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An in-depth Analysis of Managing Business Activities


Added on  2023/04/21

PowerPoint Presentation
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This presentation provides an in-depth analysis of managing business activities in Jaguar Land Rover company. It explores the interrelationship between different departments, the methodology used in setting goals and objectives, and the importance of quality gateways. The presentation also discusses the output in process mapping and concludes with a summary of the research on business activities.

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An in-depth Analysis of Managing Business Activities

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Business activities are refers to such activities which gives profit. It is carrying together
to all department of organization such as human resource, marketing, finance, operation
etc. because these all are help to making profit. In these case it present Jaguar Land
Rover company scenario which is multinational automotive vehicle firm. In the starting
part of report it define interrelationship between two department. In the middle section
of report find methodology in term of process mapping which explain how it effective
for establishing goals of organization and at the end it define quality gateways.
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Interrelationship between two different departments in organization
Jaguar Land Rover company operates in competitive environment and manage their
goals and objectives sustainable to fulfill customers needs and demand and win over
So that organization managers are mainly taking direction on their goals
achievement strategy. they divide each department in each different category like
human resource, marketing, finance, operation etc. company give responsibilities
towards separate department requirements.
These departments help to work specialization, reduce work load and complete
goals on definite time period (Margherita, 2014). Organization established
interrelationship among all departments due to need of every department equally in
goal achievement process.
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There are two major department of Jaguar Land Rover company one is finance
department and other one is marketing department. It explain how to finance and
marketing department interrelated to each other in company goals achievements.
Finance department handling financial statements of organization.
In other way it manage organizations money and manage accounts, auditing, and
financial decisions of firm and marketing department raise sales of organization. So
that It help to increase in growth or profit of company by using various strategy.
Both are interlined to each other because marketing required money to introducing
company's product in market where people are aware to the products by various
marketing managers using various sales strategies like advertising, personal selling,
public relations, promotions etc and finance rise funds for increment in sales.
Hence in terms of both departments are interrelated to each other for finance
requirement because basis goal of both departments are to accomplish company
goals (LeLoarne and Maalaoui, 2015).

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Methodology in term of map processing to determining
organization goals and objectives
Process mapping is flowchart of Jaguar Land Rover company goal strategy that define
initial stages of goals accomplishing strategy in which it include how to be the goals are
achieves and what functions are required, which techniques and tools are appropriately
usable for these strategy and finally how to be work done on the basis of all things.
Importance of process mapping-
Process mapping is important for Jaguar Land Rover company because it help
to work deliver on right flow. It give accuracy in work because work is already
specified in process mapping then only need to apply in the goal strategy.
It make customer approaches strategy because company set goals accordingly
customers desires, demand, taste, preferences, perception, needs etc (Schiuma,
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process mapping also help to increase growth and earning ratio of company
because process mapping clearly define work specialization, time limit, goals
achievements plan and policy.
Those all factors help to achieve goals easily and as well as quickly due to
work done in flow formation. It also help to deduct problems due to using
flowchart which indicates stages in which problem firstly identified then
analysis, find appropriate solution, apply it and implement them.
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For Jaguar Land Rover company use map process to set their goals and objectives
should be in in manner of ''Smart''.
Which means S indicate to goals should be specific and clear.
M for design objectives should be measurable which means company decide the
growth and time level of growth in objectives.
Another form is achievable which means goals should be accomplished by
company (Sikdar and Payyazhi, 2014).
Now goals are relevant, they are related with business environment.
And last one is timely which indicate company should decide the time period of
goals accomplishment and achieve it on given time.

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Quality gateways
Quality gateway is the process of to check all requirement accuracy in product
development stage. Whereas it is check by expert or analyst to also accurate the
incorrect requirements.
It is helpful due to create accuracy, relevancy, transparency and many other
qualities. Which is support to betterment of making products in Jaguar Land Rover
These is also help to subtract the problem because testing done through quality
gateway in which they identified problem and them they applied appropriate
solution for solving the problem (Jenkins and Williamson, 2015).
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Assess the output in process mapping
Output are the final finish goods of Jaguar Land Rover company. In the process
mapping it define output should be accordingly customers basis requirements. As
company having many segmenting customers and all needs, taste, preference, demands,
income level are different due to many customers. So that company find the strategy to
how evaluate the outcome in process mapping in many several points. These are:
Jaguar Land Rover company only approach such customers who have high income
level because only they people are afford these type of expensive cars.
Company should use promotion strategy which help to create awareness among
specific customers (Lemieux, 2012).
Company organize many fest and event to introducing or launching cars so further
customers can remind it in mind.
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Company use properly process mapping so that assist the basis problems and
generate plan in flowcharts which become successful to complete goal strategy
of company.
All the department of Jaguar Land Rover company mannerly interrelated to
each other because each department perform well job for reaching at higher
growth level.
Output should be related with demands and satisfied to the customers (O'Brien,

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In the context of research it conclude the relationship between organizations department.
in which case considered finance and marketing departments and explain how they
are interrelated to each other in goal achievement strategy. More further introducing
process mapping and examine its importance in the the company. Also use smart
methodology for determining goals and objectives. At the end it define quality
gateway and how process mapping help output betterment process. These all things
are concluded under these research of business activities.
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Margherita, A., 2014. Business process management system and activities: Two
integrative definitions to build an operational body of knowledge. Business Process
Management Journal. 20(5). pp.642-662.
LeLoarne, S. and Maalaoui, A., 2015. How high-tech entrepreneurs bricole the evolution
of business process management for their activities. Business Process Management
Journal. 21(1). pp.152-171.
Schiuma, G., 2012. Managing knowledge for business performance improvement.
Journal of Knowledge Management. 16(4). pp.515-522.
Sikdar, A. and Payyazhi, J., 2014. A process model of managing organizational change
during business process redesign. Business Process Management Journal. 20(6).
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Jenkins, W. and Williamson, D., 2015. Strategic Management and Business Analysis.
Revised ed. Routledge.
Lemieux, V., 2012. Financial Analysis and Risk Management: Data Governance,
Analytics and Life Cycle Management. Illustrated ed. Springer Science & Business
O'Brien, T. J., 2014. Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring Activities. [Online].
Available Through. <
> [Accessed on 8th march 2016].
Sanchez-Gonzalez, L., Garcia, F. and Ruiz, F., 2015. Business Process Model
Improvement Based on Measurement Activities. [Online]. Available Through. <> [Accessed on 8th march 2016].
Duany, A., Speck, J. and Lydon, M., 2010. The Smart Growth Manual. Illustrated ed.
McGraw Hill Professional.

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