
Leadership and Management in the Hospitality Industry


Added on  2023-01-11

14 Pages5305 Words72 Views
Leadership ManagementHealthcare and Research
Leadership and
Leadership and Management in the Hospitality Industry_1

Table of Contents
MAIN BODY..................................................................................................................................3
Critical essay around an area of contention linked to leadership and management issues
experienced and applied to Hospitality industry.........................................................................3
Leadership and Management in the Hospitality Industry_2

Management can be defined as the process of planning, making decisions, leading as well as
controlling the business activity on a regular basis for the purpose of attaining the goals. It is one
of the most important process which allows the business entity to perform better and tackle any
sort of critical condition which can create issues in attaining the goals. On the other side,
leadership is process where leaders are required to set a new direction or the vision which can be
easily followed by the subordinates (Haile, Emmanuel and Dzathor, 2016). Any of the
organisation requires leader within the company because they are the one who can easily motive
their subordinates and guide them in best possible manner for attaining the goals of a company.
In context of the report, the chosen organisation is Hotel Holiday Inn. It is one of multinational
organisation which has been dealing within the market since long time period and providing the
services to the customers as per their requirement. It was commenced on 1st August 1952 by
Kemmons Wilson whereas its headquarter is located in Denham, Buckinghamshire, United
Kingdom. Currently organisation has been able to provide its services America, Europe, Africa,
Asia by establishing around 1300 branches. While talking about the file, depth research will be
conducted for an area of contention linked to leadership and management issues experienced and
applied. For the purpose of understanding the concept in detail, several types of theories and
challenges which a leader has to face will be explained in detail. There are some of the other
topic as well such as importance, roles and responsibility of a leader. Finally, critical review will
be done for the purpose of better understanding about the file.
Critical essay around an area of contention linked to leadership and management issues
experienced and applied to Hospitality industry.
Leaders and Managers means both research and practical skill that is based upon ability
of an person or an individual to lead an organization. In other words, it can be said that they help
in guiding a organization towards better and more effective way of earning profit in faster
manner. In this, every opportunity of communication is seen and also mentoring is done to
clarify objectives which has to be achieved by an organization. Also these leaders are responsible
for setting up of vison and aim of company (Herman, 2016). Leaders built up certain skills and
motivates employees to perform better and give quality results. It can also be said as art of
Leadership and Management in the Hospitality Industry_3

motivating a group of persons for achieving of common goal. In business this can be identify as
directing workers and collogues through a strategy to meet with company needs. There are
certain qualities that a good leader should have and they are clarity which means they should be
clear and precise towards accomplishing of task. Decisiveness which means once they have
made up their mind then no one can stop them from achieving their goals. Then comes other
qualities like encouraging employees, making them passionate about work and also should has
some humanity within them. then comes management which means to administrate an
organization to helping in up liftmen of an organization by helping it through achieving of goals
and objectives of an organization (Hamlin, 2016). Organization also coordinates with the
employees and make them work in proper manner. It contains an important function of forming
those policies that is required by an organization and contains elements like planning, controlling
and directing of organizational resources. Also it contains certain characteristics like it is a goal
orientation process and is multidimensional in nature. Dynamic nature of managers can help in
dealing with any kind of situation in an organization. Principals of management is discipline,
order in performing work. Another principal is that roles of managers is also required to be
changed as per the demand of project. Another principal is analyzing and then applying
strategies related to an organizations discipline. A manger should be an expertise in its field.
Management is responsible for guiding of human resource department about performance of
employees by giving them proper data about employees working capacity. Both management
and leadership is important for working of Holiday Inn because it is going make the functions in
an organization to be working very smoothly and is also going to take care of employee and
employer relationship in the hotel. Leaders of Holiday Inn is going to promote the policies that is
going to help in motivating of employees and is also going to promote positivity in a working
environment. Under management all operations are to be performed in smooth manner that has
to be checked by the manager through strategies.
In any of the company, it is necessary to understand that manager and leader are the one
who can easily run the company in best possible manner. If in any of the situation, any of the
entity is unable to hire the right candidate for the place of leader and manager then in that
respective condition, it will not be an easy task for the organisation to sustain. There are number
of importance in context of hotel industry as they are the one who can easily motivate their
employees to perform any of the task. Not only this but, they can also allow the company to earn
Leadership and Management in the Hospitality Industry_4

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