
Management Concepts Decision Making Controlling and Leadership


Added on  2021-06-14

4 Pages895 Words22 Views
Running head: management concepts 1MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS: DECISION MAKING, CONTROLLING AND LEADERSHIPStudent nameAffiliationSupervisor’s nameDate of submission
Management Concepts Decision Making Controlling and Leadership_1

Running head: management concepts 2The decision making theory is a multidisciplinary approach of choosing alternative to adopt fromseveral in unknown and uncertain environment. The concept or theory defines how managersneed to make decisions from different dimensions, tools, and disciplines. Every employee inorganizations in respective of the levels of management is expected to make decisions that affecttheir daily work. Decision is not only an action it is also a process that involves steps to befollowed in solving a problem (Zsambok & Klein, 2014). It entails an eight step process(identification of a problem, establishing decision criteria, criteria rankings, and development ofalternatives, analysis, selection, implementation and evaluation of alternative (Power, Sharda &Burstein, 2015). Decision making has been useful to the liquor store business I operate with thehelp of an employee. Every minor or major problem that the business faces we consultativelyfollow the decision making process. Recently the business was faced with a problem of increasedcompetition from more established stores we had to make a decision on the best decision to makewhich we were able to make through the decision making process. Since adoption of thedecision making process the business decisions have improved positively and productivity haveincreased significantly. The leadership theory consists of techniques, skills and methodologies adopted by managers toinfluence groups to achieve organizational goals (Uhl-Bien, 2015). Current managers are facedwith issues on how to manage different personalities, cultures, gender and races. A good leader isdefined with the different attributes that they possess or expected to possess for example being:risk takers, good communicator, innovative, motivators, understanding, and good listeners.Scholars have identified several sources in which a leader can obtain its power. These sourcesare from legitimate, coercive, reward, expert and referent means. Uhl-Bien, 2015) further statesthat every leader in a leadership position is recognized with the style of leadership adopted torule the employees. The styles of leadership include: autocratic, democratic, bureaucratic,participative, free rein, transformative, transactional and visionary leadership styles (Lussier &Achua, 2015).The understanding of the leadership approach has helped my liquor store businessin influencing and motivating performance of the employee. I employ a participative democratictype of leadership that involves allowing employee freely participating in running of thebusiness. The style of leadership has brought several benefits to the business. Innovative andconsultative decisions emerge from the leadership style employed, and there is no instance ofemployee resistance in the working environment.
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