organization (Crane and Hartwell, 2019).
It can communicate and take feedback among the employee in order to foster the
This is the last stage that ends the employee life cycle at this stage worker generally
leave the organization due to retirement, new employment, family or personnel reason.

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Analysing HR life cycle
There are various HR practices that are being followed by the manager in order to increase
the performance of the employees. The main motive of conducting such practice is to maintain
healthy relation with them as it is the key source of the business. Along with this, for
attracting the customer talent manager can make use of digital marketing such as it can
promote about the hiring on the various online platform as it will allow the organization to
attract large candidates (Zhang and, 2019). In addition to this, it can also ask other
employees to bring fresher within the company as it will save the cost. Moreover, at the stage
of retention the talent manage can conduct various fun activity within the organization so that
it develop healthy work culture. Furthermore, it can also take 360 feedback from the
employees in order to identify their issues and find out the right solution.
The strength of HR cycle are conduct various ,motivational programmes so that it can
increase their moral it will result in accomplishing the organizational goals in the limited
frame of time. On the other hand, the weakness of HR cycle are related to the charging high cost
that can not be payable by fresher before recruitment process. In order to evaluating importance
of HR lifecycle are to work wits the current employees and also provides them higher position.
Further, it helps to provide systematic identification of key position by gaing the competitive
From the above report it has been concluded that employee are the key source of the
organization and it is very important for running the business. Along with this, it has also
summarized about the different legislation that organization has to follow in order to run their
business in the competitive market. Lastly, report has thrown light on the job analysis and
the steps it include to craft the right job description so that it attract right candidate.
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