
Illustrated Report on Living Cells, Stem Cells, Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Cells, and Cell Membrane


Added on  2023-06-10

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Illustrated Report on Living Cells, Stem Cells, Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Cells, and Cell Membrane_1

Table of Contents
SECTION 1......................................................................................................................................3
Discussing selected characteristics of living cells.......................................................................3
Comparing and contrasting prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and explain the impact that
viruses have on them....................................................................................................................5
Discussing eukaryotic sub-cellular structure and organelles.......................................................6
SECTION 2......................................................................................................................................7
The role of cell membrane in regulating how nutrients are gained and waste products lost.......7
How animals cells use nutrients to provide the energy for growth, cell division and movement.
The role of nucleic acids in cytoplasm and nucleus....................................................................8
Discussing the synthesis of proteins............................................................................................9
SECTION-3 ..................................................................................................................................10
Generation of specialised tissues from embryonic stem cells...................................................10
Process of interphase and factors that initiate cell division, their importance ..........................11
Same genetic information received through each daughter cell................................................12
Illustrated Report on Living Cells, Stem Cells, Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Cells, and Cell Membrane_2

Stem cells are considered as raw material of the human body, from which each other cells
with specialized functions are formed. These cells are embryonic, tissue, mesenchymal and
induced pluripotent. The current assignment will explain differences between stem cells and
abnormal or normal cells in term of discussing features of living cells. It will also define the
comparison and contrast related to eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells, along with the impact of
viruses have on these. It will also specify the discussion related to eukaryotic sub-cellular
structure & organelles. The study will clarify the role of cell membrane, how animal cells utilize
nutrients and role of nucleic acids in cytoplasm and nucleus. Furthermore, the report will also
justify the generation of specialized tissues from embryonic stem cells and procedure of
interphase as well as factors that initiate cell division and their significance. Lastly, it will clarify
how same genetic information is obtained by each daughter cell, along with comparison based on
cancer cell with normal.
Discussing selected characteristics of living cells.
Difference basis Living cells Abnormal or normal cells
Characteristics The key features of stem
cells are quite different
from other living cell such
as abnormal/normal (What
are Stem Cells, 2022).
1- Self renew- It is fact
that stem cells may have
ability of self renew,
which is not possible with
abnormal cells.
2- Growth and change- It
may have remarkable
capability to change in
excellent and
On the other hand, the
features of normal cells
are differed, as in these,
nucleus may have
smooth appearance and
effectively maintain a
uniform, spheroid
The main difference
between stem and
normal cells, is they are
Normal cells are stick
together in appropriate
Illustrated Report on Living Cells, Stem Cells, Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Cells, and Cell Membrane_3

undifferentiated manner.
3- Ability to reproduce-
It may differentiate into
varied forms of cells with
particular function upon
obtaining suitable triggers
and that is capability to
reproduce cells (Taurin
and Alkhalifa, 2020).
4- Have a breathe and
metabolism- Stem cells
are different from other
types of cells, because of
having basis properties
such as accessibility of
It may have power to give
rise to specialized forms
of cells.
These forms of cells are
appropriate categorized
into four categories such
as totipotent, multipotent,
poluripotent and
Along with above term,
there are more things that
might be added in key
characteristics of stem
cells which make it
different from the others
place in the human body,
and are also self-destruct
when they may become
impacted, too old and
Normal cells are having
varied sizes and shapes
as these may
differentiated and adopt
specialized actions their
shape alter, accordingly.
For example, red blood
cells may seems differ to
a nerve cell.
In stem cells, the fine
fairly may not distribute
chromatin, which is only
possible within normal
cells, as it may transform
into chromatin in cancer
cell (Jiang and et.al.,
The cell shape is
uniform, nucleus is
spheroid shape and
single nucleus. Normal
cells are large
cytoplasmic volume and
their growth might be
controlled in the human
Illustrated Report on Living Cells, Stem Cells, Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Cells, and Cell Membrane_4

and that is manipulation. It
is manipulated to
particular into specific
forms of cells such as
blood, nerve and heat
muscle cells.
5- made of cells-Another
characteristic of living cell
is the ability related to
made of cells.
6- Energy usage- Traits
of living cells are response
to their environment,
capability to adapt and
energy usage.
7- Passing traits onto
offspring- The another
feature of living cells is
current one, which means
it has capability to pass
traits onto offspring.
Comparing and contrasting prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and explain the impact that viruses
have on them.
In the scientific term prokaryotic cells are known as single celled micro-organism that
may be the earliest on the earth. It encompasses two different concepts such as archaea and
Bacteria. It may consist of an individual membrane and thus, all the reactions may occur within
While eukaryotic cells are defined as complicated cells more than prokaryotic as they are
pack with a gripping display of subcellular format that may play significant role in metabolism,
energy balance and gene expression.
Illustrated Report on Living Cells, Stem Cells, Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Cells, and Cell Membrane_5

These two forms of cells are quite different from each other on certain basis for example,
definition that specify above and other concepts (Shrimal and Gilmore, 2019). It can be said that
eukaryotic cells encompasses a organelles and nucleus bound through plasma membranes, while
prokaryotic cells may not have any membrane bound organelles or nucleus. Animals, fungi and
plants are made of eukaryotes, on the other hand, each bacteria & members of archaea may form
of prokaryotes. Archaea is a single celled micro-organism that structure is similar to bacteria.
The most common difference between above two cells is that prokaryotes may have zero nuclei,
which accessible in eukaryotic cells (Czerwińska-Główka and Krukiewicz, 2021). Prokaryotic
cells also may not have mitochondria, on the other side usually each eukaryotes may have this
membrane bound cell organelle. The organelles are not available in prokaryote, while eukaryotes
cells has an organelle as well as nucleus, that enclose in plasma membrane.
Bacteriophages may put direct impact on prokaryote and viruses affect eukaryotes. It may
impact in form of transforming cellular in transcriptional activity, that aid to promote efficiency
related to production or progeny virus. It is fact that viral induced mortality of a micro-organism
may rapidly eliminate up to 40 percent of prokaryote production, which may cause cell death.
Viruses influence host cells in form of attaching to each prokaryote cells. It may also impact
eukaryotic cells in form of injecting their RNA or DNA into host cells which translate or
transcribe into protein that may make up viral elements named virions. When a virion is released,
usually it may impact on form of damaging host cells as outcome these may die.
Discussing eukaryotic sub-cellular structure and organelles.
Subcellular elements of eukaryotes may include, most essential nucleus, that associated
with nucleolus and all the cytoplasmic key components that encompasses Golgi apparatus,
Ribosomes, Mitochondria, Vesicles, endoplasmic reticulum, and cytoskeleton. The eukaryotes
sub-cellular structure encompasses different organelles such as above these, which may conduct
specific function. Centrosome is one of those organelles that function is to organize the micro-
tubules that may separate and move chromosomes into specific cells. Chromatin is another
organelle, that included in sub-cellular structure, which may define material that make up
chromosome when condensed and docondensed, works. A eukaryotic cell may have a actual
membrane bound nucleus and also have other membranous organelles that permit for
classification of each function. Golgi apparatus or complex is the best example of organelle, in
Illustrated Report on Living Cells, Stem Cells, Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Cells, and Cell Membrane_6

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