
(Solution) Understanding & Leading Change -Assignment


Added on  2021-02-19

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Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
(Solution) Understanding & Leading Change -Assignment_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1PART 1............................................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1P1. Comparison of ways in which change has impacted organisations' strategies andoperations....................................................................................................................................1TASK 2............................................................................................................................................3P2. Evaluation of ways in which internal and external drivers of change affect leadership,team and individual behaviour....................................................................................................3P3. Evaluation of measures that could be taken to minimise negative impact of change...........6PART 2............................................................................................................................................7TASK 3............................................................................................................................................7P4. Explanation of different barriers for change and how they influence leadership decision-making.........................................................................................................................................7TASK 4............................................................................................................................................9P5. Application of different leadership approaches in dealing with change...............................9CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................11REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................13
(Solution) Understanding & Leading Change -Assignment_2

INTRODUCTIONChange refers to effective transition of operations or functions of organisations from itsexisting to a new state. It is an inevitable practice which must be appropriately be performed bycompanies to adapt themselves appropriately with external or internal conditions having animpact on the firm (Espedal, 2017). The following report is based on Vodafone, which is one ofthe biggest telecommunications organisation in the UK and in the world. It is divided into twoparts. Part 1 includes comparison of ways in which organisations' strategies and operations areimpacted through change and evaluation of influence that drivers of change have onorganisational behaviour. Part 2 covers how barriers of change influence leadership and decisionmaking and application of range of leadership approaches to a change initiative.PART 1TASK 1P1. Comparison of ways in which change has impacted organisations' strategies and operationsChange is an inevitable element which has a wide impact on an organisations functionsand operations. In addition to this, change within an organisation also has its effects on strategiesadopted by an organisation. However, the context to change, it is not necessary that it has similarimpacts on companies. There are different ways in which similar changes could impact differentorganisations. For this aspect, AT&T is chosen along with Vodafone to determine the impact ofchange in an effective manner. Comparison of the same is discussed below:Technology:The first and foremost element whose change has impacted strategies and operations ofboth the companies is technology. The telecommunication industry has undergone severetransformations as well as advancements in terms of technology, which is being modifiedconstantly to satisfy needs of customers has recently impacted both the companies (Iveroth andHallencreutz, 2015).In relation to Vodafone, the firm is using modification and innovation as a key to sustaintechnological changes. With rise in digitalisation, there are several technologies within mobilephones and internet connectivity which are directly associated with provision of quality servicesto people have quite an impact on the strategies and operations of the firm. As for former, thefirm is implementing innovation as an effective approach to withstand the change. The company1
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is using Artificial Intelligence and Automation within their services as a strategy to cope up withchanges in technology. As for operations, the firm has changed its operations to accommodate AIwithin their strategies through introducing new ways of working and procedures within the firm,such as using automated equipments to work with. With such high competition, this changeenabled the firm to expand its customer base and better management of its operation overseas(Komives and Wagner, 2016).As for AT&T, the firm is willing to incorporate various strategies such as rationalisingtheir applications, integrated cloud computing, etc. Furthermore, as for operations, these changesalso have an impact on the same and to appropriately cope up with the same, the organisation isbuilding effective future platforms and is indulging in different organisation of workforce withinthe company. The impact of this change within the company has been quite positive as it allowsthe firm to compete within the market and ensure its long-term sustainability.Organisational Structure:This element also has an impact on strategies and operations of both the companiesmentioned above. Quite recently, both Vodafone and AT&T have undergone structural changeswhich moulded the operations and strategies of both the organisations according to the demandof changes.For Vodafone, the firm has restructured its European Management team. There areseveral prominent individuals which are leaving the firm as part of the strategies and newindividuals are taking up their place. Such heavy changes required their organisation toeffectively manage and modify their business operations. Thus, new strategies such asacquisition and integration have been adopted by the firm. Furthermore, to enhance adaptabilitywith the change, the organisation has started providing effective training to their employees andhas introduced new performance measuring techniques to ensure effectiveness in the newleadership. This restructuring allowed the firm to implement effective long term planning toincur better profitability.In context with AT&T, the firm has also undergone severe structural changes recentlywhere the firm acquired Time Warner Inc. for $85.4 Billion (AT&T Is Said to Plan MajorOrganizational Changes After Deal. 2019). This required the company to develop appropriatestrategic changes within the company along with operations. To attain this, the company built instrategies such as transforming each department in ways which could help the overall2
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