2MANAGEMENT Why organizations and businesses must change their business strategies in the era of globalization" Main concept- The globalization: Rapid development of globalization is acting as a driving force behind the firms to improve their performance level. As discussed byMeyer and Peng (2016)this is the key of sustaining in the highly competitive business environment. In the contemporary times, globalization has changed the contemporary landscape and driving the firms to strengthen their mission and vision for the sake of competing efficiently. Globalization is being viewed as bothbeneficial and destructive process.Hamilton and Webster (2018) showed thatin the positive term, globalisation is leading to the opening of new market, allocation of high quality of resources, lower prices of raw material, and greater choices for consumers, which are paving the way for the firms to be efficient in the way of competing with the business giants. In the political and economic sense, globalisation is helping the firms to have international contact and the freedom of improving bilateral relationship. In the extremely competitive landscape, globalisation is leading people to come up with theglobal markets, products and demandsandexpandtheirproducts,servicesandpracticesfromdomesticto international market. Concept 1- The companies can enjoy increased economic interdependence: Rapid development of globalisation is leading the firms to strengthen their action for the sake of achievingcompetitive advantage and create valuefor customers and its stakeholders.Gray (2019) put stress on the fact thatcurrently, the competitive environment is largely intensified by the rapid development of globalisation. Through globalisation, the companies can enjoy increased economic interdependence, which is one of the major sources of attaining competitive advantage. However,Buckley and Casson (2019) contended on the 2
3MANAGEMENT ground thatin order to compete efficiently in the global market, it is important for the firms to change their strategy. This is the way of sustaining in the contemporary business environment, which is changing rapidly. Concept 2- firms can improve the speed and quality of decision making: The firms can improve the speed and quality of decision making the company should develop a changing mindset, which can help them to be flexible in dealing with extreme business environment. Through flexibility, the firms can improve the speed and quality of decision making process, which is the key of attaining long term success from business. This is the way, through which the companies can be able to work in accordance with the requirements of customers.Chow and Schoenbaum (2020) commented thatin order to cope with the new market, the organisations need to customise products and services as per the latest trend of local market. Concept 3- the firms can response to the opportunities globally: In the global setting, the firms should create global organisation by expanding their overseas operation. In addition, the firms should also include certain values and beliefs, which can be seen globally (Hamilton & Webster 2018). This is the way, through which the firms can be able to formulate effective mission and vision for overseas operation. In addition, the firms should communicate the value of the employees of home country with that of the host country, which is the key of integrating the value of parent company with that of the human resources (Chow & Schoenbaum, 2020). Through this way, the firms can response to the opportunities globally. 3
4MANAGEMENT References: Buckley, P., & Casson, M. (2019). Decision-making in international business.Journal of International Business Studies,50(8), 1424-1439. Chow, D. C., & Schoenbaum, T. J. (2020).International business transactions: problems, cases, and materials. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business. Gray, D. E. (2019).Doing research in the business world. Sage Publications Limited. Hamilton,L.,&Webster,P.(2018).Theinternationalbusinessenvironment.Oxford University Press. Meyer, K., & Peng, M. W. (2016).International business. Cengage Learning. 4