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Leadership Styles and Organizational Culture at Facebook Inc


Added on  2022/12/30

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This report discusses the different leadership styles and approaches seen in the corporate world, with a focus on Facebook Inc. It also analyzes the organizational culture and diversity policies of the company.

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Leading People

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Table of Contents
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................1
Various leadership styles and approaches seen in corporate world ..........................................1
Justification and analysis of organisational culture and diversity policies...............................3
CONCLUSION ...............................................................................................................................6
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The term “leadership in business” can be defined as potential and capacity of the
business company 's management to plan and the achieve the desired and challenging goals and
objectives of the company, taking corrective decisions, implementing actions when in
need,outperform the competition and inspire the other business companies to perform at their
highest level of efficiency and effectiveness in the company. Leadership in business provides and
gives the direction to the company and its workers and employees. Employees of the different
business companies needs to be directed towards their goals so that the company 's objectives
and goals can be achieved effectively and efficiently. (Kim and Beehr, 2020). Leadership
involves in analysing how the workers and the employees can be performed effectively to
perform their responsibilities and supervise in the completion of their work. Effective leadership
generally involves and consists in exhibiting a strong and effective personality. Leadership leads
to honesty, trustworthiness, integrity and ethics for the business companies. The report is based
on the various leadership styles and approaches used in the corporate world, justification and
analysis of organisational culture and diversity policies of Facebook which is an American
online social media and social networking site which deals in social networking and connecting
along with its conclusion.
Various leadership styles and approaches seen in corporate world
For being an effective and efficient leader in the business companies is now taken as a
important element in the successfully carrying of the business. For making an effective leader
there are different leadership styles which can used.(Patton, 2020). Business leaders can choose
leadership style that is applicable for carrying the business activities smoothly and effectively.
Some of the effective leadership style that can be used in the corporate world are: Democratic leadership : In democratic leadership style the decisions and the different are
taken by the leader of the companies on the basis of the input of the each team member.
Democratic leadership style is the most effective leadership style as it allows the lower
level employees to exercise the authority which they will need to use wisely and
effectively in future.
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Autocratic leadership : In autocratic leadership style the decisions and action plans are
taken by the leader of the company without having the input from the employees who
reports to the leaders. Autocratic leadership style is the opposite of democratic leadership.
In this leadership style the employees of the company are neither considered nor
consulted before to a direction.(Blanchard, 2018). Laissez- Faire leadership : In laissez- faire leadership is based on the employee
empowerment. As this style of leadership empower the employees to take initiative in
decision making and implementing the decisions of the companies for effective and
smooth running of the business. Strategic leadership : In strategic leadership the strategic leaders have the interaction
between the company 's growth opportunities and its main operations. This leadership
style can be proved to be the desirable leadership style in different companies as strategic
thinking supports different and multiple types of employees and workers in the company.
It very effective style of leadership. Transformational leadership : Transformational leadership is generally based on
improving the company 's conventions . In transformational leadership the employees and
the workers might have the basic set of goals and work which they have complete every
day or month, the leader in this style of leadership regularly push the employees of the
companies to work outside from their comfort zone and be effective.
Bureaucratic leadership : In bureaucratic leadership the business take decisions and
implements their decisions according by the books. In this style of leadership the leaders
might hear and consider the inputs and opinions of the employees . This style of
leadership is generally used by the traditional and old companies.
Having the example of Facebook Inc, the company is using the transformational style of
style of leadership where the company defines the leadership style as being demanding,
innovative and encouraging. (Bush, Bell, and Middlewood, 2019).The business leader of
Facebook Inc appreciates and encourages the friendly debates, and provides opportunities to the
employees and workers of the company to provide improvement and suggestions for the
company. As the leader constantly motivates and inspires the staff members by providing and
having the crystal clear sight into the future of the company.

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There are some leadership approaches that is used by the different business companies in
the corporate world for carrying the business practices effectively and efficiently. The different
leadership approaches are as follows: Innovative leadership : Innovative leadership approach the business leaders gasp the
different business situation and go beyond the usual course of action. With innovative
leadership approach the leaders become good at visualising the future conditions and can
know exactly what can be done to achieve the desired goals of the company. Authoritative leadership : In authoritative leadership approach the leader dictates
procedures and the policies, decides and designs the goals which is to be achieved by the
employees of the companies. (Rincon-Gallardo, 2020). Transformational : With transformational approach of leadership, the leader can bring
positive and desirable changes in the companies. In transformational approach of
leadership the leader expects transformation in their team even in some cases when it is
uncomfortable for the employees. Charismatic : This type of leadership approach is based on the leader 's charisma and
personal qualities. In charismatic approach of leadership the leaders are seen to analyse
the strong sense of mission and vision for the company.
Pace setters : In pace setters approach, the communication plays an important and
effective role in establishing effective leadership, in pace setter approach the leaders use
proper communication in setting high goals and standards of performance for the team
and for the leaders.
As Facebook is using the leadership approach of transformational as the company and its
leader constantly makes efforts to create positivity among the employees and workers of the
company. (Fraser and Taylor, 2019). The employees and workers of Facebook are constantly
keep motivated towards their work and goals.
Justification and analysis of organisational culture and diversity policies
Organisational culture referred to as a set of values, expectations and different practices
which guides and informs of all the team members in the staff. Organisational culture is defined
as a system of shared assumptions, beliefs and values which governs the to behaviour of the
employees in the organisation. As the organisational culture includes :
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The process that how the business companies conducts its business , deals with the
employees and the customers.(Lindqvist and Pettersson, 2019).
The ways through which power and information flows in the hierarchy.
The ways through how committed the employees are towards their collective objectives
and goals.
To the level to which the participation is allowed in decision making and generating the
new ideas for the companies.
Organisational culture is very essential and important part of the business companies as it very
complex and difficult to change the culture of the workplace. The organisational culture reflects
the values and belief of the company. (Agosto and Roland, 2018). In context to Facebook Inc,
it can be analysed that the company is having the hacker organisational culture in its workplace.
The company focuses on maintaining the its competitiveness through its organisational culture.
As the organisational culture of Facebook Inc defines its values, traditions and customs which
influence the employee behaviour. The company organisational culture makes the employees to
solve the problems and issues of the company as there is evolve in organisational 's social media
websites, applications and the other social media services. The company is using its
organisational culture to promote the innovation and creativity among the employees and the
workers in the company to gain competitive advantage against the other networking companies
like Google LLC, Twitter Inc and Snapchat Inc. (McManus and Perruci, 2019). As being a
online social networking and technology company the company is using its organisational
culture in building highly capable workforce for the company. The company 's organisational
culture emphasizes the employees and workers to constantly keeping their creativity and
improvement. The corporate culture of Facebook Inc facilitates innovation which is important in
the social media business. As the company is defining its organisational culture as a hacker
organisational culture, it pushes the employees and the workers to hunger for improvement in
their work systems which leads to the improvement in the company's mission statement and the
vision statement. Facebook Inc taking its organisational culture as a tool for supporting the
business competitiveness relevance. The workforce of the company are developed and trained
by having good organisational culture. There are some characteristics that are of notable in
nature of Facebook 's organisational culture that are as follows:
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Creative problem solving and decision making: The company emphasizes in creating the
value for the problem solving and decision making in the company. This organisational
culture of the company pertains to the capability of employees to generate unusual ideas
which enhance the company 's performance. Boldness : The organisational culture of the company facilitates boldness in employees
activities which aims to maximize the company 's flexibility in addressing the different
business problems.(Kammerhoff, Lauenstein and Schütz 2019). Openness : The organisational culture of Facebook Inc highlights the openness among
the employees. It identifies the internal communications to be effective and efficient.
Speed : The company has the potential to easily respond to the changes and trends
according to the users preferences.
Diversity policies are defined as the policies which establish the committee which identifies the
different barriers to the diversity and work to remove the barriers and issues of the company for
having the effective performance of the company. (Klijn, , de Boer and Eshuis, 2020).
Diversity goals and policies are the policies that establish the numerical goals for addressing the
under-representation of certain groups in the workplace and culture. In context to Facebook Inc,
it can be analysed and justify that cultural diversities plays an important in the building the
workforce culture in the company as the diversity policies states that the company is focused
and committed to connecting and building new communities of the individuals and women who
feel connected and open to each other. The company is focused on building cultural diversities in
empowering the women through their professional development, personality development and
providing the opportunities to engage with men as being equal individuals in gender diversity
and inclusion in the company. The company constantly focuses on building different diversities
culture to achieve the goals and objectives of the company with effectiveness and efficiency. As
the company is focusing on increasing the percentage of minorities in leadership. According to
their organisational culture the company pledges to support the black community in the corporate
world. (Oluwafemi, Mitchelmore and Nikolopoulos, 2020)The company constantly try to make
the security of the customers and regularly tries to build the diversities and safeguards the rights
of the customers and as well as for the employees and workers also. The company is focused on
building the cultures diversity in the workforce culture for having the efficiency and
effectiveness in the personal development and performance development of the employees and

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workers working in the organisation which helps in building the company 's image in the
corporate world for the better running of the business activities of the company.
From the above report it can be concluded that leadership is considered as an important
element of business. Leadership is necessary for carrying out the business activities effectively
and efficiently in the business companies. There are different leadership style which can be used
by the leader to carry, take decisions and implement actions for making the working effective
and efficient. And there are different leadership approaches which is used by different business
companies to run the business activities smoothly. As Facebook Inc is using the leadership style
and approach of transformational leadership to make the company 's employee and workers
motivated towards their goals. As it is important for the business companies to have the right
organisational culture the justification and analysis of organisational culture and the diversity
policies are explained. As a result the organisational culture and different diversity policies are
evaluated of Facebook Inc. to maintain the effectiveness and efficiency in the work culture and
office environment of the company.
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Books and Journals
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2019). (Agosto and Roland, 2018). (McManus and Perruci, 2019). (Klijn, , de Boer
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Mitchelmore and Nikolopoulos, 2020).
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