
Application of the Four Stages of Problem Solving


Added on  2022-10-06

26 Pages7540 Words24 Views
Professional DevelopmentK12STEMHigher Education
Running head: MANAGEMENT
Name of the Student
Name of the University
Author Note
Application of the Four Stages of Problem Solving_1

Table of Contents
Task 1:........................................................................................................................................2
Identification of the Issue:..........................................................................................................3
Application of the Four Stages of Problem Solving:.................................................................4
Utilization of Evidence-Driven Decision-Making Cycle:..........................................................8
Task 2:......................................................................................................................................12
Description of the Problem:.....................................................................................................13
Application of Decision Making strategy:...............................................................................17
Task 3:......................................................................................................................................22
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Task 1:
The efficient management of the problems and solving the same in a professional
manner is seen to be associated with greater significance in the modern today’s world. As per
the esteemed opinion of Hesse et al. (2015), the importance of the problem solving is notably
high amongst the modern individuals in the personal and professional life. According to the
comments of Shute et al. (2016), the ability of the modern professionals in solving the
problems in a professional manner increases their ease in increasing the sustainability of their
business actions. Hesse et al. (2015) mentioned that, in organizational context, the modern
individuals are seen to be exposed to frequently changing business environment which
increases the barriers that they face for the management of their business. As the success of
such professionals in the organizational context is dependent on their ability in applying the
problem solving skills, the significance of the problem solving skills in the modern word of
business is notably prominent.
On the other hand, the necessity of excellent problem solving skills is seen to be
notably high in the personal life as well as it enables the individuals in maintaining the
desired balance in their life. In addition to this, Comber (2015) mentioned that sustainability
associated with a better style of life leading is seen to be primarily dependent on the ability of
the individuals in tackling the challenges that are present in their life. The study is based on
one such scenario of personal life problem. The study delivers an efficient understanding of
the problem present in the scenario. In addition to this, the study prepares an efficient
elaboration of the problem solving techniques that can be utilized for developing a suitable
solution on the mentioned case. Apart from this, the study refers to an evidence driven
Application of the Four Stages of Problem Solving_3

decision making cycle for reflecting the development of the decision for tackling the
identified issue.
Identification of the Issue:
From the case, it is evident that Halimah is a 19 year college student. Halimah is in a
love relationship with John. John is 10 years older than Halimah and is an IT technician by
profession in the same college. As Halimah and Johan are in love for some time now, they
have made their minds to get married next year. However, their plan of getting married next
year is seen to be a major problem for Halimah’s parents and that is prominent with their
reaction. Halimah’s parents were observed to be pretty concerned with the future of their
daughter. Halimah was on the verge of adulthood and her decision of getting married to
Johan at such early stage of her life, was a major spot of bother for her parents. As they feel
Halimah is considerably young to get married, it made them against their decision of getting
married. Other than this, Halimah was the eldest child in their long family which certainly
highlights her importance in the family and the responsibility she requires to take care of. In
such situation, Halimah’s parents expected that she will continue her learning and will be
focused in securing a good job rather than getting married. Halimah’s continuation of study
and achieving a good career were seen to be considerably important for her parents as it
would have enabled their daughter for helping them back. As the desired success in
Halimah’s career had the opportunity to place herself in perfect position for ensuring the
societal and financial improvement of their family, Halimah’s decision of getting married to
Johan at an early age of 19, created considerable amount of concern for her parents.
With a detailed focus on the mentioned challenge, it is understandable that Halimah is
facing an acute dilemma in personal life. On one end, she is facing the grievance of her
parents regarding the marriage. Her parents want her to continue with her study so that she be
Application of the Four Stages of Problem Solving_4

able to achieve a suitable career choice and earn a handsome amount of money which not
only enables her to lead a successful life but also places her in perfect position for helping her
family. On the other hand, Halimah has made commitment with Johan regarding their
probable marriage in the next year. At the same time, she loves Johan unconditionally and
wants to live with him for the rest of her life. Hence, she cannot avoid the responsibility and
commitment that she has, in their relationship. As a result, Halimah is seen to be in placed in
a vulnerable position where she does not know what would be best for her and at the same
time. At the same time, the incapability of Halimah in finding out any suitable solution for
getting rid of the situation, is increasing her anxiety and is adding a great share of mental
stress to a person of that low age.
Application of the Four Stages of Problem Solving:
Considering the chosen context, it is visible that Halimah has an acute personal
problem in hand. The sustainability associated with Halimah’s relationship with her parents
and with her lover is primarily reliant on her ability in tackling the problem in hand. As a
result, the utilization of the problem solving skills from her part becomes much required for
resolving the challenge that she is subjected to. Having said that, Kirmizi, Saygi and
Yurdakal (2015) mentioned that the ability of the individuals in applying the problem solving
skill is seen to be dependent on their capability in executing four different stages which are
recognising and defining the problem, searching for the suitable solutions, finding out the
best suitable solution and implementing the same in a professional manner. Prior to the
utilization of the stages of problem solving, it becomes important to analyse the concepts of
the stages and the actions that are required to be executed for the same.
As per the comments of Raiyn and Tilchin (2015), the problem recognition and
definition stage is considerably important for the individuals as it provides them the desired
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scope to identify or recognize the existence of a problem. According to the comments of
Kirmizi, Saygi and Yurdakal (2015), any problem that might be personal or professional can
be solved only when the problem gets recognized. Having said that, Birgili (2015) mentioned
that the problem recognition is a considerably tricky activity as in many of the cases, the
problem gets recognized only when its impact is severe or massive. On the other hand,
Lovelace, Eggers and Dyck (2016) mentioned that the problem recognition leads the
individuals towards such a state where they are left with closed ended or open ended
problems. Considering the definition of the closed ended problems, Chinedu, Olabiyi and
Kamin (2015) mentioned that there will be one or considerably limited number of solutions
for the closed ended problems and on the other hand, the open ended problems can be
resolved with the application of the multiple number of solutions. Apart from this, Irwanto
and Prodjosantoso (2018) mentioned that the problem analysis for a closed ended problems
involves appropriate identification of all possible causes of a problem whereas the problem
analysis for the open ended problems involves an accurate search of all possible information
that can be utilized to suggest a range of probable solutions for solving the problems.
The next stage of an appropriate problem solving system is the search of the possible
solutions. The second stage of the system is considerably important for both personal and
professional problems as it enables the individuals to gather the probable solutions that can be
applied in a professional manner for solving the problem in an efficient manner. According to
the comments of Care et al. (2015), the search of the probable solutions is notably crucial in
both organizational and personal contexts. In organizational context, the search of alternative
solutions is seen to be notably important as it enables the professionals to gather information
regarding different solutions that can be utilized depending on the merit of the business
environment. As the modern business entities are seen to be subjected to varying business
environments, it becomes important for the leadership team of the organizations to develop
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