
Meeting Management Strategies


Added on  2020-02-05

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Meeting Management Strategies_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCITON...........................................................................................................................3TASK...............................................................................................................................................3Describing different types of meeting in the organization...........................................................3Explaining the necessity of different types of meeting................................................................4Defining the purpose and objectives of a meeting.......................................................................5Identification of the resources required to support and manage the meeting..............................5Explaining the reasoning about the people invited for the meeting.............................................6Justification of the information that are provided to the attendees of the meeting in advance....6Evaluating own ability while leading a meeting..........................................................................7Identifying the area of weakness in own performance while managing meetings......................8Creating a personal development plan.........................................................................................8Monitoring the progress of actions agreed by the meeting attendees........................................11Managing any personal actions from meeting to deadlines.......................................................12Evaluating the impact on the organization of all the action agreed at the meeting...................12CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................13REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................14APPENDIX....................................................................................................................................162
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INTRODUCITONMeeting is basically a get together of two or more people discuss on one or more topicsusually in a formal setting. According to Whalin and et.al., (2012) meeting refers to as an act orprocess of coming together as an assembly or for a common purpose. It is important for theorganization to manage the meetings so as to carry out the working in an effective manner.Furthermore, meetings should also be managed in order to take proper decisions for the businessand to communicate the taken decisions to all the employees of the firm. This report is mainlyfocused on the management of meetings by the middle manager in Dental practices. Further, thereport discuss the types of meetings and their suitability in the organization. However, majoremphasize has been made on the CQC regulations meeting. In this meeting, the management willdiscuss the regulations defined by Control Quality Commission which has to be taken care byevery employee of dental practice in order to avoid any regulatory action. Moreover, thedescription has been made on the effective preparation for the meeting and development of ownperformance for managing meetings. In addition to this, follow up and effective action requiredto take for the meetings have been discussed. TASKDescribing different types of meeting in the organizationMeetings are called for numerous purposes and this has led to the formation of differentkind of meetings. There are basically two types of meeting that are formal and informalmeetings. Under these two types several meetings have been included. The meetings have beendescribed as follows:Formal Meeting: It is the formal gathering for discussing the task related and workrelated agendas. Furthermore, it is called in a formal manner and members are required tobehave in a formal way. Along with that, the duration of such meeting is very short andin a quick manner the aged get discussed (Wall, Hillier and Shrimpton, 2010). Some ofthe formal meetings which are held in Dental practice are Decision Making Meetings,informational meeting, motivational meeting, problem solving meeting, innovationmeetings and many more. These kind of meetings are held in the firm in order to sharethe information and take decisions accordingly. Furthermore, these are also held for3
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building teams and motivating the employees in order to carry out the working in aneffective manner. These meetings are held in order to accomplish the working of dentalpractice in an effective manner. Furthermore, the formal meetings are led by the managerof the dental practice as the person know how to carry out the task in an effective manner(Schirling, 2011). Moreover, informational and problem solving meetings are held at theregular interval in order to communicate with the employees of dental practice in aneffective manner. Furthermore, to solve the problems, it is important for the organizationto carry out the meeting so that small issues can be resolved on the hand. Along with that,motivational and informational meetings are conducted quarterly, half yearly or regularly.Along with that, all these meetings are attended by the manager, practitioner, doctors andnursing staff.Informal Meeting: The departmental meeting is considered as informal meeting which isdone in order to discuss the daily operational task. Several types of informal types areMorning Huddle Meeting, Brain storming, team building meetings, etc. Furthermore, theinformal meeting includes morning huddle meeting, brain storming, team buildingmeetings, etc. These meetings are mainly led by the team leaders and any person caninitiate for this meeting (Solomon and Soltes, 2015). Furthermore, they are conducted ona continuous interval. Furthermore, the meetings are attended by the team of dentist,nursing staff team or the multidisciplinary team. Explaining the necessity of different types of meetingIt is very necessary for the Dental practice to conduct the above stated types of meetings.It is because each kind of meeting carry different purpose and to fulfil those purpose meetingsare mainly carried out. If the company carries out decision making meetings then it will help thedental practice to take better decision about every aspect (Sperstad and Cecil, 2011). Forinstance, the manager of dental practice wants to change the structure of the organization wheredecentralization will be done and all the dentist could be easily take the decisions during thetreatment of patients. Further, there will be heavy involvement of employees and this willmotivate them to do work in a most effective manner. Moreover, the team building andmotivational meetings are important because this will boost the morale of the care workers andpractitioners. This will also assist the managers in carrying out the task in an effective manner4
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