
Lack of Physical Mobility in Elderly People of UK


Added on  2023-01-09

12 Pages4691 Words48 Views
Lack of Physical Mobility in Elderly
People of UK
Lack of Physical Mobility in Elderly People of UK_1

Table of Contents
Public health problem and determinants within particular population of physical mobility. 1
Areas or needs required to change..........................................................................................3
Appropriate ways to intervene, intervention and ethical consideration and evidence based
Identification of stakeholder engagement and resources that require....................................6
Identification of evaluation measures.....................................................................................7
Setting an action plan.............................................................................................................8
Lack of Physical Mobility in Elderly People of UK_2

Lack of physical mobility can be defined as limitation in independent, physical
movement of the body (Ferreira and Duran, 2019). This present study is going to show problems
and disease occur related to lack of physical mobility or ability to perform body functions in an
effective manner. This lack of mobility in elder people makes them dependent to others or on
their family members which can makes them frustrated and can hamper other works as well. This
study has also discussed main causes which lead to increasing rate of lack of physical mobility as
well as lower life expectancy in people of the UK. Some causes which this study will show
include: lack of physical exercise, lack of access to health care services, having junk food rather
healthy food etc. Further, it will also show appropriate and relevant areas which needs to be
improved and by doing so, health of older people can be improved and they can be made able to
increase mobility and performing their functions at their own. Lastly, it will, discuss roles of
stakeholders which they play like health care providers, government, family members and others
in improving health of older people by making use of resources and effective strategies like
development of exercise programmes for older people and others. An action plan also plays an
important role as it helps health care professionals and stakeholders to identify main cause and
provide appropriate interventions and treatment to people related to the problem for improving
health and living standard.
Public health problem and determinants within particular population of physical mobility
In the context of physical mobility it can be said that it is an ability of people to move
around their environment. In elderly people it is often seen that they find difficulties in
performing functions in a proper manner and as like a normal and young people, limitation in
independent, physical movement is known as lack of physical mobility. With the age it becomes
a complex health care problem which involves different many different members of the health
care team (Asp and et.al., 2017). There are some cases in which this lack of mobility is common
and happen such as leg fracture, stroke and others. Due to all these problems people find
difficulties in proper body functioning and it leads to different other problems.
Public health problem/lack of physical mobility: Problems associated with the ageing
affect an individual’s ability to move around. Some examples and problems related to mobility
Lack of Physical Mobility in Elderly People of UK_3

include: unsteadiness while walking, difficulty in sitting on floor standing up or falls. Joint
problems, muscle weakness and other neurological problems lead to physical mobility. In the
context of the UK it is found out that it is increasing day by day and before the age people are
facing problems in proper functioning and this problems is considered a public health problem
and one of the main reason of people of the UK is lack of nutrients in food or lack of healthy
food. By having junk food and coping up with this changing world and working all the time
leads this problem. In the context of solutions it is also being found by physical team that regular
physical activity helps people of older age of becoming mobile and independent and also prevent
them against chronic disease. In the context of UK it is also found that after the age of 40 people
find difficulties in body functioning and it becomes easier to detect deterioration of the function
of physiological systems with ultrasound changes (Physical Activity in Older Age: Perspective
for Healthy Ageing, 2016.). It leads to several health problems such as: ageing-related declines
in bone mineral density lead to osteopenia and osteoporosis.
Determinants: It can better understand by life expectancy and the expected age of living a
healthy life. In the year of 2008 life expectancy for women was 66.3 and for men it was 65 years
but in the year of 2013 it had fallen down to 64.8 in women and 64.4 in men. One of the main
disease and reason which is found as the main reason of decreasing life expectancy was
musculoskeletal disorders or disabling condition which s now affecting around 14% of total
people with the age above 60 years. People aged over 75 years this is found more as it is 30%.
One of the other main reasons found which shows that why lack of physical mobility is high in
older people in the UK is higher body mass index in them due to increase fatness, weaker muscle
in legs as well as educed cardio respiratory and metabolic function (Neil-Sztramko and et.al.,
2019). Individual behaviour is considered one of the main determinants which include: unhealthy
diet, lack of physical activity, smoking, drinking alcohol, lack of hygiene etc.
In addition, in the context of the UK it is also found that increasing rate of decline in
physiological function as it is mainly associated with slower walking speed, finding difficulties
in sitting position and others. It all happens because of development of technologies as because
of advanced technologies, people often use lift rather using stairs, making use of vehicles ,
avoiding walk and all. Now a day’s all these problems are increasing only because of advanced
technology and work pressure because of this, people forget to have their meal at time which
weaken their muscle. As per the measurement scale, people who got 12 score are more likely to
Lack of Physical Mobility in Elderly People of UK_4

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