
Systemic Leadership and Management Analysis


Added on  2020-07-22

14 Pages4632 Words41 Views
Management &OperationsTable of Contents
Systemic Leadership and Management Analysis_1

INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1P1 Define and differentiate the roles of a leader and manager....................................................1M1................................................................................................................................................2TASK 2............................................................................................................................................3P2 How leader will perform its role and manager will perform its function in differentsituational context........................................................................................................................3P3 Different theories and models of leadership approaches........................................................3M2................................................................................................................................................5D1................................................................................................................................................5TASK 3............................................................................................................................................5P4 Approaches of operation management and roles of leaders and managers............................5P5 Importance and value of operations management..................................................................6M3................................................................................................................................................7TASK 4............................................................................................................................................7P6 Impact of internal factors upon operational management and decision making....................7M4 Influence of factors upon business environment and wider community...............................9D2 Critical evaluation of operations management......................................................................9CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................9REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................11
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INTRODUCTION There are many people in an organization who perform their tasks in an effective way sothat they can lead an enterprise towards success. The company should be focused on theirmanagement and operations departments so that overall targets can be achieved and practices canbe administered on continuous time period (Althaher, Mancarella and Mutale, 2015). The presentreport is based on CAPCO which is a consultancy firm and they offer their services throughoutthe world. They are focusing on their different management practices so that their growth can beimproved. In this context, the different roles of leaders and managers are explained in detail bydifferentiating their characteristics. Along with this, some models and approaches will bediscussed in detail and after that importance of operations management is explained. TASK 1 P1 Define and differentiate the roles of a leader and manager When a business organization establish its operations then top executives higher somepeople at different levels so that their overall activities can be managed. Leaders and managersare the one who play a crucial role at work place so that work can be completed in timelymanner. Leaders are the one who holds a position within their field or area and they influencetheir subordinates so that specified objectives can be achieved. These people have a control overothers (Ma and et. al., 2016). A leader should be visionary who see the things will getaccomplished in near future. Manager is the one who has some responsibilities or dutiesregarding to the overall management and administration practices. He is the one to whom eachand every employee will report so that some actions can be taken for improving the workpractices. This person has to perform their roles efficiently so that CAPCO can attain success andthey will be able to accomplish their business objectives. The comparison between the roles and characteristics of a leader and manager: LeaderManagerA leader is responsible to develop someeffective strategies which will help thestaff members in order to achieve goals.This person will take care of every staffmember by individually contributingManager is the one who manage overalltasks which are performed by theorganization at workplace by takingcare of different resources.He is taking care of numbers that how1
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into the activities. Leader encourages people that howthey will be able to attain success. Leaders are risk takers and by takingthe risks they grow personally (Wangand et. al., 2015). He is responsible to solve the issueswhich are faced by employees at workenvironment. They maintain a relationship with theirsubordinates so that overall task can beperformed successfully. A leader followed some differentleadership styles like Laissez-fair,autocratic, participative, transactionaland transformational. profits will be attained by hitting thetargets. Manager only direct the workers bytelling them what they have to do. These people generally control the riskor avoid to take risk in future. Manager avoid such kind of situationsat the workplace. He is responsible to create only someprocesses or systems through which thefirm will be able to attain its targets. There are some management styleswhich are followed by manager likeauthoritative, directive, participativeand so on. M1The function of a manager and role of a leader can be analysed appropriately on the basis ofsome theories. There are some theories which can help the both in performing their task at workenvironment. Through trait and behavioural theory, the overall roles can be analysed which areperformed by the leader. Like, trait explain the different characteristics which are possess by anindividual and behavioural will explain the behaviour of a person towards its subordinates. Formanagers, two theories are there like human relations and chaos (Brahman, Honarmand andJadid, 2015). The first will define the relation of a person towards its staff members and chaosexplains the dynamic nature of a person. 2
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