
Hilton Hotel UK Employee Leadership Survey


Added on  2020-02-12

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LEADERSHIP &BUSINESS MANAGEMENT(TOP-UP)I confirm that no part of this coursework, except where clearly quoted and referenced,has been copied from material belonging to any other person e.g. from a book, handout,another student. I am aware that it is a breach of regulations to copy the work of anotherwithout clear acknowledgement and that attempting to do so will render me liable todisciplinary proceedings.1
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTI would like to give my genuine thanks to my mentor who motivated me and guided mythrough the dissertation. Due to his support in the overall study I am able to complete thisresearch more effectively. They raise my confidence level by answering about all my issuesfaced by throughout the dissertation. Special thanks to all my family members as withouttheir support it would not have been a successful research.2
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TABLE OF CONTENTSCHAPTER- 1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................41.1 Overview................................................................................................................................41.2 Rationale for the study...........................................................................................................41.3 Research Aim and Objectives................................................................................................5Research question........................................................................................................................51.4 Significance of the study........................................................................................................51.5 Chapter structure....................................................................................................................6CHAPTER- 2 LITERATURE REVIEW.........................................................................................72.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................72.2 Concept of leadership and its importance.............................................................................72.3 Different leadership styles.....................................................................................................92.4 Association between leadership style adopted and its impact on job satisfaction ofemployees .................................................................................................................................11CHAPTER- 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ......................................................................133.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................................133.2 Research philosophy............................................................................................................133.3 Research approach ..............................................................................................................143.4 Research design...................................................................................................................143.5 Data collection.....................................................................................................................153.6 Sampling..............................................................................................................................153.7 Data analysis .......................................................................................................................163.8 Ethical consideration............................................................................................................163.9 Research limitation..............................................................................................................16CHAPTER- 4 DATA ANALYSIS ...............................................................................................174.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................................174.2 Qualitative analysis..............................................................................................................17CHAPTER- 5 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ...................................................285.1 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................285.2 Recommendation ................................................................................................................28REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................32APPENDIX....................................................................................................................................353
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CHAPTER- 1 INTRODUCTION Title: To assess the impact of different leadership styles on job satisfaction of employees: Astudy on Hilton hotel UK. 1.1 OverviewIn the present era there is immense need for the leaders who does not influence thebehavior but possess the ability to effectively work with the personnel in order to achieve thedesired outcomes in an effective manner. Leading a team or group is considered as the real skillsthat takes greater amount of time, thought as well as dedication. Leadership is regarded as themost studied aspects of the firm as it is one of the overarching topic which makes the differenceamong the success as well as failure. There is greater importance for the organization to possessstronger leadership style which can stimulate the performance of personnel to a greater extent(Abualrub and Alghamdi, 2012). There is presence of organizations who face issues with respectto poor innovation, low productivity as well as absence effectiveness in accomplishing thetargets related with the performance. Such issues takes place because of absence strategicintervention with respect to particular kind of leadership to specific issue. Such problem to agreater extent affects the job satisfaction among the employees. Thus it is important to carry outinvestigation on the impact of several styles of leadership on the satisfaction related with the job.A effective leader is considered as the one who makes creation of inspiring vision of the future.Along with this it also includes providing motivation as well as inspiration to the individual inorder to get engaged with the vision (Avey and et. al., 2011). Moreover leader is one whomanages the delivery of the vision. Along with this he has the responsibility to coach anddevelop team, so that it can effectively attain the vision. Leader is one who brings the skillsrequired together so that work can be done in best manner. The kind of leadership that is beingadopted by the business is suitable in determining the level of satisfaction among the employees.The type of leadership style reflects that whether the employees are motivated to work within theorganization or not. It is very significant to adopt leadership style in accordance with thesituation so that performance with the firm can be enhanced in an effective manner. In thepresent dissertation Hilton hotel is considered. The firm is global brand of full service hotels andresorts as well as flagship brand of Hilton. It is the largest hotel brands across the globe. The4
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brand is targeted at both business and leisure travellers in locations in major city centres as wellas popular vacation destinations across the globe 1.2 Rationale for the studyThe employee's performance is comprised of implementation of the various duties,accomplishing the deadlines, competency of the personnel as well as effectiveness and efficiencyin conducting the performance. Various organizations need strong style of leadership that canstimulate the performance of the employees. There is existence of businesses who face problemssuch as poor innovation, lower productivity and lack of effectiveness in fulfilling theperformance targets (Aydin, Sarier and Uysal, 2013). These problems emerge due to lack ofstrategic intervention in relation with specific style of leadership to particular issue. This problemis influencing the job satisfaction of personnel to a greater extent. Therefore it is significant tomake research on the influence various leadership styles have on the job satisfaction ofemployees. In the present era there is greater need for the leaders who do not lead but areeffective in working with the employees for attainment of desired targets. 1.3 Research Aim and ObjectivesThe aim of the present report is: To assess the impact of different leadership styles on jobsatisfaction of employees: A study on Hilton hotel UK. Research Objectives:1.To explore the concept of leadership and its importance 2.To identify the different leadership styles3.To assess the association between leadership style adopted and its impact on jobsatisfaction of employees 4.To suggest the effective leadership style that can be adopted by Hilton hotel forenhancing job satisfaction among the employeesResearch questions1.What is the concept of leadership and its importance for Hilton hotel?2.What are the varied styles of leadership?5
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3.What is the link between leadership style adopted and its impact on job satisfactionamong the employees?4.What can be alternative leadership style that can be adopted by Hilton hotel forenhancing the job satisfaction among the personnel? 1.4 Significance of the studyThe present report is suitable in assessing the impact of different leadership styles on jobsatisfaction of employees. Moreover it assist in attaining deeper knowledge with respect tounderstanding the effective style of leadership that increases satisfaction in the personnel. Theimportance of present report has been enumerated in the manner as below:It acts as an aid for academicians in carrying out further studies by scholars. Moreoverpresent study offers greater deal of knowledge with respect to feasibility of leadershipstyle on the satisfaction relating with job. There is huge significance of the present thesis for the firm that are carrying outoperations in hospitality sector. The organization can attain knowledge with respect tofeasibility of using suitable of leadership style on the employee's satisfaction level fromjob. The study carried out at present has greater significance for thinkers as it demonstratesinnovative knowledge with respect to methods which are implemented withininvestigation. There is importance of present investigation because of complex nature of organization.Through the assistance of such attention can be given towards resolving variousoperational issues associated with the firm. Along with this investigation has significance for the researcher and intellectuals asthrough such they can make generalization of the new theories in relation with subjectunder research. Thus present research is regarded as the fountain of the knowledge as it is importantsources that is providing guidelines in order to address various social and issues related withfirm. It is considered as formal training that act as an aid in gaining insight to the newdevelopment within the area to a greater extent. 6
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1.5 Chapter structureThe present thesis includes several chapters that possess effective role in accomplishmentof the report in an effective manner. The chapters that would be included in the present thesis arestated as under: Chapter- 1 Introduction: It is regarded as important part of thesis which demonstratesoverview of the subject in the investigation. The particular chapter provides theframework with respect to phenomenon utilized within the research. The chapter startswith overview of the topic which has to be researched. This will include detail analysis ofthe research study and its association with the firm. Along with this it is comprised ofaims and objectives of the research that is on the basis of questions in the investigation. Chapter- 2 Literature review: It is regarded as most crucial section of dissertation that iscomprised of viewpoints of various authors with respect to varied leadership style. Thesection makes evaluation of knowledge and information that exists in the present piece ofliterature in secondary source form. Further its importance to hospitality sector isinvolved in this section. Thesis offer sound picture regarding views of author relation toimportance of effective leadership style for business. Based upon the information whichis being published in-depth analysis is done with respect phenomenon in subject that isconducted within this section. Chapter- 3 Research methodology: On the basis of objectives under investigation,specific chapter under thesis reflects the tool that are employed by the investigator whenconducting the research. The section involves the tool that can be employed by theinvestigator when conducting research (Rasinger, 2008). In addition to this justificationwith respect to selecting specific tool would be provided for the sake of offering deeperknowledge in relation with subject. Chapter- 4 Data analysis and findings: In this chapter, investigator reflects the datawhich has been collected by means of primary and secondary sources. The specificsection will analyze the gathered information. With this the investigator would be able toattain suitable results from the investigation. The specific section is important as underthis investigator would be able to attain resultants from the investigation. 7
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Chapter- 5 Conclusion and recommendation: This is considered as the last section of thethesis that includes presentation of the result which are attained by data analysis ofinformation gathered. In addition to this specific section includes suitablerecommendations which act as an aid for the organization in addressing various issueswithin investigation. 8
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