
Managing a Successful Business Project Assignment (Doc)


Added on  2020-10-22

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Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentData Science and Big Data
Managing A Successful Business Project
Managing a Successful Business Project Assignment  (Doc)_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3P1Project aims and objectives................................................................................................3P2 Project management plan that covers cost, scope, time, quality, communication, risk andresources.................................................................................................................................4P3 Work breakdown structure and Gantt chart to provide time-frame..................................7P4 Small scale research by applying qualitative and quantitative research methods.............9TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................12P5 Analyse research and data using appropriate tools & techniques...................................12P6 Communicate appropriate recommendations as a result of research and data analysis..23TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................24P7 Reflect on the value of undertaking research to achieve stated objectives and own learning& performance......................................................................................................................24CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................25REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................26
Managing a Successful Business Project Assignment  (Doc)_2

Title- “How do multinational companies improve the recruitment, selection and training of theiremployees to meet International requirements” A case study on Nestle.INTRODUCTIONManaging of business activities are a set of practices that includes execution and propercontrolling of functions so that desired goals will be achieved in a limited time period.Whereas,Recruitment and selection both are those procedures through which experienced andknowledgeable employees are hired in the firm so that better support can be gained byorganisation in future period. Both process are very essential for the organisation to meet withthe international requirements. The chosen organisation in this report is Nestle which is atransnational company and deals in food and beverages sector. Company was founded in 1866by Henri Nestle and in present it provides its products and services in across the world. Mainproducts of firm are baby and medical food, confectionery items, pet foods and snacks. Thisassignment will discuss about aims and objectives for a specific topic along with a projectmanagement plan that includes cost, scope, risk and resources. WBS and Gantt chart will alsoprepared in this report. Small scale Research along with qualitative and quantitative will alsoconducted in this report so that a valid conclusion will be received which is beneficial for thefirm in meeting with the international requirements.TASK 1P1Project aims and objectivesBackground of the research In a marketplace, Each firm wants to gain growth and sustainability so that they can takelong term competitive advantage over their competitors. For achieving these, huge investment,advanced technologies, skilled and experienced employees are required by an organisation sothat they can easily meet with the international requirements. In order to fulfilling internationalrequirements, it is very essential for a firm to improve its recruitment, selection procedures sothat knowledgeable and experienced employees are hired within the workplace who have abilityto performing their duties under the complex situations. Nestle is a transnational organisationwhich engages in food industry and based in vaud, Switzerland. As the company is providing itsproducts in whole world therefore, it is very important for the firm to improve their recruitment
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and selection procedure so that their brand image in across the world will be maintained inproper manner (Eriksson, 2015).Purpose of the Research - Purpose behind performing this research programme is toidentifying the manner through which a multinational company can improve their selection,recruitment and training procedure of their employees. So that, they can improve the productivityand performance level of their employees which is beneficial for achieving organisational goalsin more effective manner. It also assist the management of firm in meeting with all internationalrequirements which will enhance the market share of organisation in the global market. Whereas,with the help of this research programme personal and professional knowledge of researcher willbe enhanced that will be beneficial for them in conducting future research programme in moreeffective manner (Fisher, 2011).Aim: “How do multinational companies improve the recruitment, selection and trainingof their employees to meet International requirements” .A case study on Nestle.Objectives: To understand the concept of recruitment, selection and training of the employees formeeting the International requirements.To determine the importance of improving the recruitment, selection and training ofemployees.To understand the ways of improving the recruitment, selection and training of theemployeesQuestions: What is the concept of recruitment and selection in current literature ?Which is the best method for improving the recruitment, selection and trainingprocedures of Nestle ?What is the major importance of making improvements in the recruitment, selection andtraining of employees?Literature reviewIt is a scholar paper which helps the investigators to gather and collect reliableinformation for the research topic. In this section, questions and objectives of research areaddress which are given as under:Concept of Recruitment and Selection
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According to Ariely, 2016., “recruitment and selection is a procedure through whichorganisations attracts, hires and selects the right persons for the job at right time.” In addition tothis, it is a process of searching the candidates and encourage them to applying for the vacantjobs of organisations. In other words, it is a method through which two parties are comestogether those who are offering jobs and those who are searching jobs. This is a positive processfrom which a large pool of candidates are attracted so that management can easily select rightpersons as per their expectations.As per the views of Carayannis, 2017. “ Recruitment and selection process are called oneof the important duty of HR which have to adhere by them for maximising the employee strengthwithin the workplace so that future goals will be achieved in easy manner.” In addition to this,this method includes various activities like sourcing, screening, short listing of candidates so thatright candidate would be selected for the vacant position.Scope of Recruitment and SelectionAs per the taken views of Jones‐Farmer., “Scope of this process is very wide andconsists of variety of activities. Resources are considered as the most important asset of anyorganisation.” Hence, hiring of right employees can also taken as the precious resources in thefirm which is rare and valuable for the organisation and their skills can't be imitate by anyone.Human resources are considered as the most important and valuable asset in each firm becausewithout their contribution organisation can't take growth or success in marketplace. Therefore, itcan be said that scope of this process is very huge and always supports the firm in hiringknowledgeable and experienced candidates.Improvement in recruitment and selection MethodsAccording to Schmidheiny. 2017, “ each firm in the marketplace wants to expand theirmarket share and profitability therefore it is very essential for the HR managers of Nestle tomake proper plans for selecting candidates so that right candidates for the vacant job positionscan be hired at workplace.” There are various things like well defined job posting, utilisation ofHR technology etc. which should be considered by the employers so that overall process ofrecruitment and selection would be improved in proper manner. When firm will post the jobs ineffective manner then it would create good perception of the organisation in the mindset ofcustomers which will ultimately leads the firm towards improving the recruitment and selectionprocedure. Apart from that, utilisation of HR technology can also assist the managers of Nestle
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in improving recruitment and selection process as it helps the organisation in saving the time ofattracting and screening of candidates which can also considered as the improvement method ofrecruitment and selection method.P2 Project management plan that covers cost, scope, time, quality, communication, risk andresourcesProject management plan is defined as a formal or approved document that is essentiallyneeded for properly executing the project this is also used for defining every phases of a projectso that project activities can be performed by researcher in an effective manner. It also providesmanner to the research in which project will be executed or completed so that a valid or reliableconclusion will be received at the end of research. There are various aspects which are associatedin the project management plan like cost, time, scope, quality etc. which are briefly discussed asunder:Cost: It is the major aspect while executing a research programme because without itsestimation any research programme can't carried out in a proper manner. With the help ofthis, management can easily conduct a research programme which will be helpful for thethem in determining the amount of funds that will be invested for getting suitable resultsfor the research topic. It includes all necessary activities which are executed under aproject and how much funds are needed for completing the research programme(Kodama, 2016). Cost estimated by the organisation to manage their project is 45000pounds whereas, researcher has demanded 10000 pounds for completing this project in aproper manner. The different ways which can be used by an organisation to improve theirdeliverance in international market in respect of the activities mentioned above is aboutFor recruitment, usage of online aptitude test, For Selection, required to use the techniqueof personal interview as this will help to determine their special attributes. In last, fortraining, simulation is the best approach that help to adapt the different cultures andnorms respectively. For doing all the activities in respect of all the activities requires tohave a budget of 15000 is allotted to each process for improving them.Scope: By using the online aptitude test in recruitment process firm can select suitablecandidate having required knowledge or experiences. Whereas, when personal interviewswill be conducted by the HR managers of firm then they can select the candidate basedon their skills such as communication and interpersonal skills and for improving the
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training firm can use simulation process so that employees can face tough or complexsituation in an easy manner. Therefore, it can be said that the scope of improvement inrecruitment, selection and training process is very wide.Time: For completing the research programme in more effective manner appropriatetime frame is very essential because if time period is not sufficient then the projectactivities will be not handled in proper manner. The management of the Nestle hasestimated a time period of 12 months for improving their recruitment,selection andtraining process. In this, 4 months are allotted to the each process. Researcher haveestimated the time of 4 weeks to executing the research programme.Quality: It is also an essential aspect which is included in project management. At thetime of execution of research programme, quality is also measured with the tools andtechniques which are used by the management in performing project activities. Whenappropriate research methods such as qualitative research methods will be used thenresearch will be also carried out in proper and effective manner. Online aptitude test,simulation and personal interview will improve the quality of the recruitment, trainingand selection methods of nestle.Communication: This is an essential aspect which plays very important role in executingthe research programme in an effective manner so that a valid conclusion will be receivedat the end of research. Without this aspect team members of a specific project can't shareimportant information with each other. Therefore, it can be said that if management willnot consider this aspect while executing research then chances of falling of project arealso higher. Therefore, Project team of Nestle have to implement various communicationmethods like video conferencing, printed documents, telephonic communication etc. totake proper coordination from their staff members. Apart from that, researcher have touse SMS, Messages, E-mails for communicating with the respondents so that a validconclusion can be constructed within a given time-frame (Nicholas, 2017).Risk: There are various risks which are faced by researcher during execution of researchprogramme like shortage of funds or inappropriate knowledge. In the personal interviewprocess, risk of hiring inefficient or unskilled candidates exist some time which canimpact the entire performance of firm in negative manner. Whereas, in simulation and
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online aptitude test technical risk exist which can impact the training and selectionprocess. Resources: For conducting the project activities in most appropriate manner severalresources are required such as technological equipments for simulations and onlineaptitude test procedures and experienced workforce in HR department.For researcher,most essentially needed resources are internet, money, magazines etc. which will behelpful for them in conducting research programme in an effective manner.P3 Work breakdown structure and Gantt chart to provide time-frameWork break-down structure: It is a key project deliverable which categorise andorganise the project work in various small parts so that activities can be performed in anappropriate manner. It also guides the project managers of Nestle to divide the project activitiesin small parts so that team members of project team can easily understand and perform theirduties in a proper manner.
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