
Leadership and Management for Service Industries


Added on  2023-01-11

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Leadership and Management for Service Industries_1

Different classical management theories and apply within Rosewood hotel..............................3
Role of leader and different styles...............................................................................................4
Review management and leadership style in organisation..........................................................6
LO 2.................................................................................................................................................6
Influence of Internal and External Management Styles and Structure........................................6
Organization structure.................................................................................................................7
Current and future management leadership skill.........................................................................8
LO 4...............................................................................................................................................11
Comparison between Different Service Industries....................................................................11
Leadership and Management for Service Industries_2

Managing business in one of the most essential task which helps to maintain all the
resources to gain better information and generate effective strategies. This also helps to improve
the potential of business organisation to compete in the market by attracting and satisfying more
customers effectively. Due to increase in the competition in the hospitality industry it is very
essential for businesses to improve skills and knowledge of employees and improve
opportunities to create effective leaders and managers to achieve objectives effectively. In this
report there is a brief case study on Hartwell House Hotel which was established in 1989 in
England. Report discussed about different classical management theories which helps the
increase the potential of employees. Furthermore, there is detailed explanation about all the
current and future leadership and management skill which improves the potential to grow profit
margins of Hartwell House hotel since the hotel is build on historic place which increases its
value to attract more customers to increase their satisfaction from around the world.
Different classical management theories and apply within Rosewood hotel
Classical management theories is the executive hypothesis is a customary kind hypothesis
wherein stress on specialist's physical and prudent needs rather than social needs and occupation
fulfilment. In other word, this administration hypothesis doesn't concentrate on people's social
needs (like relationship, cordial correspondence) and prosperity however it has objective to
expand benefit however much as could be expected. Old style the executives hypothesis is
actualized on progressive hierarchical structure though the board isolates work environment into
three layers, for example, high level administration wherein included proprietors, leading body
of chief and officials. Canter administration involves fund division and chief while most minimal
degree of the chain is director who screens people's exercises and their issues on consistent
schedule (Jeon, Lee and Jeong, 2020). It is very essential for Hartwell House Hotel to understand
all the types of management theories which helps to increase the performance of the hotel to
achieve the objectives effectively.
Scientific management
This management theory analyses all activities in the business organisation and increase
the financial performance of the business effectively. The main focuses of this theory is to
Leadership and Management for Service Industries_3

enhance profit generation to provide better services to its customers effectively. it also aim to
reduce the cost of operations and enhancing employees skills and knowledge by training them
which also helps Hartwell House Hotel to gain better opportunity to grow and improve brand
value effectively. Harwell has to develop effective strategies which increase job satisfaction of
employees and reduce employee turnover which saves cost to hire new employees and provide
them training.
Bureaucratic management
This theory is very essential to manage all employees in the organisation as it states that it
is very essential to assign roles and responsibilities to employees in the business organization. It
helps to increase communication level in the organisation and also increases transparency to
create trust within the organisation. This improves organisational culture to increase performance
of employees of the hotel to achieve objectives effectively. Bureaucracy is very essential for
Harwell House Hotel to implement as it helps to increase the productive thinking of employees
to increase the motivation level. This increases employee loyalty in the hotel and also provides
better opportunity to attract more customers and enhance their experience to improve brand
image of the hotel in the hospitality industry effectively. operation activities is the main part of
service sectors in hospitality industry which increases the quality of service and it is very
essential to manage all the activities to improve profit margins effectively.
Administrative management
Administrative theory of management was developed by Henry Fayol by stating that all
the managers and born with managerial skills and characteristics and not learned overtime. This
theory helps business to focus on certain managerial traits and characteristics in the employees to
increase the potential of the organisational structure effectively. This also helps hotel to maintain
the quality of services according to needs and wants of customers which improves the efficiency
increase their satisfaction. This theory helps to segregate all the roles according to their potential
which is right man at right job at right place which helps to increase the efficiency of employees
to achieve objectives effectively.
Role of leader and different styles
Leaders are very important part of business organisation which helps to push the potential
of employees by influencing them and improving their quality to attain objectives effectively. It
Leadership and Management for Service Industries_4

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