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Contemporary Issues Faced by Line Management in People Management


Added on  2023/06/15

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This report covers the issues faced by line management in people management, the knowledge, skills, and behavior needed to be an effective people manager, HR processes that support effective performance management, and recommendations for Marks and Spencer. It discusses the challenges faced by line management in adapting to innovation and maintaining employee relations, and the importance of leadership and communication skills. The report also covers the HR processes that support effective performance management, including performance management review and 360-degree appraisal.

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Table of Contents
Executive Summary.........................................................................................................................3
INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................4
TASK ..............................................................................................................................................4
Contemporary Issues faced by line management faces when it comes to People Management.
Knowledge skills and also behaviour needed to be an effective people manager ................5
What HR process underpin and support management when it comes to effective performance
CONCLUSION ...............................................................................................................................8
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Executive Summary
This report will cover the issues which are being faced by the line management through
all the innovation and the employee relation. It will also give the brief idea about the knowledge,
skills and different kinds of leadership skills. Further will also explains the HR process and the
performance management with the recommendation being given to Marks and Spencer which is
a well known MNC deals with the wide range of products. It will give the details about the
effective working and the methods the company should use in line management.
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Human resource is usually being defined as an important areas which deals with all the
selection, recruitment, training and all other variable practises through which the management of
the people and the skilled employees are being hired. Their is been seen that the people
management is an important part of human resource management as it is an acquired process in
which the optimization, acquisition, retention and all the general talent in the company are being
concerned. This generally cover all the motivation, training , directions which are being given by
the HR managers in order to manage the effective role and to enhance the productivity in the
workplace(Weise and, 2017). The organisation chosen in this report is Marks and Spencer
which is a well known company deals with house hold , clothing and other items. This report
will cover different skills, knowledge which are being required by the manager in order to
manage the people in effective manner.
Contemporary Issues faced by line management faces when it comes to People Management.
In today's time their can be seen that the proper line management is an important method
through which work can be effectively managed. I feel that with the change in time there is been
seen that Covid-19 made various issues that the organisation are facing and some of the
challenges are like: Adaptation to Innovation- It can be seen that the technology is one of the main element
ion all the companies without which no organisation can manage the effective
work(Leutwyler, Hubbard, and Zahnd, 2017). I feel that the line managers feels the
major issue in order to manage the company with change in technology. As M&S it is
difficult for them to adapt and maintain the innovation and to make all the employees
familiar with all such innovations. Work force in the company are not being familiar to
all such new technological advancement which reflects on their work and the
performance. It can also make the misconduct in the company. I feel that in order to adapt
the innovation a proper training is required to be given to the employees so as to make
them focus and to encourage them for the dynamic changes in the environment.

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Employees relations- I analysed that this is an important requirement for all the lone
managers in order to maintain the relations of the people manager and also to regulate the
effective level of collaboration and the coordination. As with the rise in the pandemic
there is been seen that the employees relations are majorly been affected as they are
working from home and were not being able to make the proper interaction and
communication with the employees which affects the performance and also lacks the
management working. I believe that the M&S should try to manage and maintain a better
and the transparent communication with the employees buy checking their performance
and the tasks and also by implementing the impact on the profit band the sales of the
Knowledge skills and also behaviour needed to be an effective people manager
In all the companies their can be seen that in order to manage the growth and the
productivity of the company there is required that all the knowledge, skills and the general
behaviour are needed to be enhanced. All such skills will help in maintaining the goals and the
targets. Some of the important skills which I feel is being required by M&S are as follows: Leadership skill- I analysed that for managing people there is required that the company
should have the proper organisation leadership skills and there is required do many
theories and adaptability through which employees are thereby being encouraged in the
companies. I feel that in M&S the HR managers are required to opt different kind of
leadership styles which are like authoritative, democratic, autocratic and many more as
all such will help out in managing the functions and the working of the staff members in
positive and systematic manner. I also feel that the managers of the company should use
different theories which are like the contingency, transactional so as to make the work
being aligned. All the skills like the politeness in behaviour, motivation and
encouragement bare being required to make the function of the company. Communication skills- In all the working areas the most important thing which make the
connection and the relation in the employees and the employers are the communication
skill. I feel that it is important in all the companies that the managers make the effective
communication with their employees in both the verbal and the written methods. Their is
required that it plays an important role in encouraging the employees and making them
feel unconfident and trustable towards the organisation. Thus, there is been seen that all
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the managers are required to maintain the effective communication in order to regulate
and maintain the working in systematic manner.
What HR process underpin and support management when it comes to effective performance
The implementation and the designing in all organisation plays a vital role. Human
resource department carry out the crucial role in all such areas. Their are various teams which
are being made in the HR department and which considers to have the mediator that are implied
to have the higher authorities and the employees which are being working with concerns. It helps
in managing the fu8nctioniong, appraisal and all the recruitment procedures. All such teams in
the HR manages the work and also maintain the effective performance . I feel that some
important process and the support that are being used in effective performance management are
Performance management Review- This is majorly a method through which the company and
the managers objectifies and maintain the review on the perform of the employees and they
further implies and provide the implementation through which the collaborative and the
coordination is managed. In this the review and the analysis of all the employees are being made.
All such goals and the methods through which the company can eventually maintain the growth
and their further management. I feel that in order to apply and make the systematic working it
plays a crucial role, It is mainly being divided in 4 parts which are like: Planning stage- In this stage the company initiate to make the effective planning and
identifies their goals and the targets and make the employees to be well aware about the
aligned goals and observe their working(Dinh, and, 2019). Monitoring- Through this stage the sub goals are being made by breaking down all the
smooth functioning and the vary nature of the organisation. Reviewing- This stage implements and regulated the new manageable review as here all
the goals are applied and managed is further being checked. Their is review in the
performance of the employees so as to develop all the management in a collaborative
manner and to align the new management and the practises.
Rewarding- this is majorly the final stage in which the employees who worked well will
be rewarded and managed to maintain the objectives and the targets to be attained.
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360 degree appraisal- This is an important appraisal process which is also known as the holistic
employees review where all the opinions of the manages and the views regarding the anonymous
working of the employees in firm is analysed is being given by the management in order to make
the consecutive feedback and also to maintain the well rounded work. All such appraisals are
made by the line managers, as the reviews are being taken by the managers of different
departments , friends, managers. The 360 degree performance helps in motivating and getting the
review of the performance of the employees in proper manner.
In my views the M&S should try to manage and use the performance management review
process where they may manage to motivate all their employees in order to achieve all the
objectives and the goals for the organisation and the employees. Some of the advantages which
the company will gain n while using this tool as in order to manage the work and the review are
It will help in declining the retention rate of the employees.
It will motivate the employees and will also help in enhancing the engagement of the
company and its working(Dassieu and, 2019).
Their will be clarity in the objectives and the motives of the company.
It will help in enhancing the new opportunities for the organisation.
It manages the overall performance of the company.

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It is concluded from the above report that, Human resource management is an important
department which helps in selecting, recruiting and hiring the well and the efficient employees
for the organisation. The line managers helps in managing people in the company by adapting
different ways in which the innovation and the advancement in the working can be applied.
Further it is also concluded that communication, performance review bare some of the important
ways through which the motivation and the growth can be made in all the companies.
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Books and Journals
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