
Developing Policies and Procedures for Cultural Diversity and Ethical Values


Added on  2023-01-12

6 Pages2327 Words57 Views
Task 32 – Develop or Review Policies, Processes and Procedures
Complete one of the following:
1) Where your organisation does not have policies, processes and procedures on the following
develop the following:
2) Where your organisation does have policies, processes and procedures – review them and
critique them showing us improvements that you are recommending for each of the
3) Where you are currently not working for an organisation, develop the following policies,
processes and procedures:
T32.1Develop policies and or procedures, within the organisation’s cultural diversity and ethical
values, to ensure your team members take responsibility for their own work and assist others on
the team to undertake their required roles and responsibilities. (Some policies that may already
exist could include job descriptions, position descriptions, and accountability statements. Some
processes and procedures may include employee handbooks, team meetings, accountability
meetings with the boss etc.)
A company's integrity is essential for maintaining trustworthiness and reputation.
Employees should always do their work fairly, honestly, and legally. They must be
provided with the roles and responsibilities according to their skills and capabilities. It is
important for the Mike to make polices regarding to the employees handbook which
includes rights for the employees and employer both. This will help their employees to get
their rights in the business and it will also include the polices which are made by the
government for the employees welfare. Leaders and managers have to take decision and
make employees handbook. Thi9s will make better procedure for the mike’s business.
T32.2Develop performance plans, within the organisation’s cultural diversity and ethical values, to
establish expected outcomes, outputs, key performance indicators and goals for your work team
(Some processes and procedures may include key performance indicators, metrics, day sheets,
action plans, or performance plans.)
Mike’s company should Use Key performance indicator (KPI) which is key indicator of the progress
toward the initial result. This method provides a focus for the strategic and operational
improvement. This tool will crate analysitical for the decision making and help focus on what
matter the most, mike and their team can set the target and according g t that they will have their
objectives to achieve and they can see their perf0orrmance as well
T32.3Develop processes, within the organisation’s cultural diversity and ethical values, to address
issues and resolve performance issues with your team. (Some processes and procedures may
include conflict grievance or resolution policies and processes, staff performance reviews, or
performance review meetings etc.)
It has been analysed that company can engaged in developing new policies so that the equality
and ievrsity can be promoted. In this fair opportunities needs to be provided to all members. This
will assist them in creating employee loyalty. In this company must be transparent and honest
with the employees so that belongingness can be increased. Create and follow a process and
achieve outcomes that a reasonable person would call just, evenhanded and nonarbitrary
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Employees who are working in the mike’s business are not having skills and they all are working
on the referral basis so it is important t for the Mike to take their performance review in which
they have check the performance of the employees and if anyone of the employees are not doing
their job well then they should replace them with the better employees by recruiting new
employees for the work.
Task 33 – Supervisor/Stakeholder Meeting
Complete one of the following
Hold a meeting with your boss, supervisor, manager or stakeholders and create and provide a
copy of meeting minutes/diary notes of this meeting, ensuring you discuss the following;
Explain how you currently:
Explain how you would:
T33.1Communicate unresolved issues, concerns and problems raised by team members with your
boss, supervisor, manager or stakeholders and follow-up these to ensure an outcome.
Employee in the mike’s business are not able to Performa well and they are facing
problem and one of them is with their secretary who is facing problem in communication
with the clients so she is forwarding their call to the call centre department, this problem
should be address by communicating with the companies superiors and they should
strictly take decisions
T33.2Evaluate and take necessary corrective action regarding unresolved issues, concerns and
problems raised by internal or external stakeholders including your team, your boss, stakeholders,
other departments, clients or customers and the public.
It is important t for the mike to task with the superiors of the company about this issues.
Effective communication in the business is necessary to run the business activities. They
need to provide training to the employees and teach them necessary skills which can helps
them to improve their performance and they can perfo0rma well inn their task. Effective
communication will improve the performance and helps to gain the customers loyalty.
These skills will needed to the call centre employees.
T33.3 Planfor, and manage the use of networks to support outcomes for your team and the
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organisation. (Some networks can include suppliers, buyer groups, associations, professional
associations, other people you know within the industry, or political networks etc.)
Plumbing and building making business should have good connection with the suppliers
so it is important for the Mike to make good relationship with their suppliers so they can
get their row material in lower prices and they can able to make in their business and
show their presence in the market with the good repudiated business and able to satisfy
their customers with the good quality work and gain customers loyalty.
Task 34 Written Questions (Please remember to write a minimum of 6-8 sentences for
T34.1 How do you ensure your own contribution and leadership to your work team serves as a
role model for others and enhances the organisation's image and trust for all?
I am having an effective communication skill which helps me to perform well in the
company. To give my contribution to the company I will perform well in the task and give
by best in the task so i can achieve the targets and also motivate others to give their best in
the task. I will give motivation to the employees who are demotiavted from the work so
they can work properly at the workplace and give their best in the task.
T34.2Explain how group dynamics can support or hinder your team’s performance.
In organizational development, group dynamics refers to the understanding of behaviour of
people in groups that are trying to solve a problem or making a decision. A good manager
can act as a facilitator and assist the group in accompanying its objectives and arrive at
correct decisions. Group activities will increase the flow of communication in the business
which will affect on the employees performance and they will give their best.
T34.3 Outline strategies that can support your team cohesion, participation and performance.
Reward strategies can help my team to performed well in their task because they will give
their best to achieve the reward from the companies superiors. Company should set the
target for the each group and after the achievement of the task they should give reward to
the whole group. This will increase the performance of the employees and company can
take competitive advantages in the market and show their presence.
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