
Strategic Alliances for Sustainable Growth and Competitive Advantage


Added on  2019-11-20

12 Pages2504 Words212 ViewsType: 212
Business DevelopmentLeadership Management
Running head: MANAGEMENTBusiness Management for Coffee BarName of the Student:Name of the University:Author’s Note:
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MANAGEMENT2Executive SummaryThis present report deals with the business planning of the Coffee Bar based on the IBISreport of café and coffee industry in Australia. However, it has been received that the inAustralia there is growing demand of the café industry. For this reason the cafe shops are risingrapidly in from the last 5 years. In the context of Coffee Bar it has been received that if manyindustries operate in a same market segment then huge competition occur that affects theprofitability of the organization. Porter Five Forces analysis has been carried out in this report tounderstand the industry analysis in context Coffee Bar. Therefore, Porter Generic strategies arebeneficial for such organization to gain competitive advantages in the global market.
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MANAGEMENT3Table of Contents1.0 Introduction................................................................................................................................42.0 Industry analysis:.......................................................................................................................42.1 Porter’s Five forces model analysis in context of the Coffee Bar.............................................42.1.1 Industry rivalry....................................................................................................................42.1.2 Barriers to entry..................................................................................................................52.1.3 Bargaining power of the customers....................................................................................62.1.4 Bargaining power of the Suppliers......................................................................................62.1.5 Substitute’s product.............................................................................................................72.2 Porter Generic strategies............................................................................................................82.3 Alternative strategy....................................................................................................................93.0 Conclusion...............................................................................................................................10References......................................................................................................................................11
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MANAGEMENT41.0 IntroductionThe business plan refers to the formal statement of the business objectives to get asuitable outcome from a business. However, to get competitive advantages in a business industryanalysis and the establishment of the strategy is crucial for any business (Jain et al. 2017). Thisstudy deals with the business planning of the Coffee Bar that is a coffee shop and situated in theAustralia. The mission of such organization is to offer a unique and comfortable environment totheir customer to be more socialized within a relaxing circumstance while taking coffee andfood. For this reason, they offer free Wi-Fi and charging station to all of their customers to makethem comfortable in their coffee house. This business planning is based on the IBIAS worldindustry research report that includes essential information about the coffee shop industry in theAustralia. This report is beneficial to develop a business plan for the Coffee Bar according to thecurrent market analysis of the coffee industry in Australia.2.0 Industry analysis:2.1 Porter’s Five forces model analysis in context of the Coffee BarPorter five forces model is important to understand the nature of the industry in the globalmarket. However to establish a business plan or to develop any strategy it is crucial for anyorganization to carry out an industry analysis to understand their current market position.2.1.1 Industry rivalry This element of the Porter five forces is one of the vital determinants to identify theprofitability and the competitiveness of an organization in the global market (Rothaermel 2016).
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