
Roles and Characteristics of Leader and Manager in Operation Management


Added on  2023-01-18

12 Pages2402 Words55 Views
Roles and Characteristics of Leader and Manager in Operation Management_1

MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3
LO 1.................................................................................................................................................3
P1 Roles and characteristics of leader and manager....................................................................3
LO 2.................................................................................................................................................4
P3 Theories and models of approach ..........................................................................................4
LO 4.................................................................................................................................................6
P6 Factors impacting decision-making and operational management.........................................6
Roles and Characteristics of Leader and Manager in Operation Management_2

Operation management is basically related to planning and monitoring the entire
production process as well as redesigning the operations in order to achieve the highest
Sainsbury is basically the remarkable and renowned chain in supermarkets being established in
1869 by John James Sainsbury and headquartered in London, U.K. It is present in more than 11
countries and thus is the largest supermarket chain.
This report gives a brief about Roles and characteristics of leader and manager, theories
and models of approach and factors impacting decision-making and operational management.
LO 1
P1 Roles and characteristics of leader and manager
Leader is basically the individual which has the capability as well as the potential to leads
and influence the employees in positive direction.
Manager on the other hand is responsible for managing and overseeing the various
activities that relates to the organization.
Roles and Characteristics of Leader and Manager in Operation Management_3

Role of leader Characteristics of manager
This is the basic role of a leader which should
be present in them. The leader is responsible
for assessing the various types of risks and thus
is responsible for undertaking the risks which
will help organization to grow in the future
(Lindström and et.al.,2015).
The manager is mainly responsible for
developing the mission as well as vision for the
organization which will helps the organization
in long-term. They play the role vision
developer as they are required to build an
effective vision for organization (Offermann
and Coats, 2018).
Guidance and direction
Another role which relates to the effective
leader is the ability to guide and lead
employees in positive direction. Leaders are
responsible for providing the correct direction
to the followers which will eventually increase
their productivity and hence will help them in
their growth.
Manager has the characteristics of innovator
where they are responsible for continuously
bring innovation in each and every aspect of
organization. They are responsible for bringing
uniqueness in products, organizations structure
M1 Comparison between role of leader and function of manager
Transformational leadership
This is the theory which basically addresses that the leaders changes their leadership style
as per the situation and thus adopts to the changing scenario. According to this theory, It
provides the freedom to their employees for performing their work (Reid and Sanders, 2019).
Management by objective
This is theory which basically aims for enhancing the organizational performance
through defining the objectives which are agreed by management as well as employees. As per
this theory, having definite goal eventually increases participation and engagement of
Roles and Characteristics of Leader and Manager in Operation Management_4

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