
Manage Team Performance to Support Strategy


Added on  2023-06-18

13 Pages3969 Words200 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
Manage Team Performance to Support Strategy_1

Table of Contents
TASK 1...........................................................................................................................................3
Critical analysis of link between team performance and strategic objectives.............................3
Critical evaluation of tools and techniques for setting team performance targets.......................4
Critical evaluation of value of team performance tools for measuring future team performance
TASK 2...........................................................................................................................................5
Examine how to evaluate required performance targets within teams against current
Identify the need for individual commitment to team performance in achievement of strategic
Critical analysis of implementation of delegation, mentoring and coaching for achieving
strategic objectives.......................................................................................................................6
TASK 3...........................................................................................................................................8
Determine tools and methodology for assessing process for monitoring team performance and
initiate changes when required....................................................................................................8
Determine team performance against agreed objectives of plan and address problematic
Critically define the influence of team performance in contributing to meeting strategy...........9
TASK 4...........................................................................................................................................9
Identify influencing methodology which can gain commitment of individual to strategy..........9
Critical discussion on the impact of individual dynamic, interest and organizational politics on
securing commitment of individual to strategy.........................................................................10
Manage Team Performance to Support Strategy_2

High performance team are important for effective organizational development. Such teams are
highly focused on organisation objectives and on achieving effective business results. Managing
team performance to support corporate strategy can be easily done through maintaining two-way
communication, establishing positive interpersonal relationship, managing conflicts, appraising
good work and through delegating right job to right person (Anagnoste, 2018). Apple is an
American multinational technology company which was started by Steve Jobs, Ronald Wayne
and Steve Wozniak in April 1976 in California US. The technology company is specialized in
consumer electronics, computer software and in offering online services. This report will define
management of team performance for achievement of organisation objective and all the related
information which needs to be highlighted regarding the team performance and measures which
can be taken for analyzing future performance or setting targets.
Critical analysis of link between team performance and strategic objectives
Team performance focuses on achievement of key business objectives. This involves
development of number of interrelated processes which together can create an impact on the
performance of organisation and enhance organizational productivity, growth and deliver
increased shareholder value.
Strategic objective are challenging components of strategic plan which create bridge
between vision and objective of business which needs to be accomplished. These objectives
create boundary for what an organisations effort must focus on.
Team performance is responsible for creating an influence on strategic objectives of an
organisation. Some of the critical factors which influence team performance are alignment of
team with strategic objectives, understanding the required objectives of business organisation
management and support through training and development, rewarding and motivation of team
and performance management system (Bititci, Cocca and Ates, 2016). The teams must
understand the vision, mission and objectives of an organisation which will be helpful in forming
innovative measures that must be taken by a business. In context of Apple the team must be
Manage Team Performance to Support Strategy_3

capable of monitoring whether their strategies and procedures are supporting the organisation in
achieving the targets or not.
Critical evaluation of tools and techniques for setting team performance targets
Performance management is a corporate management tool which supports an organisation
in evaluating employee performance and their efficiency. There are several performance
management techniques which can be used by Apple for defining team performance targets of
the companies (Hao and Song, 2016). These techniques of measurement must be useful to reflect
the delegated work to employees at each level. Some of these tools and techniques which will be
use by Apple in order to create team performance target explained below:
360-degree feedback- this technique consists of information from number of sources for
analyzing performance. In context of Apple, the company uses 360-degree feedback
approach for measuring employee performance which will be helpful in providing
feedback to employees individually as well as a team.
Development planning- Development planning is planning strategy which focuses on
promoting development within the organisation. This technique is helpful for defining
values objectives resources and business abilities for development of organisation. In
context of Apple, this tool helps the organisation in grating performance standards
corporate objectives and benchmarks which needs to be achieved by an organisation.
Critical evaluation of value of team performance tools for measuring future team performance
Team must have insight of performance and how their result will be helpful for business.
In order to measure future team performance, a seven-step process is followed which involves-
terminology, seven-step process and measurement points. The further explanation for the
measurement process followed by Apple for analyzing future team performance of their team has
been mentioned below:
Terminology- The terms 'performance standards,' 'goals' and 'objective' are
interchangeable and are seen by the team as descriptions of some future ideal condition to attain
(Jones, 2016). Performance below the threshold is deemed unsatisfactory, whereas performance
beyond the standard, as demonstrated below, is considered exceptional.
Manage Team Performance to Support Strategy_4

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