
Life Course Approaches in Health Social Care and Ageing


Added on  2023-01-12

8 Pages2022 Words31 Views
Life course approaches
in health social care and
Life Course Approaches in Health Social Care and Ageing_1

Main Body.......................................................................................................................................3
Role of Psychology in health social care and ageing.............................................................3
Psychological Factors and their relationship to health...........................................................3
Theoretical perspectives of health, well-being, and development through to adulthood and
Life Course Approaches in Health Social Care and Ageing_2

Psychology is the comprehension of the human psyche and specifically concentrating on the
dynamic, thoughts, contemplations and feelings (Kuh, 2019). In other terms, psychology is
significant in understanding the human conduct on the grounds that all aspects of the body just
capacities once the mind orders it to do as such.This essay is going to be enclosed with role of
Psychology, theoretical perspective of health, well being and many other aspects and there will
be also the application of them. Also, different psychological factors are also going to be
Main Body
Role of Psychology in health social care and ageing
In Health and social care industry, psychology is significant in wellbeing and social
consideration in light of the fact that the carer is required to associate with the customers and
furthermore advance great wellbeing and care simultaneously. Psychology permits to
comprehend relationship with the patients and it can likewise add to the comprehension on why
patients act uniquely in contrast to one another.Over the years, it has been analysed to that
psychological perspectives have somewhere played a crucial role in different life-stages (Ben-
Shlomo, Cooper and Kuh, 2016).
Reason that came in front, was that in terms of socialism, different age groups from
adulthood to Old age, psychological perspective specifically changes and this is where it is pretty
much required by the health care providers to connect with all the psychological needs and the
requirements which is depending on the particular age group, then it will directly help individual
in meeting to the success, which is to improvise the overall medication that will not only help the
individual to recover from whatever the disease he or she is dealing with but it will also improve
the overall health standards in much effective and efficient manner (Pickard and Robinson,
Psychological Factors and their relationship to health
Social factors consist of a unit numerous social variables and socialisation is one factor
that influences the human conduct. It’s a strategy that somebody gets the information abilities or
language through the general public. This impacts the conduct of human. There is another
significant factor that enormously impacts on the conduct of human because of the greater part of
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