
(PDF) Positive Leadership Portfolio


Added on  2021-04-24

18 Pages5031 Words218 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
Running head: LEADERSHIP PORTFOLIO Leadership PortfolioName of the student:Name of the university:Author note:
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1LEADERSHIP PORTFOLIOTable of ContentsCHAPTER 1: The Nature and Importance of Leadership...............................................................2CHAPTER 2: Traits, Motives, and Characteristics of Leaders.......................................................4CHAPTER 3: Charismatic and Transformational Leadership........................................................8CHAPTER 4: Leadership Behaviors, Attitudes, and Styles..........................................................10CHAPTER 5: Contingency and Situational Leadership................................................................13CHAPTER 6: Leadership Ethics and Social Responsibility.........................................................15CHAPTER 12: Communication and Conflict Resolution Skills...................................................18CHAPTER 14: International and Culturally Diverse Aspects of Leadership...............................20References:....................................................................................................................................24
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2LEADERSHIP PORTFOLIOCHAPTER 1: The Nature and Importance of LeadershipPersonal mission statement:"I want to develop the critical leadership skills for me to help me get the best of organizations"The Nature and Importance of LeadershipLeadership experiences Leadership is about implementing academicthoughts at the most appropriate time at boththe institutional and the professional level(Bolman & Deal, 2017). It is important foracademic students as well as to theprofessionals that they possess an utmost levelof leadership skills to help them justify theircandidature at the various levels of life. This islike ways important to me as well for being askilled professional. I have realized the necessity of developing theleadership skills in me after being through theseveral journal and book articles on theleadership skills. This section is related to thefirst chapter of the text which is ‘The Natureand Importance of Leadership’. The chapterdiscusses the nature and importance ofleadership which has also helped me to reflecton my personal experience regarding the samematter. I had a lot of experiences regarding theleadership shortfalls in me while being into myfirst organization, the company where I workedfor nearly a year. I will discuss one of theexperiences that I had there. I had beenassigned a task to find out the error in stockdetails. The manual entries had differed to thedata captured in the tally software. The taskwas not that difficult and could have been donewithout much of a worry. However, it was nota good experience to me indeed. I not onlyfailed in providing the details but also hadclashed with labors in the stock area. Laborshave had fewer concerns for matter which wasbeing highlighted by the company's manager.Despite being absorbed in nature, I shouted atthem for their careless approach. Hence, they
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3LEADERSHIP PORTFOLIOdecided not to cooperate in my task. I ended upfinding the errors in stock details.The above experience that I have shared doesreflect on a few very important points like Ishould have the relevant leadership traits inme. One of the leadership traits is “prioritizingthe communication” (Antonakis & Day, 2017).Instead of prioritizing the communication withlabors, I had a clash with them. I just jumpedon to my point of view. However, it could havebeen better if I had relied on communicatingwith the labors. This may have taken them inconfidence which could have helped inestablishing a bond between me and labors.The picture could have been quite differentthen. The single ignorance in terms ofleadership traits has influenced myperformance as a stock manager. The incident has helped me to think on mycredibility as a professional stock manager.This is the reason why I am looking to improvemy professionalism in regards to effectivecommunication. This is necessary for mycareer ahead in the accounting firm as this willonly open up ways to get to the higherpositions like the senior supervisor. CHAPTER 2: Traits, Motives, and Characteristics of LeadersTraits, Motives, and Characteristics ofLeadersPersonal leadership traits There is an ample number of leadership traits;however, I possess only a few of them. Theleadership traits that I have are tough-mindedness, enthusiasm, dominance, self-assurance and compulsiveness. I am tough-mindedness as I can feel relaxedeven in challenging situations. I do not feel lostunder any circumstances. However, I have
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