
Role of Leaders and Managers Functions (PDF)


Added on  2021-01-02

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Role of Leaders and Managers Functions (PDF)_1

Table of ContentsTASK 1............................................................................................................................................1INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1P1 Different roles and characteristics of a leader and a manager...............................................1P2 Role of leaders and managers functions implement in various situation...............................4P3 Various models and theories of leadership approaches.........................................................6CONCLUSION ...............................................................................................................................8RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................................................8TASK 2............................................................................................................................................8INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................8P4 Key approaches to operations management and role of managers and leaders.....................9Role that managers and leaders play in operations management..................................................11P5 Importance and value of operations management in meeting objectives of business .......11P6 Factors of business environment that influence on operational management and decision-making by managers and leaders..............................................................................................11CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................14RECOMMENDATION.................................................................................................................14REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................15
Role of Leaders and Managers Functions (PDF)_2

TASK 1EXECUTIVE SUMMARYLeadership and management is a very main activities which accomplish various types ofactivities by this company are able to meet their goals and objectives within a given period oftime. In this report it is based on Rays of sunshine which is registered in United Kingdom. Theygrants the children wishes who are in the age of 3 to 18 years old are living their life with seriousillnesses. Characteristics and roles of both manager and leader along with that theories andmodels of leadership. Comparison between both manager and leader. INTRODUCTIONManagement and leadership are the main part of every organisation as it is necessary formanaging business activities properly (Barratt, Choi and Li, 2011). Leadership is as potential toimpact as well as drive efforts of groups towards achieving objectives and goals. Managementconcentrate on planning, organising, staffing, directing and controlling of enterprise activities. P1 Different roles and characteristics of a leader and a managerWho is a manager?Manager play a very vital role within company. He is a marketer, planner, producer andcoordinator. As company success is always depend on manager as it help in proper use of allresources of firms and help in meeting enterprise goals and targets. Rapidly changing intechniques of marketing, production methods, technology etc. and manager should cope up withall the modifications effectively. Who is a leader?Leaders are those who impact on work as well as behaviour of others within team effortstowards meeting of particular goals in an given conditions. It is rightly said that all managers areleaders but all leaders are not managers (Slack, 2015). Person become leader by his own personalqualities. Characteristics of a managerAn effective manager should have talents as well as resources for supporting and find outbest from their employees. Their are some of qualities of Rays of Sunshine managers are givenbelow: 1
Role of Leaders and Managers Functions (PDF)_3

Self motivation: An manager will not able to motivate others if he or she cant encouragethemselves. They have to keep on motivating themselves and make others motivate to dowork with you. Know when to delegate: Manager should know that some of their work should delegatesome of power to other for identifying the employees will of doing a task as well asprovide them work so it will aid in succeeding a project. Team player: Manager have to be a part of team if he or she have to achieve success forachieving goals and objectives of organisation (Heizer, 2016). They have to keep oncoordination properly with their team members. Characteristics of a leaderLeaders are having traits of multidimensional within himself which make him effective aswell as appealing their behaviours. Some of characteristics of Rays of Sunshine leaders are givenbelow: Communication skills: The leaders much able to communicate procedure as well aspolicies effectively, precisely and clearly. They are useful in motivating and persuasion. Foresight and Vision: Leaders should not maintain impact unless he initiate it forlooking forwards. They have to visualize conditions as well as frame logicalprogrammes. Will-power and self confidence: Leaders should have confidence for earning confidenceof their workers. They should have conditions by having full will power as well astrustworthy (Peng and Lai, 2012). Comparison between managers and leadersPARTICULARSLEADERMANAGERMeaningA leader is a people whoencourage his employees tomeet a particular targets. Manager is who manage thecompany as well as he isresponsible in controlling,directing, coordinating andplanning of activities. Vision/goal settingGrowth as well asdevelopment.Achieving of requiredoutcomes. 2
Role of Leaders and Managers Functions (PDF)_4

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