
Organisational Change Management


Added on  2023-04-21

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Running Head: MANAGEMENT 0
Organisational Change Management_1

Topic 1
1) Organisation Development (OD) is an effort for the continuous diagnosis, action
planning and practices concerning of effectiveness of individual so as to accomplish
more successful organisational change and performance (Burnard and Bhamra, 2011).
It is basically the process used to enhance the overall effectiveness of an enterprise
with the help of managing individual behaviour within that enterprise. It is based on
various functional aspects such as culture and process, collaboration, system change,
development view, human and social needs, and some specific objectives.
2) Organisation Development is a system-wide application where the knowledge is
intended for planned improvement and development to gain organisation
effectiveness (Montano, Hoven and Siegrist, 2014). In recent years, relevance of OD
is emerged due to managing change in modern organisation. With call of intervention
of change, organisational development leads to increase performance through
restructuring and continual changes. The pace of globalisation also demands a distinct
culture and Organisational development is the thing helping in building good culture
in an enterprise. In addition, it provides opportunity to each individual of an
organisation to develop his full potential that is required as more effective in fulfilling
the desired goals.
3) Some important trends facing many organisations are the emergence of a global
marketplace. The three environmental trends that created pressure on organisations to
embrace organisation development (OD) includes lowered trade barriers, competitive
pressure and advances in IT technologies (Farndale, Scullion and Sparrow, 2010). As
every organisation operates in a global economy that is characterised by intense
competition and one of the major consequence of globalisation is greater mobility in
international capital and global markets. Moreover, technology is advancing faster
than ever before and at the same time; companies are being disrupted more quickly.
This demand for organisation to undertake to focus upon various organisation
development programmes in the recent past.
Topic 2
Organisational Change Management_2

1) Quantum changes are focused at considerably changing how the organisation
functions. Many dimensions related to organisation are included in these changes like
culture, reward system, work design and information procedures (Zahra et al, 2009). It
involves altering multiple levels of an enterprise from top-level management in
extended with individual jobs. In recent decades, organisational development has been
concerned increasingly with quantum change. As quantum change comprises of most
features and levels of the enterprise, it is usually driven from the top, where the values
are being derived and corporate strategy also formulated. The OD approach to
quantum change is especially applicable in today competitive and dynamic
environment and to flourish in this environment, organisation need to move from
control-oriented bureaucracies to high-involvement organisation having ability to
change and improve themselves continuously.
2) Lewin Change Management model is easy and simple to recognize framework for
managing change. In essence, change is common in all organisations and firms. This
change management model gives prior learning which creates a view that a change is
required (Worley and Mohrman, 2014). Lewin Change Management model is
rational, goal and plan oriented. It provides a supervisor idea to know employing
implies of change when individuals are managing. The three elements of this model
also provide direction that includes top way to approach inspiring persons to change.
3) The steps in Lewin’s change model include – Unfreezing, Moving and Refreezing.
The unfreezing process helps individual to look for other options so as to prepare in
advance for accepting the change (Shirey, 2013). In moving stage, there is a
development of new assumptions, beliefs, values and behaviours will help in
supporting the change initiatives. The last stage is refreezing which consist of several
supportive mechanisms such as reward system, appraisal and cultures that reinforce
the newly acquired behaviours and attitudes.
Topic 3
1) There are three set of individuals on which term OD is being applied: People
specialising in OD as a profession, individuals from associated fields who have
acquired some capability in OD and managers consisting of OD skills essential to
change and develop their enterprise and divisions.
2) Considering consultant style matrix, there are 5 different styles includes –
Organisational Change Management_3

Stabiliser – The goal of this style is neither participant satisfaction nor
effectiveness. Here, the consultant wants to keep a low profile and abstain
from making critical changes. Also, survival here is the underlying motivation.
Cheerleader – It is concerned with employee motivation and places high
emphasis on satisfaction of its member. Here, cheerleaders seek warm
working relationships and there is an assumption that effectiveness will be
high if member satisfaction is high (Karsten et al, 2009).
Analyser – This style put emphasis on procedure of rational problem solving
and the analyser has knowledge and expertise to solve numerous issues.
Persuader – This style includes both dimensions i.e. morale and
effectiveness. There is a low-risk strategy in this style and be used when the
consultant power is low in comparison with organisation member.
Pathfinder – In this style, it is believed that with the help of teamwork,
greater effectiveness is possible and thus seeks for high degree of member
satisfaction and effectiveness. A collaborative approach is used by pathfinder
considering problem-solving approach.
3) It includes –
Merits of Recruiting Internal
More familiar with organisation
Effectively gain acceptance and
trust of members of organisation.
Easy access to ranges of
information and data. Example –
access to direct observations.
It is more cost effective to
employ internal consultant.
They possess abundance
knowledge about organisation
and thus save times while
diagnosing problems of
Merits of Recruiting External
External consultants are
perceived unbiased by
organisational members.
Fresh ideas can be effectively
brought by them considering
varieties of perspectives.
They can offer specific expertise
that is not internally available.
They are less affected by internal
political influence and control.
They gain some sort of expert
power as of their perceived
expertise and objectivity.
Organisational Change Management_4

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