
Talent Management in Tesco: A Case Study


Added on  2023-01-04

28 Pages6902 Words3 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentDesign and Creativity
Managing a Successful
Business Project
Talent Management in Tesco: A Case Study_1

Table of Contents
TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3
P1. Devising aims and objectives of project of selected scenario...............................................3
P2. Producing project management plan which covers aim and deliverables, time, quality,
communication, risk and resources.............................................................................................6
P3. Producing work breakdown structure as well as Gantt Chart...............................................7
TASK 2..........................................................................................................................................11
P4. Carrying out small scale research through applying primary and secondary methods to
meet project aims and objectives..............................................................................................11
P5. Presenting findings and data using appropriate tools and techniques.................................13
P6. Communicating appropriate recommendations as result of findings and data analysis valid
and meaning conclusion............................................................................................................20
TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................22
P7. Reflecting on values of undertaking the project to meet states objectives and own learning
as well as performance..............................................................................................................22
Talent Management in Tesco: A Case Study_2

Talent is said to be the capability of an individual to perform some thing or an activity
with mere perfection. Talent can be inborn or it can be develop and learn with the time. Talent
management refers to an activity in which the organisation attracts, retain or manages the
workforce in such a way it integrates the goals and objectives of both the parties i.e. the
organisation and the employees. For reference purpose this report has taken an example of a
company, Tesco. This research is upon the talent management and the aim to is discuss whether
the Tesco company effectively manages its talent management or not.
Tesco is a British multinational company which has engage its business in retailing
business. The company has the 3rd position in retailing business within UK. Tesco was
established in the year 1919 by Jack Cohen. The company however managed to locate itself at
6800 shops. Apart from this the company secures the 9th position in world's largest retailing
market chain. Tesco sells the products related with groceries and general merchandise in the
market. The retailing store of the company operates in around other 11 countries. It has opened
the its retailing business through supermarkets, hypermarkets, superstores and also from
convenience shops.
P1. Devising aims and objectives of project of selected scenario
Project aim:
The aim of the project is to “ identify the talent management strategies in Tesco for attracting
and retaining the talented employees in the organisation.” It is a study which is performed by
Tesco PLC ltd.
Objectives of the project:
Development of the basic knowledge for the concept of talent management in the
To identify the strategies related to talent management which can benefit the organisation
To identify with the ways which can contribute to the retaining employees in the
To determine the effectiveness of talent management strategies for retaining and also
inviting the talented candidates in the work place.
Talent Management in Tesco: A Case Study_3

Questions of the project
An enquiry about the concept of talent management in the context of organisation
Examination of various talent management strategies which could be used by the
organisation in managing the employees into the workplace.
What is the importance to develop the strategies for talent management in the
What could be the possible effects upon the company's performance through the
strategies used by the company in respect to retaining and attracting the talented
Rationale of the project: The major objective of this project is to check for the importance
of talent management in the organisation. Apart from this the report is also helping in forming
the view about the application of talent management into the organisation for attracting and
retaining the talented workforce.
Literature Review
The concept of talent management in the context of organisation
According to Zhang and Chen, (2019), talent management is an activity of anticipating
the required human capital that would need by an organisation for fulfilling its job or goals.
Through this activity an organisation can manage their employees in the most effective and
efficient way. As in the context of Tesco Company, the organisation uses this concept to attract
and retain the talented workforce in the organisation. They do so by properly aligning the
objectives of employees with the type of work they performed in the workplace. The
organisation tries to allot the work to the employees according to their forte or interest so that the
motivation level among these employees get maintain.
Various talent management strategies which could be used by the organisation in
managing the employees into the workplace.
There are various strategies which can be used by the organisation to improve the talent
management in the organisation. Some of these strategies may include integration of employee
and organisation objectives, providing the appropriate motivational methods like the system of
rewards and recognitions, policies regarding retaining the employees in the work place, and
much more.
Talent Management in Tesco: A Case Study_4

In accordance to Basu (2019), one of talent management strategy is Talent Cultivation in
which managers identify unique set of needs of potential and prospective talent. Through this
strategy, managers of Tesco manage available talent through providing regular as well as
objective feedback in order to keep track of required number of manpower. At same time, other
talent management strategy is providing ongoing training and development opportunities to
potential employees. Training and development plays key function in enhancing skills,
capabilities and competence of a person. In this, managers of Tesco holds regular meetings with
existing talent in order to discuss, analyse and provide improvement practices in required areas.
The importance to develop the strategies for talent management in the organisation
According to Sheehan, Grant and Garavan, (2018), there are various importance for using
the strategies which an organisation could perform with respect to the talent management. The
strategies which are performed by the organisation are very different and unique which would
lead to the attainment of the objectives. As in the case with Tesco company, the company uses
various strategies to maintain the employee motivation level, retaining of talented employs in the
organisation, strategies regarding the training and development program of the employees so that
their skills can get cope up with the market requirements and much more.
The possible effects upon the company's performance through the strategies used by the
company in respect to retaining and attracting the talented employees
According to Swailes, (2016), through the appropriate application of talent management
the organisation can be benefited from various advantages. The employee motivation would be
high form the same, the organisation would be able to retain its talented candidates in the
workplace by providing the necessaries to them. The teams can also get managed properly
through the use of this concept. The working environment which the company would be
providing to the employees would be very comfortable and healthy for the employee's mental
and emotional health. As in the context with Tesco company, the organisation gets benefited
with all these merits which are mentioned above. Therefore the company always try their best to
apply the proper strategies with regard to talent management in the company.
P2. Producing project management plan which covers aim and deliverables, time, quality,
communication, risk and resources
Project management plan: To perform this project various things and elements are
present which needs to take under consideration. Some of them may include:
Talent Management in Tesco: A Case Study_5

Cost: It is the total expense which would get incurred to perform the project. The cost
which may required for conducting this project may be as follows:
Total forecasted budget
Particular 2019-20($)
The cost for technology 120
The cost incurred with respect to promotional
The cost related to expense 25
Distribution of catalogues 200
The charges related to training 65
Total cost 290
Scope: Scope refers to the area which gets covered in the project. The scope for the
project is very broad as the researcher has the opportunity to gain a lot of knowledge
with regard to this concept.
Time: Time refers to the total time which required or needed in completion of task or
project. The time required to complete this project is approximately 40 days. Within this
time period the researcher has to complete the mentioned project.
Quality: To perform this project the quality is the major factor which needs to take care
very specifically. The activities should be completed with the type of quality standardized
for them. The quality can be measure by getting it matched with the standard which is set
for the project and i.e. proper conducting of research program so that the above
mentioned questions can get address. Quantitative research will be used for gaining
quality results. This will help the researcher in collecting of reliable and quality
information that turn to impact in achieving the research aim and objectives.
Communication: Communication is the major factor in performing any activity or
project. Through open and effective communication the barriers or any risks can get
minimised also, the confusion or misunderstanding can get clear and the like. Within the
Talent Management in Tesco: A Case Study_6

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