
Supporting Team Performance and Cohesion


Added on  2020-07-23

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BSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectivenessUnit NameLead and Manage Team EffectivenessDeclaration of authenticityI, the above-named student, confirm that by submitting, or causing the attached assignment(and any additional attachment associated with it) to be submitted, to Lonsdale Institute PtyLtd, I havenot plagiarised any other person’s work in this assignment and except whereappropriately acknowledged, this assignment is my own work, has been expressed in myown words, and has not previously been submitted forassessment.I do understand and accept the consequences of academic misconduct according to Lonsdale’s Policies and Procedures.AdditionallyI have read:The submission and assessment completion instructions inMoodleThe assessment task completion instructions in thisdocumentI have sought clarification from my trainer and assessor, ifneededI understand my rights and obligations under Lonsdale’s policy and procedures
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Assessment TaskBSB51915 Diploma of Leadership and ManagementBSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectivenessThis assessment comprises of different tasks designed to assess your ability to:Establish a team performanceplanDevelop and facilitate teamcohesionFacilitateteamworkLiaise withstakeholdersRead each task carefully and address all that is required.To perform this task the following scenario is to be considered:You are the Marketing Manager at Lonsdale Institute. The Institute is planning to extend their business course offering to corporate clients and requires the marketing team to develop an effective marketing plan to support the strategic objective. To do so, they are employing some new staff member to strengthen the marketing team.You will work with a group of your classmates to perform this task, each one of you will assume to be theleader of the group/team, while the rest of the classmates in the group will form the team.The assessment must be performed individually, the classmates in your group simply provide you with anopportunity to perform the assessment in a simulated work environment through a role play.You will have to work with your group to perform the following tasks:Develop a skill matrix for the team: interview each group member to assess their skillsand knowledge against the skills and knowledge required for the roles in the marketingteamPresent your plan for theteamTherefore, your first task is to form a group of minimum 4 students and max 6 to undertake this assessment.Alternative scenario:If you are unable to undertake the assessment task using the proposed scenario, discuss alternativeswith your trainer and assessor. You will have to:Provide a written explanation of why you cannot perform the assessment task working witha group of students in yourclassPropose an alternative scenario that can meet the requirements of this assessment; this includes proposing a scenario where you will perform a real or simulated task managing ateamAgree with the trainer on the scenario forassessmentProvide notes below about what has beenagreed:
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Assessment TaskBSB51915 Diploma of Leadership and ManagementBSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectivenessTASK 1 –TEAM PERFORMANCEPLAN1.Develop a skills matrix for theteam.Address all the following:a)Determine the positions (roles) required to achieve the goals set by the organisation for theteam
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Assessment TaskBSB51915 Diploma of Leadership and ManagementBSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectivenessObjectivesRoles in theteamIncreasing the sale and profit generationsCoordinator role in order to guide the activities to theteam members which are required to improve sales ofproducts and services in market (Woodcock,2017).Resource investigator to explore outside opportunities.Creation of goodwill and public imageImplementer role and puts ideas in to actionb)For each role, determine what Skills and Knowledge (SK) are required to cover each position(role)efficiently)Leadership skills have been required in individual to perform the role of coordinator.Require conceptual and communication skills to perform the role implementor.c)Develop a skill matrix for theteamNote: you will have to assess each team member in your group against the knowledge and skills required. Therefore, you will have to base your analysis on the skills and knowledge that each one of the group members currently has.Team Member Name andRoleSkills / Knowledge (SK)Proficiency 0 to 5 where 0 ispoor, 3 is average and 5 is excellent.<SK><SK><SK><SK><SK><SK><SK><SK>Leadershipskils Communication skills Technical skills Planning skillsMotivating skills Risk taking skills Problems solving skillsTeam management skills
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Assessment TaskBSB51915 Diploma of Leadership and ManagementBSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectivenessTeam Member Name andRoleSkills / Knowledge (SK)Proficiency 0 to 5 where 0 is poor, 3 is average and 5 is excellent.Leadershipskils Communication skills Technical skills Planning skillsMotivating skills Risk taking skills Problems solving skillsTeam management skillsShaper Role54554354Implementer role45445545Finisher role54555252Coordinator role45344545Team workers role54555454Resources investigator 45454545Specialist role 53555455Monster and elevator 424545442.Establish theteamDevelop a plan to establish the team that is presented in cohesive and professional manner. The plan, must address all the following points:Purpose of theplanA teamvisionA teammissionTeam behaviours and ground rules (Min.5)Objectives to be achieved (both for the organisation and for teamperformance)A description of the team in termsof:oTypeoSizeoComposition
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Assessment TaskBSB51915 Diploma of Leadership and ManagementBSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectivenessoOrganisationalcontextlKey Performance Indicators against eachobjectivelDevelop KPIs for each role in the team and identify possible areas of intervention basedon theskills and knowledge analysis (a table to be added to your plan is providedbelow).lPurpose of plan: It is the most important thing that implies to reason for which team member needs to develop aneffective marketing plan (Schippers, West and Dawson, 2015). In present case, main reason behind developmentmarketing plan for Lonsdale institute is to accomplish there objectives of expansion and operation in other countriesand increasing the awareness of their courses among corporateclients.lTeam vision: To developed an awareness of different courses which are offered by Lonsdale institutes betweenthestudents and continuous expansion of operations. Accomplish of vision, mission and objectives of organisation through effective participation, involvement and engagement in performing task of planning, managing activities,evaluation and determination of results.lTeam mission: Performing role and responsibilities effectively in order to achieve the vision of company througheffective participation and involvement. Working hard to make the Lonsdale the most preferred education institute andexpansion ofoperations.lTeam behaviors and ground rules: In this, I will ensure that my behavior towards team members will remain effectiveand all the rule which are developed must be followed.ctives to achieved: It is also considered as aim of enterprise behind development of marketing team and orming the functions to achieve positive outcomes. Main objective behind marketing is to increase theeness of brand among the customers. Further, effective performance management of employees inordertoove their to perform the jobseffectively.ription of team:oType: Marketingteam:oSize: Consists of 10membersoComposition: Team composition refers to the overall mix of characteristics among people in a team, which is a unit of two or more individuals who interact interdependently to achieve a common objective. It is based on the attributes among individuals that comprise the team, in addition to their main objective.oOrganisationalcontext:MarketingteamofLonsdaleinstitutewhichisparentcompanythatownoneormore entities in UK. Marketing department of organisation as it aims at accomplishment ofobjectives atworkplace.lKey performance indicators: Major key performance indicators of marketing team in Lonsdale has been analysed asIncrease in sale revenue, customers value, Inbound marketing ROI, Increase in number of clients and increasingperformance of organisation inmarket.TA102 FOAssessmentTaskPage 6 of16TA102 PP Assessment Management (SNR1.8)(ESOS14.2)V2 Dec2017
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Assessment TaskBSB51915 Diploma of Leadership and ManagementBSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectivenesslDevelopment of KPIs: Rise in sale is the key performance indicator that needs to be developed by organisation inorder to gain competencies at workplace (Spillane and Coldren, 2015). Development of values among thecorporate clients through introduction of new courses. Various important business concepts have been taken into consideration in order to gain various important business concepts and attitudes. By focusing on long termrequirements within organisational context to ensure that P&P are effective. Further, concentrating ontheIn this question you are to list all the team members and nominate the KPIs and when you will intervene if the KPIs are not being met. The KPIs need to be revised - 'Resolution of conflict and critical situations' is n ot a KPI - how would you measure this?e in order to ensure that process and performance of employees is effective.Areas of interventionAll the KPIs need revisionand team manaution of conflict andcriticalsituations.Effective decision makingcooperation among the employeesTeammanagementEffectivecooperationandcollaboration betweenemployees.PerformancemanagementRise in standard ofemployeesperformance, ability and skills toperform crucial tasks.TeameffectivenessDevelop of trustandconfidencebetween the people towardseachother.IncreasingsalerevenueRise profitability and expansionofoperations.Specific and measurable task of performing the jobIncreasing competencies andAbilities ofemployeesthroughtrainingprogram.Developing effectiveness among the members and team effectivenessof skills at workplace.Use of effective and appropriate strategies along with using an effective channel of promotion.Team management Time duration of KPIIf these KPIs are not met.Project manager 2 weeks Possible reviews of supervisors will betaken Marketing managers1 week Group discussion will be undertakenTraining manager1 weekReviews of employees will be takenSales manager2 weeksSpecific strategies will be adopted.lA strategy to support team members in achieving expected outcomes. The strategy mustaddress:oSupport to address the gaps in skills and knowledge required to achieve theKPIsoLeadership support (such as mentoring andcoaching)oSupport that team members can provide to eachotherlA detailed and contextualised (not generic) strategyto:oEnsure team members have input into planning, decision making and theoperational aspects of teamwork
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oEncourage team members to participate and take responsibilities for teamactivities, including communicationprocessesoProvide timely feedback to team members to encourage, value and reward individualand team efforts andcontributionsTA102 FOAssessmentTaskPage 7 of16TA102 PP Assessment Management (SNR1.8)(ESOS14.2)V2 Dec2017
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