
multinational company Impact the Business on a Host Country - Unilever


Added on  2021-02-20

25 Pages5150 Words179 Views
Leadership ManagementPolitical Science
Managing a SuccessfulBusiness Project
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TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1LO 1.................................................................................................................................................2Aims and objectives....................................................................................................................2Rationale.....................................................................................................................................2Project management plan............................................................................................................3Work break down structure:........................................................................................................5Gantt chart: .................................................................................................................................5LO 2 ................................................................................................................................................7Research methodology................................................................................................................7LO 3.................................................................................................................................................9Analyse the results and data findings..........................................................................................9LO 4...............................................................................................................................................19Reflection..................................................................................................................................19COCLUSION.................................................................................................................................19REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................21APPENDIX....................................................................................................................................23
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TOPIC: “To analyse how multinational company impact the business on a host country. Study onUnilever.” INTRODUCTIONGlobalisation is the interaction of individuals, companies and government of differentcountries (Hillson, 2017). Globalisation has made it easy for the people and individual ofdifferent countries. Globalization has brought new technology, culture and jobs in variousnations. Globalisation benefits in getting new opportunities, education, technologicaladvancements, free trade that impact the business and nations. Unilever is a British company thatis headquartered in London, UK. The company is dealing in the products that include food andbeverages, beauty products and personal care products. It is one of the oldest companies that isdealing globally and the company's product are available in 190 countries. The organization ownmore than 400 brands with a revenue of 50 billions. The company was founded on 2 September1929 by William Lever. The report includes the aims and objectives of the project. Then later inthe report a project management plan is made that includes cost, resources, scope , time etc.Work Break Down Structure and Gantt Chart are made with task schedule adding to it. Then thefile includes the research methodology that includes research type, approach, philosophy anddesign. Further more the study has data and interpretation included and then somerecommendations were given for operations of Unilever. Background of the studyThe research is based on Unilever company. The topic of the research is “To analyse howmultinational company impact the business on a host country. Study on Unilever.” Unilever is amultinational company which is a global company (Cleden, 2017). One of the host country ofUnilever is Brazil. It is an emerging country thus it attracts foreign investors. Economic, socialand political condition of the host country is influenced by these MNC's because when they enterin the market the flow of cash increases, improves balance of payment. Through this hostcountry's economic and political conditions are stable. The research was conducted with thesample size of 25 managers and data is collected through questionnaire. 1
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LO 1Aims and objectivesAim of the study: “To analysehow a multinational company impact the business on a host country. Studyon Unilever.Objectives of the project:To describe concept of globalization and its benefit for countriesTo investigate business trends in BrazilTo assess relationship between operations of multinational companies and businessenvironment of BrazilResearch question: What is the trend of Brazilian business environment from the perspective of economic,social, political and financial factors? How Unilever influence the business operation of Brazil? How is MNC”s main source of paying tax to government?What are the recommendations given to Unilever for sustaining in the host countries?RationaleThe reason behind choosing the topic how a multinational company (Unilever) impact thebusiness on a host country is the growing economy and global trends in the market (Polonskyand Waller, 2018). Economic conditions of the country is highly affected by establishment ofmultinational companies. Business environment involves political, social, cultural, financial andeconomical factors which affects business positively an negatively. The reason for choosingBrazil as a host country is that its economic conditions are stable, there is not much fluctuation inthe inflation rates thus customers purchasing power is also high. Multinational companies areexpanding its business in such economic conditions to generate more revenue and develop theeconomy. The result of the research will identify the main issues which MNC's is facing whileconducting and operating its business in host countries. The major impact on Brazil businessenvironment, does Unilever contribute in generating employment opportunity in host countriesetc (Bass and Haxby, 2019). 2
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Project management planIt is a document which is used to determine each phase of research project. It is thebaseline of every research which is essential part of project (Cha, Newman and Winch, 2018).Project management plan includes initiating, designing, carrying out, controlling and monitoring.It is a structure through which research is been carried out. There are some of the importantelements of PMP which need to be considered while planning a research report.Cost: It is one of the important element which need to be consider while planning theresearch. It is a financial plan within which researcher need to perform all the task ionorder to get accurate results (Nicholas and Steyn, 2017). Every phase of the plan isallotted some amount, plan need to be completed within the financial limit. It will helpresearcher to carry out the report effectively and efficiently. To conduct how amultinational company impact the business on a host country research will require £7000.Cost breakdown Equipment cost£2500Labour cost £4000Location cost £500Total cost £7000Scope: It refers to the reach of the study to achieve the objective of research. The scopeof this research report is how a multinational company impact the business on a hostcountry. This research is beneficial for company to evaluate the external and internalfactors that affect performance of business. The scope of research will help academicsector as well as corporate sector. This research will be useful for students who are doingproject on liberalization and globalisation (Hillson, 2017). They will learn about how amultinational company impact the business on a host country and use its findings in theirresearch. Communication: It is also one of the major element to be consider while planningproject management. It is the responsibility of researcher to clearly convey the plan andevery detail to the people who are related to the research project directly or indirectly.There should not be any communication gap, researchers need to convey the information3
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through emails, messages, orally and by other means of communication. Communicationgap lead to misunderstanding and misinterpretation of results (Cleden, 2017). Resources: Resources are needed to carry out the research in a correct manner to reach tothe conclusion. Resources need to be utilized effectively and efficiently. Inadequateresource will create barrier in completing the project. In the research report humanresource, equipments (laptops, stationery, internet connection) etc. is needed. Quality: It is necessary to maintain the quality standards by the researchers. Datacollected by the researcher need to be reliable and valid. Researcher have to guaranteethat data collected for how a multinational company impact the business on a hostcountry is within the expected quality standards. To maintain the quality researcher needto maintain the secrecy of the data collected by the people (Polonsky and Waller, 2018). Time: The research conducted on the topic how a multinational company impact thebusiness on a host country need to be completed on time. Time is important factor withinwhich report need to be finished. Researcher need to follow time management and allotspecific time to each activity of the plan. Delay in time will affect the quality of work.This study will be completed within 35 days ( 18/7/2019 to 15/8/2019).Risk: It is essential to check the feasibility of the research so that there is no risk inconducting. In order to carry out the research smoothly researcher need to take anoverview of environment to find out risks. There are many risks such as security issues,theft etc (Bass and Haxby, 2019). Milestone: There are some milestones set by researchers which will be helpful inachieving the objective of research such as maintaining and achieving quality standards,evaluation of data sources and report will be conducted ethically. Work break down structure:It is a breakdown of project in manageable sections. It is a deliverable hierarchicaldecomposition which is to be executed by the team members. It is a visual form of plan whichdetermines the scope into small task which is easily understandable (Cha, Newman and Winch,2018). Project management team divides the activities into sub-parts so that each activity isassigned to individual person.4
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