
Leadership and Management MAIN BODY


Added on  2021-02-19

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Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentHigher Education
Leadership and Management
Leadership and Management MAIN BODY_1

Table of ContentsMAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................11: What is involved in being a successful leader?.......................................................................12: Methods to develop good leadership......................................................................................33: Difference between management and leadership....................................................................44: What have you learnt about leadership from this course and elsewhere................................6CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................8REFERENCES................................................................................................................................9
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MAIN BODY1: What is involved in being a successful leader? Leader is the person who holds the superior position. They are expert in specific fieldand has ability to influence others persons for accomplishing goals and target of company. Tobecome a successful leader. An individual has to take initiate and set an example for others sothey are motivated to follow him. For this assignment some theory are chosen that showcharacteristic and traits for leader are as follow:Great man theory of leadership- In the 19th century there are many example which aredirectly relate with this theory. This theory states that leaders are born not made, it determine thatif an individual is placed at right job then magically or with inherent traits they control complexsituations. So, the goals and target of company will be achieved in minimum time period. Leaderhas ability to control difficult situation. Along with this, they lead group of people for safety andsuccess of organisation (Amanchukwu, Stanley and Ololube, 2015).Big five personality traits of leadership- Under this, some characteristic are define thatshow essential skill to become successful leader is mention as followExtroversion- An individual who has good social skills, like to express their view,thoughts etc. publicly which determine that they are dominant in nature. It help them to verifythemselves in groups.Conscientiousness- The successful leader are always hard worker. To perform andachieve their task, they always complete their work in managed and organised way. Thiscontinue effort to accomplish task in systematic way help an individual to emerge as leaderquickly.Openness to experience- These type of individuals are always ready to learn new thingsfrom society or others. They are always open to interact with other person which determine thatsuccessful leaders are good listener. It help to get update information of market or industry (Birdand Mendenhall, 2016).Neuroticism- This type of leader are not good successor for company but to fulfil theirrole they invest or put more efforts. As they are not compromise with goal and target of companydue to which they provide an adequate support to the management in implementation of plans1
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and policy. This type of leaders contain moody nature, such as fear, anxiety etc. whichdetermine that these leaders are not emotionally strong.Agreeableness- This is the last trait that help leaders to dominate other people. As theyhas good listening skills, so it help them to be active and obedient. It help leaders to standseparate from individuals (Bush, Bell and Middlewood, 2019).Skills for successful leadershipKatz’s Three Skills Model- To become a successful leader there are different skills thatare present in an individual to influence other people. These skills are mention as below thatinclude Technical, human and conceptual:Technical skill- Technical skill refer to competency in the particular activity or project.Successful leader has brief knowledge about work or task which signify that to achieve target,leader must be aware about tactics and strategy that is essential for completion of work. LikePeter Jones who is successful leader aware about all electronic computer skills. This help them togain high result. Human skill- Under this, a leader has to manage the whole work process with differenttypes of peoples. These are considered as an asset of company as their success depend onperformance of organisation. Like, Peter Jones work provide opportunity to individuals toestablish their career as entrepreneurs (Cherry and Jacob, 2016). Conceptual skill- A successful leader has ability to manage the work between situationsand it produce effective result for company by coordinating different activities together. Theyhas wide concept that help to achieve specific goals and make presence of them for longerperiod. As Peter started own venture from small age so it help them to gain experience in allsectors.Approach toward leadershipSituational leadership- This type of leadership is adjustive and flexible as this help anleader to modify work as dynamic changes that take place in market. Under different situation itis not necessary that an individual or leader execute same methods or technique. As Peter operatedifferent business in which it is essential to adopt situational leadership to find alternative ofcomplex situation. Path goal theory- This theory is based on specific leadership style and behaviour. Underthis theory the behaviour of employees are analysis within aspects that they create effective2
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