
Leadership Influencing High-Performance Team in Child Care Centre


Added on  2022-11-13

28 Pages7691 Words300 Views
[Assessment Task 2]
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Leadership Influencing High-Performance Team in Child Care Centre_1

This is a research project, which investigates the reasons for increasing employee turnover across
the childcare centres. The project uses scholarly articles in the literature review section to
understand the purpose of this project. This could be known that due to the lack of leadership
skills in the principle of a childcare centre they are less competent with respect to controlling the
employee turnover. Hence, leadership skills are important for a principle of a childcare centre to
not just control the increasing attrition but also enhance the employee engagement. The study
helps to identify various leadership styles that could influence employee performance. These
leadership styles include autocratic leadership style and a democratic leadership style. However,
this research project does encourage to select only the leadership style that suits most to the
concerned workplace. To a few organisations, autocratic leadership could be helpful whereas to
many others the democratic leadership. The principle in a childcare center must be able to
identify the best and feasible leadership style.
Leadership Influencing High-Performance Team in Child Care Centre_2

Table of Contents
1. Introduction..................................................................................................................................4
2. Inquiry approach..........................................................................................................................5
3. Body.............................................................................................................................................6
3.1 Challenges faced by the leaders while developing high-performance team..........................6
Challenge 1: Effective Communication...................................................................................6
Challenge 2: Talent Management............................................................................................7
Challenge 3: Team Building Practices....................................................................................7
Challenge 4: Transparency in Communication.......................................................................8
Challenge 5: Performance Mapping........................................................................................9
Challenge 6: Employee Engagement.......................................................................................9
Challenge 7: Skills Development..........................................................................................10
3.2 Leadership theories required to be followed in a childcare centre......................................10
Trait theory............................................................................................................................11
Behavioural theory.................................................................................................................12
Contingency theory of Leadership.........................................................................................14
Charismatic Leadership.........................................................................................................14
3.3 Leadership traits and roles required for a high-performance team in childcare centre.......14
Leadership Traits...................................................................................................................15
Leadership Roles...................................................................................................................17
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4. Conclusion.................................................................................................................................18
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1. Introduction
The inquiry question is about identifying and evaluating leadership traits and roles that
must be followed in a childcare centre to boost the performance of the centre. The principle of a
childcare centre has assumed as seeking an answer to this inquiry question from a range of
scholarly articles published on the themes related to the topic in discussion. The inquiry question
is a consequence of lacking performance across the childcare centres. The performance is
affected by many reasons. One of these reasons is high employee turnover in childcare centres.
The high employee turnover can be due to various reasons such as that employees have low
motivation for work or else. The project report assumes that leadership characteristics in the
Centre’s principle could bring fresh changes to the whole system. Hence, the principle of a
childcare centre should have an awareness of the appropriate and relevant leadership traits and
roles required to drive motivation in the workplace and enhance the employee retention rate.
The inquiry question is very important from a professional career perspective. The
principle of a childcare centre is normally held responsible for a lacking performance of the
centre. The principle of a centre sits at one of the most prestigious positions of the centre and
hence, is highly questionable for the Centre’s performance. Considering this being a fact the
inquiry question appears to be logically correct. If the principle of a childcare centre is not being
able to drive the performance and that particular centre constantly receives service-related
complaints from parents, the situation could be truly alarming for the principle. Consequently,
the principle will be questionable and can also lose his or her job if a similar situation continues
further. The inquiry question is academically important as well. Such questions or concerns
provide an opportunity to learn professional skills, which could be helpful while being under
practical circumstances.
Leadership Influencing High-Performance Team in Child Care Centre_5

This project report is mainly constructed on relevant scholarly articles. Moreover, the
discussion follows a few themes to conduct a discussion in the literature review section.
2. Inquiry approach
Concerns raised through the inquiry question are full of scopes as there is strong bonding
between leadership act from the principle of a childcare centre and the organisational
performance. The inquiry question includes lack of leadership act in the principle of a childcare
centre, and its impact on their communication with the parents and also on driving employee
motivation in the workplace. Evidently, the roles and responsibilities of a principle are not just
confined to managing the workplace performance but also to effectively communicate with the
parents. Indeed, effective communication with the parents will let them know their kids' progress
in the study centre. Moreover, if needed they could also be encouraged for their heartiest
involvement in treating their kids if their kids have some behavioural or understanding issues.
The inquiry question will be analysed from various scholarly articles. The selection of
articles will be done on the basis of various themes relevant to the inquiry question. Four
different themes are being selected concerning the inquiry question. One of the themes is
“challenges faced by the leaders while developing a high-performance team in a childcare
centre”. The theme will help to understand a few challenges that stop leaders or principles in the
childcare centre from performing. Another theme is “leadership theories required to be followed
in a childcare centre”. The theme will help to understand a few theories that could be beneficial
in understanding concepts required to influence a leadership act in a childcare centre principle.
The last theme is “leadership traits and roles required for a high-performance team in childcare
centre”. The theme will shed lights on leadership characteristics, which could be decisive in
influencing the performance of teams.
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