
Management and Organization in Global Environment | Report


Added on  2022-09-18

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Management and organization in global
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Management and Organization in Global Environment | Report_1

Management and organization in global environment 1
Table of Contents
Teams with the general framework.................................................................................................2
Tuck man’s stages in team development.........................................................................................3
The study of managerial decisions making in decisions making in teams......................................4
Physical framework which facilitates the teamwork.......................................................................6
The ways in which managers might promote teamwork.................................................................7
Management and Organization in Global Environment | Report_2

Management and organization in global environment 2
The term modern workplace mainly and frequently used in many organization which mainly
highlights or introduced the new product or the software or organization as both are establishing
and emerging and are working to create more modern environment. Moreover, it also comprises
the knowledge about the staff, which mainly comprises of the advanced communications and
many other aspects such as other collaborative ways for the employees and management to work.
In modern workplace, there are certain things are much more different when it is compared to the
todays working environment of the organization. First and the foremost change, which the
organization and their team members face is technology change over, which takes the
tediousness out for the everyday tasks. Other than this, being flexible with time is also seen.
Likewise, in modern workplace, culture helps in growing workplace of the remote workers and
while at the same time they are offering an office space to teams. Other than this, Clear mission,
culture and brand is also important in today’s modern office. Lastly, with the increase in the
number of employees in the organization, then company do give importance for team meetings
in order to build relationships, offers the determined time for the brain storming and along with
these all newer workplace also encourages the collaboration.
Teams with the general framework
Team in modern workplace mainly highlights about the workplace, which has undergone a major
overhaul. However, todays when we see to it, forward thinking businesses are embracing more
openly, they are more collaborative and flexible while working in the organization. Throughout
all the changes made in the organization yet employees, working as teams remains the core of
every company. All teams will be able to adapt the newer ways of working I the changing
working environment and where the teams build in. Hence, it is also seen that team building is
key to modern workplace (Hollenbeck,and Jamieson, 2015)
This is all because of boosting the communication among the entire team. As it is seen that
flexible working environment is fundamental to the modern workplace which enables the
employees to work effectively. Team building highlights about the multiple people from the
Management and Organization in Global Environment | Report_3

Management and organization in global environment 3
different department works together as a team. Moreover, it helps in strengthen relationships and
makes employees more confident, collaborative and communicating with one another (Charlier,
et al, 2016)
Tuck man’s stages in team development
Tuck man’s model majorly highlights about the team development, which mainly comprises of
the development of maturity and ability, relationship establishment and the leader changing its
leadership style. It mainly initiates with the guiding style, moving on to training aspect then
contributing, concluding and lastly delegating.
The very first step of this model highlights about Forming. Forming aspect highlights about the
group, this first comes across each other. In this aspect, sharing of info about the background,
interest and the experience generates the first impression on members. Throughout this early
stage of the team development, it is mandatory for the team lead it is to be very clear about the
team aims and along with this; they should provide the clear directions regarding the project. The
team front-runner should also ensure that all the associates are involved in defining the team
characters and responsibilities. Hence, overall it highlights that their a high dependency on leader
for the guidance and directions (Natvig, and Stark, 2016)
Second stage of this model highlights about storming which states that a new group who has
never operated collectively earlier is going to work together in this step. As, in this team
associates participate with each other for the position and the recognition of the concepts. Every
individual has different thoughts and ideas, which causes conflicts within the group. In this little
supervision from the team frontrunner is required that how to resolve the issues or the problems
altogether, functions self-sufficiently and organized as a group and also settle into the various
parts and the accountabilities as a group (Travers, 2018)
Third phase of this process highlights about the norming aspect in which employees no longer
emphasis on the specific objectives but rather focus on emerging a way for functioning
altogether. This this they give respect to each other decisions and beliefs. Moreover, at this stage,
team associates begin to belief each other and vigorously assist each other in any issues or the
problems, which are, arise in the organization. Hence, rather than competing, serving each other
Management and Organization in Global Environment | Report_4

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