
Leadership Styles and Organizational Performance


Added on  2020-01-21

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Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1TASK 2............................................................................................................................................4CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................8REFERENCES................................................................................................................................9
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INTRODUCTIONIn order to operate the organization in an effective and efficient manner leading theorganization with efficient leadership qualities is very important, as a leader sets out the outlineof doing the work in line with the organization objectives and goals as well as make sure that it iscommunicated to the subordinates in the same manner without any ambiguity. Further because ofits rising importance in smooth functioning of the organization different leadership styles andpractices have come into force which are setting a benchmark for future budding leaders tofollow (Beugré, Acar and Braun, 2006).In order to show these points in practical perspective successful leadership styles of Marissa Mayer are taken into account who is an outgoing CEO of Yahoo and a former GOOGLEvice president, praised for her work for developing Gmail, Google Maps and Google News, faced difficulty in disposing her duties and how with her efficient leadership behavioral theories emerge out to be a successful leader (Zohar and Tenne-Gazit, 2008). TASK 1Reflection of own experience of leadership.Leadership is a quality which impart your personality and make you uncommon in thecrowd, whether it is in the playground at pre-school, student council in high school or variousteams or in an organization where you are working, From my academics a common themeevolved in me and I had a strong desire and willingness to lead. For a long time I had a feelingthat it is because (Wang and et.al., 2005) I am enjoying being in a position of authority, aninfluencing position where I could shape the direction of a particular projects or take somedecisions or initiative. According to me leadership can be defined as the ability to make animpact. Leadership can also be termed as as a title or a position of authority that one is chosenfor or given to make decisions and lead a group of people. The individuals are leaders and theyare easily capable to influence and create significant impacts on the people but we forget thatleaders are everywhere in our society and more often than not they are leaders in an unorthodoxsense. They can be artists, teachers, or musicians and these leaders have many impacts on theirsocial communities and groups those who choose to do so intentionally are leaders in their ownright. Becoming a leader is not an easy task so not everyone can become a leader. According tome there some of the main or key components or personality traits, capabilities and motivational1
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skills that are to be essentially to be present for effective leadership to take place. However, Ithink that there are many leaders who are capable of creating or generating impact and also thereare numerous individuals out there who do this on a daily basis who we would never consider asbeing leaders in the traditional sense of the word (Trottier, Van Wart and Wang, 2008).The below presented is my own experience as a leader which has been paramount to meredefining my definition of leadership. I have been very much of fortunate to and always hadmany formal opportunities to bring out the necessary growth and development in the leadershipskills and be provided with opportunities to present it as well. And this has helped and aided mewith the tremendous exposure to upcoming opportunities and also boosted up my growth as aleader. I have been to Russia for an internship program and there I realized that suchopportunities are unheard of in their communities (DeRue and Ashford, 2010). They were nothaving student councils, leadership institutes, refining activities and programmes in summer orentrepreneurship incubators. These were all formal institutions that allowed me to practice anddevelop my leadership skills. Many of the students with whom I had a chance to work with wereupcoming entrepreneurs with ambitious goals for solving critical problems in their communities.And from them many of were pursuing various community service projects and also many ofthem had experiences on international projects which they sought out on their own.There was one student in our class, jui, and was specifically with an inspirationalpersonality. She was from a very low-income family and by founding an adventure sports start-up she used to finance her tuitions. She started to work with a hot-air balloon pilot and beganoffering excursions to individuals in the nearby city of Samara. This was a brand new offeringUN-apprehended to an area that had a proportion of very less tourists attraction. Despite thisseemingly massive hurdle, Julia persevered with her vision and successfully ran this businessover the course of the last two years (Avolio and Gardner, 2005). After that she also started andexpanded their offerings which included mountain biking and hiking tours as well. Adetermination and commitment she made to her education and creating a service that genuinelyadded value in a unique way for her community was showed by these activities. She didn't hadany mentors or trainers, venture capitalists or incubators to help guide her through this process.Own her won she carried out a research, made a investment of little capital that she could affordand courage to take on this enormous challenge. So according to me she is a true leader.2
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