
Literature Review And Essay - Management and leadership


Added on  2021-01-01

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Literature Review And Essay
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Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1Overview of chosen company .....................................................................................................1MAIN BODY ..................................................................................................................................11 Define and discuss the difference between the concept of leadership and management..........12 Analyses leadership theory.......................................................................................................53. Management development program of Tesco Company.........................................................8CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................14REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................15
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INTRODUCTIONManagement and leadership is an important part of organization. Without them, nocompany can run its operations and activities properly. Management is done to manage theemployees' activities and efforts. Leadership is done to manage the employees in order to put outtheir best. Management and leadership is separate yet interrelated to each other. Managementand leadership is an essential quality which should be in every managers of the organizations. This report will highlight the concept of management and leadership with differencebetween these two terms. It will also analysis the one leadership theory adopted by TescoCompany. Moreover, this will also focus on the management development program (MDP) ofTesco Company. MDP is a program conducted by the company for the improvement ofmanagers.Overview of chosen company Tesco is a multinational company which is leading in Retail Industry. It is a groceries andgeneral merchandise retail public limited company whose headquarters is in England, UnitedKingdom (UK). Background: It was founded by Jack Cohen in year 1919. Currently, Its key people are JohnAllan who is the Non Executive Chairman and Dave Lewis is the Chief Executive Officer(CEO). It is now serving its products and services to the UK, Ireland, India, Malaysia, Thailand,Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland. It is basically running its business across Asia andEurope. Operations: It has around 6500+ shops. Currently its market shares is 28.4% in year 2018 whereits revenue, operating income and net income was in year 2018 were £57,491 m, £1,644 m and£1,208 m respectively. It has following subsidiaries such as Tesco Stores Ltd, Tesco Bank, TescoMobile, Tesco Ireland, Tesco Family Dining Ltd, Dunnhumby, Spenhill, Booker Group andJack's. It provides its products through Supermarket, Hypermarket, Superstore and Convenienceshops (Iqbal and Keay, 2019). MAIN BODY 1 Define and discuss the difference between the concept of leadership and managementLeadership
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Leader is the person who control and dominate the people by their leadership style.Leader is use their position to control and influence the other in an organization. Leader helps thepeople by resolve conflicts, grievances, they understand their employees, So employees can trustand build good relationship with their leaders. Leader support their team members and mange thepeople according the abilities of employees, leader can provides the best opportunity to theiremployees to enhance their growth and increase motivation towards the work (Larson and Gray,2017). Leader also understand their people because they provide the best training facilities toboost the personal growth of the employees. So basically leadership is the art of managing thepeople by enhance the motivation among the group of people towards the achievements of goal. ManagementManagement is the essential part of every organization, Because management is mangeall the operational and managerial activity of the organization in order to achieve objective of thecompany. The basic task of the management that focus on marketing and innovation in theproduct to succeeds the business (Hallinger and Wang, 2015). The Management is managing,controlling, organizing, directing the overall function of organization. That means its containsdifferent factor of production such as machine, material, money etc, so manager of the Companyhas mange all the responsibility they have power to make the decisions in order to achieve thegoal of the company. Manager has only concentrated on growth of the company they alwayswork on the company profitability by managing and controlling the employees and otherresources.Difference between management and leadership BasisLeadershipManagementDecision makingThe leader of the Tesco usetheir Leadership style tomaking the best decisionaccording to the employees ofthe Tesco. Leaders hasparticipated to make the bestdecision they use theirleadership style to influencethe group of people. Also, theyManagement is the art ofmanaging and controllingoverall managerial activity ofthe Tesco. The manager of theTesco also direct and analysesthe decisions according to thefuture growth of the Tesco.Manager has use theirmanagement style to make the
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