
6-8 Good Manager


Added on  2019-11-26

12 Pages3110 Words142 ViewsType: 142
Professional Development
Running Head: MANAGEMENT SKILLSManagement Skills and Business SuccessStudent’s Name:Institution Affiliation:
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MANAGEMENT SKILLS AND BUSINESS SUCCESS 2IntroductionManagement process is a coordination of all activities in an organization aimed at achieving a specified objective (Matuso, 2017). It includes planning, controlling and coordinating of all resources using the management skills. The management skills are always used to accomplish all the goals efficiently by the manager. The skills include motivation, problem-solving, communication professionalism, innovations and technical expertise that are applied correlatively to achieve the objectives of a company.How negative and positive effects of cultural and social environment can hinder or supportplanned actions achievement Social and cultural environments refer to the religions, beliefs, ethical, customs practices and behaviors in a set society or business enterprise. The social and cultural environments comprises of shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers, society and the government, that control the outcome either positively or negatively. For example, the taxes, license, and policies placed on business enterprise might be high and exclusive to the extent that leads to closure of the firm or rather prevents entry of any new business in the market. The customers offer the market for the product and services; therefore, ready market ensures the success of the business, unlike unstable and inadequate market that will lead to the failure of the business. Well built and motivated employees provide easy time in both the management and production of quality products and services.Actions that I would take to achieve these things and why they are essential to anorganization’s sustainability and ongoing success
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MANAGEMENT SKILLS AND BUSINESS SUCCESS 3Honesty-A good manager should always be honest since through honesty, the staffs tendto gain trust in their leader (Matuso, 2017). To acquire honesty, a manager should be able to say truth and maintain the promises at all times. The gained trust by the employees can always fade away within minutes due to lies from the manager to the staffs, and therefore as a manager, I willstrive to say truth and keep all the promises made to my team members. Most of the managers tend to fall into the trap of the leadership and fail to admit that there are issues that they don’t know in the company. I will accept that the management is a process that changes at every stage;there is always new thing learned from both the workers and the challenges faced. Through the acceptance, I will be able to control myself and not be so hard on my team, create a space for selfimprovement. Delegation of work-Most of the managers tend to complain of too much work expected for them to do within a short period mostly caused by lack of delegation of duty (Rese et al,2011).A good manager will always delegate work to the deputy or any other senior staffs so asto create own space to attend to other vital issues. Through delegation, as a manager, I will be able to oversee the overall activities of the company and attend to the vital ones for example attending meetings and solving any obstacles to success of the business. Duty delegation also allows easy supervision on the activities, I will walk around in every department and every capable individual to take up responsibilities to certain tasks and avoid being a micro-manager. The delegation of duty also creates trust among the team, since every individual given the task will perceive this as a personal responsibility placed upon them by the manager. Work delegationalso will allow me to have a self-check on every person’s weakness, accept them and work on them for improvement.
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MANAGEMENT SKILLS AND BUSINESS SUCCESS 4Strong communication- Communication is one of fundamental skills of good management in every business setting (Yu, 2013). Most managers tend to forget that communication between an employee and staff is a two-way street, where by all parties are giventime to ask questions and respond. Therefore, to ensure the business success as the captain; I willstrive to offer clear communication about the goals and objectives to my staffs. Thoroughly communicating the company’s aims and objectives to the crews will ensure that everyone understands and is working towards the same purpose. I will be open and direct in my communication through all the departments and use the most possible persuasive to ensure the company’s objectives are well received by all the stakeholders. The communications and trainingshould be done and mostly to the new members on a daily basis through availing myself to themat all times of need, as this will ease any discussion or solving any problem that may arise amongthem (Skold et al ,2013). Being able to clarify what I want and the company’s vision and missionto my team will create a healthy productive working environment since they will acquire trust and will strive to work harder and smarter.Commitment-For the production of quality products and services, there should be a full commitment of all the stakeholders of the company, and this is only achievable when led by committed manager (Eacott, 2011). As the leader of the team, I will embark on activities that will motivate them in doing their tasks with ease and enthusiasm, such as cleaning the compoundalongside the cleaning team or helping in the service during peak hours. Doing such activities notonly create close relationship between the manager and the staffs but also instill the same working energy and commitment among them. As the manager I will show the team that commitment is not only working hard but also the ability to uphold a promise, made by both
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