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Leadership and Management


Added on  2023/03/17

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This article discusses the roles of leaders and managers in the success of an organization, specifically focusing on Beauty Bay. It explores the differences between leaders and managers, their responsibilities, and how they contribute to the operations of the organization. The article also highlights the importance of leadership and management in achieving efficiency in operation management.

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Leadership and management
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Leadership and management 2
Executive summary
Control and coordination of the organization are at the center as long as the performance
of the organization is concerned. Proper management and leadership are therefore the key factors
and determinant of the success of the operations of the organization on the ground of the human
resource. This article is a report on the differentiation of leaders from managers and the role each
play for the betterment of the organization's activities.
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Leadership and management 3
Table of Contents
Executive summary.....................................................................................................................................2
Organization structure.................................................................................................................................5
Management theory....................................................................................................................................7
Human relation theory............................................................................................................................7
Definition of Leaders...................................................................................................................................9
Definition of Managers................................................................................................................................9
Distinction between leaders and managers by roles...................................................................................9
Role of managers Beauty Bay...................................................................................................................10
Strategies and goal setting.....................................................................................................................10
Overseeing process................................................................................................................................11
Oversight on the regulations and policies.............................................................................................11
Role of leaders in Beauty Bay....................................................................................................................12
Setting vision.........................................................................................................................................12
Motivation of employees.......................................................................................................................12
Business negotiation..............................................................................................................................12
Serving the team...................................................................................................................................13
Difference between management and leadership....................................................................................13
Leaders create vision while managers create goals...............................................................................14
Leadership entails taking risk while management entails risk control...................................................14
Leadership grow personally while management work on proven skills................................................14
Leadership is about the relationship while management is about systems..........................................15
Contingency leadership model..................................................................................................................15
Strength of the model...............................................................................................................................16
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The weakness of the model.......................................................................................................................16
Approaches to operation management.....................................................................................................16
Importance and value of operation management in Beauty Bay..............................................................17
How leaders and manager can achieve efficiency in operation management...........................................17
Relationship between leadership and management and its effect on the operations of Beauty Bay.......18
Critical evaluation of leadership and management relationship in Beauty Bay.........................................18
Factors that impact decision making in Beauty Bay..................................................................................19
Human resource....................................................................................................................................19

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Beauty Bay has been operational for the last thirty year since it was established. The
organization has been experiencing exponential growth over time based on stable management
and leadership. Beauty Bay is a renowned toiletries dealer well installed across Australia and the
United Kingdom. However, the organization does not produce products of its own, and the
suppliers of the products are numerous and are chosen based on the efficiency of the products
they provide in the ground of both quality and the price of the product as well as the consumer
and the market behavior and trend (Willis, Clarke, O'Connor, 2017).
The organization also provide physical services including hairdressing, nails making,
makeup application, haircut and advisory services on the most suitable product to use to serve a
given beauty purpose effectively.
Organization structure
Organization structure refers to a typical hierarchical arrangement of powers, duties
responsibilities and the communication lines established and employed in the organization.
Typically, the individuals with the vital responsibilities of running the business delegates duties
to the employees with less essential responsibilities. The more the individual is allocated to
sensitive responsibilities, the more they have power and hence employees with fewer
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responsibility reports to them in a hierarchical until the information reaches the top management
and leadership of the organization (Cherry, & Jacob, 2016).
Over the 2500 branches established all over the world, the organization assumes a
functional organization structure with the duties and responsibilities divided into various
departments like marketing department, information technology department, finance department,
and human resource department among others. Each department has a manager assigned to
handle it. The manager at the department level reports to the executive manager. The
administrative manager is the person assigned the responsibility of oversight over several
The functional organization structure helps the organization to group the human resource
according to their skills, expertise, and competence in the performance of duties. Fitting the
human resource and commitments he has no ability in, the lead to poor performance. In other
cases, the organization may assign responsibilities to individuals who don’t like the
responsibilities assigned to them. The individuals eventually develop poor working morale and
boredom. The operations of the organization are henceforth paralyzed, and the efficiency is
lowered every day (Gopee, & Galloway, 2017).
Research has it that, when the human resource is assigned to duties they like doing best
they become more productive because they have a boosted morale of work and want to prove
they are most efficient the organization can have in the performance of the respective duties.
Also, the speed of operation is relatively high, and deadlines are well met since the individuals
have been assigned the responsibility that matches their skills.
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The structure prevents the organization from suffering the disadvantage of time wastage
on a daily routine of assigning responsibilities by ensuring every individual is lucid and
conversant of what is expected of him at any given time. Most importantly, the structure is a tool
of expertise developed through the division of labor and specialization (McCaffery, 2018).
The functional organization structure assumed by Beauty Bay, however, has several
disadvantages that pose some drawbacks to the efficiency of operation of the organization. First,
the organization's duties are divided into different departments, and different objectives are set
for each department aiming at attaining a common goal of the organization. The division creates
a split between the departments, and there is little communication between the departments, and
it’s usually through the managers thus losing the bonds between the employees.
Disputes and disagreements are universal and global. Territorial disputes based on the
departments dominate the functional organization structure due to differences as far as the
achievements and goals setting and budgetary are concerned. Some departments feel superior
and oppress the individuals of the group they perceive to be inferior creating a rift between them.
The lift tends widening every day, and new employees take very little time to adapt to the trend.
This inhibits departmental cooperation hence paralyzing the achievement of the goals set by the
entire organization (Bush, Bell, & Middlewood, 2019).
Management theory
Management is said to be both an art and a science no clear outline of how much
scientific it is and the level of art it can be said to be. Managers are the personnel’s mandated
power and responsibility to man the human resource in Beauty Bay whose behavior can’t be
reduced using mathematical formulas. The management protocol develops from the exercise of

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Leadership and management 8
the traditional top-down duties delegation and communication and the authoritarian paradigm in
the organization.
Human relation theory
The human relation theory is the best in the explanation of leadership style adopted in
Beauty Bay. Before the industrial revolution in 1920, management of different organizations had
a view of human resources and other functional units of organization in terms of numbers.
However, after the industrial revolution, the organization's management realized that human
resource has desires and need for attention. The theory was realized on the ground of realization
of effectiveness in the operations of Beauty Bay and goals achievement upon fulfilling the
desires of the human resource and giving the attention (Amanchukwu, Stanley, & Ololube,
Managers since then stopped eying human resource effectiveness as being only impacted
by the number of employees in Beauty Bay but also other aspects like the morale and motivation
of the employees to achieve the goals set. Before the industrial revolution, the management
added the number of employees whenever they evaluated the performance of the organization
and found it to be less effective. Today, the most organization uses the human relation theory,
and they invest more in motivating the employees by giving them attention and responding
appropriately to the issues they raise. They also give the human resource the freedom of decision
making and duties implementation.
Research on work and management claims that a free person is more productive than a
slave or a person of forced and closely managed labor force. The argument in this note is that
slaves and closely managed labor force only performs the best on the presence of the manager to
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Leadership and management 9
please him. Om the managing personnel absence, the rate of work significantly drops, and the
goals of the organization are not realized.
Free people who have been given the appropriate attention at work, motivated by the
incentives, retirement benefits, house allowances, performance awards, and promotion performs
better in presence and absence of the management since they are goal driven and performance at
work is not forced responsibility (Briggs, & Coleman, 2019).
Precisely, the theory claims that the efficiency of employee performance is tied tightly to
the relationship established between themselves and the management. Friendly relationship
motivates the employees and boosts their morale of work hence efficiency and the achievement
of goals. On the other hand, strict and close management of employees, viewing them in terms of
numbers like other factors of production lowers the employee’s morale of work hence negatively
affecting the performance.
Definition of Leaders
Leaders are the individuals who exercise the function of motivating employees towards
achieving a common goal of the Beauty Bay. The effectiveness of leadership in Beauty Bay is
based on the ideas of the leader and how and when they are communicated to the employees. The
leaders possess a commendable combination of leadership and personality skills to ensure
relevance and competence in the field of work. The leader should be of significant influence to
the workers such that when he gives direction, the largest group will comply.
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Definition of Managers
Managers are the persons who man, supervise and oversee the activities of the employees
in Beauty Bay. Usually, they work on behalf of the employer, and most trade unions view the
manager as the representative of the employer as opposed to an employee. Small businesses are
easily managed by one manager while large like Beauty Bay have several managers working at
different functional units of the organization and they report to the executive manager (Diamond,
& Spillane, 2016).
Distinction between leaders and managers by roles
Beauty Bay is a big business organization and its activities are run by a huge human
resource that of course has to be managed and inspired to ensure the flow of the activities is in
line with the expectation of the boss which is reflected by the amount of profit generated. The
managers in Beauty Bay are entitled the role of oversight of the organization human resource,
control, coordination and planning of the activities and time as well as the resources to be
involved in the work.
Leaders on the other hand are the servants of the employees and act as the link between
Beauty Bay management and the employees. The biggest role of the leaders is the conceptualize
an idea, inspire and motivate along coaching of the employees to realize the desired state of
Beauty Bay in future.
Role of managers Beauty Bay
Irrespective of the size of the business, every organization needs personnel to keep an eye
on the business. Lack of a manager in the organization creates a lawlessness environment and

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Leadership and management 11
employees with evil motifs will end up messing up the organization. Beauty Bay is a no
exception business and has managers too who performs the following significant roles of the
Strategies and goal setting
The managers identify the area that can be improved in the Beauty Bay and take it as an
opportunity of the organization. These strategies, however, are set at the department level after a
consultation process with other departments of the organization. For instance, when the
marketing manager of Beauty Bay realizes of the organization weakness in marketing and opts to
use the social media to boost the number of sales, he must consult the finance manager to
confirm whether the organization can finance the strategy. The importation manager may, on the
other hand, decide Beauty Bay should have its transporting vessels and reduce the reliance on
public transport system hoping to cut the cost of the business operations. This implies that the
manager plays a crucial role in determining the way to go although he must consult other
existing department managers or the executive manager (Bolden, 2016).
The strategies and goals setting determine the organization's mission. Hence the
managers are responsible for determination of the role every person should play to achieve the
goals set. The marketing manager decides on the most appropriate marketing strategy of the
organization's products.
Overseeing process
A manager in Beauty Bay branches and departments performs on behalf of the
organization owner. Transport manager handles the transport system and the individuals
involved. He determines their efficiency and possible room of improvement as well as the cost
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Leadership and management 12
evaluation. All this is done on behalf of Beauty Bay owner to ensure the branches have sufficient
stock to meet demand and the supply arrives on time, identify the room for improvement to
either save on the cost or increase the profit and identify new opportunities in the market on
behalf of the employer (Pardey, 2016).
Every activity in the business needs oversight personnel to ensure the smooth running of the
organization's activities. Otherwise, the finance department will face difficulties in working with
the transport department without the cooperation of a dedicated person to man the activities.
Oversight on the regulations and policies
As much as the managers strive to better the conditions of Beauty Bay in financial and
working standard, they also have the mandate of ensuring the business follows the rules and the
regulation of the social society and the government. The human resource manager holds the
responsibility of ensuring the Beauty Bay observes the rules governing the hiring of employees.
The manager ensures discrimination of candidates is eliminated during the hiring process. The
manager also ensures the employee's safety is observed at the workplace and provides safety
equipment that matches the operation carried out by the employees (Pihlainen, Kivinen, &
Lammintakanen, 2016).
Role of leaders in Beauty Bay
While managers have a wide field of work considering the other aspects of work and
human resource, the leaders in Beauty Bay have narrowed objectives that highly comprise of the
human resource and work related. The role of the leaders includes:
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Setting vision
The management set the goals of the organization; however only a small percentage of
the human resource of Beauty Bay will understand the future desired state of the organization.
Leaders take the responsibility of sensitizing the employees on this desired future state and print
a clear image of what it entails in the mind of the employees (Renz, 2016).
Motivation of employees
The leaders have the responsibility of understanding the need of the employees and fight
for their fulfillment to ensure a motivated working environment. When the employees lack
contentment at work, it leads to the development of resistance at work which can eventually lead
to protest and mass destruction.
Business negotiation
It’s difficult for every employee to submit a claim on the salary increment, reduction of
the working hours or provision of safety materials to the manager on various grounds like fear,
protocol, and a large number of the employees hence difficult to submit individual complain. The
leader, however, collects the team's members complain and submit them to the respective
management body (Fischer, Dopson, Fitzgerald, Bennett, Ferlie, Ledger, & McGivern, 2016).
Serving the team
A leader is a symbol of the teams, and he is meant to serve the team. Unlike the manager
who has the duty of oversight on the conduct of the employees in the line of duty, the leaders
focus on serving the interest of the team. Leaders are mostly used as the tool of interaction
between the management and human resource of Beauty Bay. For instance, in case of a meeting

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Leadership and management 14
is to be conducted by the management and the employees are too represented, the leaders play
the role of representing their teams in the meeting.
Difference between management and leadership
Leadership and management are likely the most used words in the running of the
activities of the most cases, they are used interchangeably without the consciousness
of the big difference the two have. Management is the roles played by the manager, and it
involves oversight of the activities carried out by people working in the organization where the
manager is the hired personnel representing the employer while leadership is the role of the
leader and it involves leading a team towards the realization of a vision. The leaders are team
servants and not overseers (Nayani, Nielsen, Daniels, Feilder, & Lewis, 2018).
The most significant differences between management and leadership are attributed to the
difference in the roles each group plays. The differences between leaders and managers include:
Leaders create vision while managers create goals
The minor employees are always disposed to low information on the desired future state
of the organization concerning their leaders. The leaders likely obtain this information from the
management during the meetings where the leader represents a team of the employees. The
leaders have the duty of making sure that every employee is aware of the organization’s desired
future state and are working together as a team to accomplish the vision. Leaders believe
teamwork is more effective in vision realization as compared to an individual’s efforts. In basic
terms, leadership focuses on the mechanism of realizing the organization’s vision.
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Leadership and management 15
Management, on the other hand, has a preference for goals. The managers identify the
areas that deserve improvement and the improvement desired is set as a goal. They also come up
with the mechanism of evaluating the feasibility of the goal and the resources required.
Management is goal oriented while leadership is vision oriented (Donate, & Pablo, 2015).
Leadership entails taking risk while management entails risk control
When the leaders conceive a vision, they are out to accomplish it by all means even if it
may lead to miserable business failure. A leader believes in risk-taking and failure as a stepping
stone to success. Management, on the other hand, will have sleepless nights to control risk.
Bearing in mind that management functions on behalf of the employer, it works to combat risky
happenings instead of embracing them.
Leadership grow personally while management work on proven skills
Leadership entails taking the risk even if the failure attached to it is miserable. If a leader
doesn’t learn something new in the business in a day, they refer to it as a failure. Leaders are
determined to challenge the current working mechanisms of the world and bring a long term
change in the working environment. On the other hand, management is relying on already proven
effective mechanisms. When the leader is striving to come with a come up with a product that is
more likely to be of more impact in the market in terms of volume of sale and the quality of the
product, the manager will be struggling with the mechanisms of promoting the existing product
through advertisement and quality improvement. When the leader comes up with a competitive
product, the managers come in and develop a mechanism to promote the new brand in the market
(Pulkkinen & et al, 2019).
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Leadership and management 16
Leadership is about the relationship while management is about systems
Leaders believe in the mutual relationship of the team members in the realization of the
vision they have. They believe everyone count and they only need to coach and nurture towards
the dream realization. The leaders have a lot of interest in the team player well-being and
emotion while on the other hand managers develop and focus on the structures to achieve the
goals they set. Manager oversight implementation mechanism, while leader who coaches the
implementing team.
Contingency leadership model
Contingency theory is built in the foundation of the belief of no good leadership model
exists, and the suitability of the model the leader uses depends on the situation. Beauty Bay
adopts this style in its leadership theory. The theory does not recommend adaptation to a given
leadership style since the suitability of the style depends on the situation and the person
implementing it (Jeon, Merlyn, Sansoni, & Glasgow, 2017). Beauty Bay leaders use this theory,
and the leadership style is decided by the coworkers. The questionnaire is conducted to the
coworkers on the kind of skills and behavior of the leader they would like to have. The answers
from the coworkers determine the leader the department is assigned.
Strength of the model
Contingency leadership model has survived in the industry because it uses empirical and
data collection in the exact environment of the implementation. The theory is not limited to
believe in a single leadership theory as efficient hence it has a broad scope. The data collected

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from one department on the preferred leadership skills in the department can be used as a sample
for the preferred leadership for the whole organization. The theory doesn’t believe on universal
effectiveness of leaders, and the effectiveness is situation dependent.
The weakness of the model
Despite the strength, the model has weaknesses worth consideration; first, the theory
doesn’t explain why some leaders are effective in some situations and ineffective in some. The
use of coworkers is another major weakness since some workers are not aware of the leadership
style that will best suit them or they are just biased in the selection of the skills (Edwards,
Schedlitzki, Turnbull, & Gill, 2015).
Approaches to operation management
Operations management refers to the management of the conversion of raw material to
finished goods in an efficient manner and favor of the organization. The leaders have the
mandate of coming up with the models of operation management while the managers have the
mandate of acquisition and application. The models include:
Lean production which is the strategy or the model used to produce goods and services
with the little possible wastage. The other possible approach is the use of Six Sigma. The model
evaluates and analyzes the decision made by the management to ensure that it is not misleading.
The analysis of the decision is done along the scale of risk of failure to evaluate the impact
failure occurrence could have to the organization. This ensures the model organization take has
the least failure risk impact.
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Leadership and management 18
Importance and value of operation management in Beauty Bay
Production of goods from raw material within the least possible cost is probably the best
thing the organization aiming at making a profit will ever do. Minimum operation cost enhances
the organization to combat competition and earn more profits. It also gives the management
confidence of operation knowing that the operation mechanisms installed in the organization
have little impact on the organization in case of failure (Gupta, Kulkarni, & Khatri, 2018).
Saving on the expenditure incurred to availing the goods and the service of the
organization to the clients as well as the reduced wastage in the process save the Beauty Bay
financial condition through reducing expenses and losses hence maintaining a stable financial
How leaders and manager can achieve efficiency in operation
The leaders should empower remote employees through a private virtual network to
ensure coaching and assessing them is comfortable and functional. Also, the leaders and the
management should abolish the entire useless or less productive employee’s leadership hierarchy
in Beauty Bay structure; this will ensure that the leader can communicate with an employee and
get the information on what could be more useful to do. The useless hierarchies provide room for
jealousy and conflict eating up the effectiveness of the operation (Saeed, Bury, Bonsall, & Riahi,
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Leadership and management 19
Relationship between leadership and management and its effect on the
operations of Beauty Bay
Leaders come up with the vision on an efficient production means and present it to the
management for budgeting, planning, and control. It the idea rings a bell in the management
mind it is given back to the leaders for implementation and become a goal for the organization to
achieve. The leader’s coaches the employees on how to go about it until it is achieved resulting
in a better means of operation (Mutale, Mutale, Kachemba, Mukendi, Clarke, & Mulengam,
Critical evaluation of leadership and management relationship in Beauty
Beauty Bay leaders once suggested that the organization should start an online selling
platform. It was all a vision. The management agreed with the idea and budgeted for it. It was
given back to the leaders in the marketing department for practical application. The leaders
coached the marketing team on how to go about it. Today the online platform sells larger
volumes than the physical stores.
Factors that impact decision making in Beauty Bay
The financial condition of the business dictates the goals the management will set to
avoid setting to high goals that the organization can’t achieve. On the other hand the chances of
setting goals that are below the capacity of the organization are eliminated.

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Human resource
The goals of Beauty Bay are set in the first consideration of available of the skill needed
to realize the objective. If the skills exist, it is an advantage to the organization and vice versa
inhibits realization of the objective.
Management and leadership are two terms usually misused in the business context. Some
people believe they are synonyms contradicting the truth. First, an individual becomes a manager
by the virtual of his position in the business while a person becomes a leader based on his
qualities and skills. Also, the manager has formality in operation and handling, control,
coordination, management, and other management mandates while the leader only has a less
formal duty of influencing people to work willingly. Finally all managers are leaders in different
capacities; however, all leaders are not managers.
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Leadership and management 21
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