
Managing Change in Tesco: A Study of Responding to the Changing Business Environment


Added on  2023-06-09

31 Pages10091 Words144 Views
Leadership ManagementData Science and Big DataHigher Education
Applied Research Project
Managing Change in Tesco: A Study of Responding to the Changing Business Environment_1

The report is being commissioned to evaluate the ways in which the organization
respond and manage in the changing business environment. The study was being undertaken
in Tesco, one of the leading supermarket chains of UK. Qualitative analysis was used
wherein the data was accumulated by performing the survey of 30 managers working in
Tesco. The data evaluation was being performed with the support of the thematic evaluation.
According to the outcomes of the study, it could be stated that the company has effectively
responded and managed the changing business environment along with the change
management process.
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It is my immense pleasure to complete my research project with the help of my
supervisor, family members and friends. Without their support, I was not able to carry out
this task effectively. A special thanks to my lecturer who guided me about the correct path
and offered enormous support throughout thus project
Managing Change in Tesco: A Study of Responding to the Changing Business Environment_3

Research title..........................................................................................................................1
Background of the study.........................................................................................................1
Rationale of the study.............................................................................................................2
Overview of the organization.................................................................................................2
Research Aim and Objectives................................................................................................2
Research questions.................................................................................................................3
CHAPTER – 2: LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................4
Overview of the chapter.........................................................................................................4
Change and change management...........................................................................................4
Prioritizing organizational change..........................................................................................5
Factors influencing the organization in the event of change..................................................5
Responding to the change.......................................................................................................8
CHAPTER – 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY....................................................................9
Overview of the chapter.........................................................................................................9
Research design......................................................................................................................9
Research approach..................................................................................................................9
Research philosophies..........................................................................................................10
Data collection methods.......................................................................................................10
Data analysis methods..........................................................................................................11
Sampling techniques.............................................................................................................11
Ethical issues........................................................................................................................11
Reliability and validity of the study.....................................................................................11
CHPATER – 4: DATA ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION.....................................................13
Overview of the chapter.......................................................................................................13
Presentation of the results from the secondary analysis.......................................................13
CHAPTER – 5: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS..........................................19
Managing Change in Tesco: A Study of Responding to the Changing Business Environment_4

Research title
The main title of the current research is “Explanation to the Changing Business
The main aim of the current research report is to evaluate the ways in which the
organization respond and manage in the changing business environment – a study of Tesco.
The report will be going to evaluate the factors that impacts the firm in the event of changing
business environment and will also highlight the ways in which the organization respond to
the same. For the purpose of completing the above aim and objectives, different research
methodologies will be selected such as inductive approach, qualitative research strategy and
interpretivism research philosophy. Both primary as well as secondary data will be collected.
Primary data will be gathered through conducting a survey of employees working in Tesco
with the help of questionnaire. Secondary data will be collected through exploration of
different journals, articles, books and scholarly papers. Other than this, the collected
information will be analysed through qualitative analysis technique wherein thematic analysis
will be utilized. The key findings of the study will be presented in the form of common
themes and results will be discussed effectively. the final section of the report will include
conclusion and recommendations for improvement.
Background of the study
Talking about change, it is not a novel phenomenon. From generations, the world is
changing at an enormous pace. Management of business in such kind of situations become
more challenging. This is due to the fact that the issues and problems of today are quite
different from the issues and problems of yesterday. The solutions also have to be considered
accordingly. There have been significant changes in the management practices as well. The
market has changed because of strong competition, globalization, technological development
along with the customer driven market (Bordia and et.al., 2017). For increasing the capability
to change, there is a need to increase the change competence. The firm is also required to
adopt the right strategy to respond and manage change that matches the organization and the
experience of the members of change process.
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Rationale of the study
The order of the day is the ever-changing business environment. Further, the speed of
modification is also increasing and the waves of modification are coming from different
directions. In such kind of a condition, it becomes quite difficult on the part of the companies
to operate and run their operations successfully. They are required to respond to these
changes by reinventing their manners of running and operating business (Al-Haddad, 2015).
Considering this, the current research project is being focused on understanding and
evaluating the ways in which the organization respond and manage in the changing business
environment. For the purpose of achieving success and growth in this dynamic and globalized
business environment, it is crucial that the firm should analyse the factors that might impact
their operations so that change management can be done effectively.
Overview of the organization
Speaking about Tesco, it is one of the leading supermarket and retail firm of United
Kingdom. The firm is involved into the business of retailing and different related activities
such as retail banking, insurance services, financial services and retail. The industry in which
the Tesco functions is very competitive because of the presence of different large companies
operating in the same sector and business (Tesco, 2022). The company has gradually attained
success and growth with the adoption of effective strategies and approaches. The target
market of Tesco is the middle-income group along with the young children. Other than this,
the company also offers employment opportunities to thousands of people across UK and has
its presence in almost every part of the world.
Research Aim and Objectives
The main aim of the current research report is “To evaluate the ways in which the
organization respond and manage in the changing business environment – a study of Tesco”.
For the fulfilment of the above defined aim, there will be requirement of certain small
objectives and these are as follows:
To determine as well as prioritize organizational changes that supports in positive
business environmental factors and trends
To analyse the factors that influence the organization at the event of change
To illustrate the ways in which the organization can responds to change
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To evaluate the role of management in responding to a changing business
Research questions
For the completion of the research project, some questions which will be answered in
the current research project and these are:
How prioritizing the organizational changes can support in positive business
environmental factors and trends?
What are some of the factors that influence the organization at the event of change?
How ways organization can respond to change?
What is the role of management in responding to a changing business environment?
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Overview of the chapter
Articulating in relation with the literature review section of the study, it is being
regarded as one of the most crucial sections as it helps in outlining the basic written works
and compositions relevant for the research project. in addition to this, this is also a crucial
section which offers a smooth evolution of conversation of what studies have found out
proactively in relation with the chosen topic and what is being recognized and what is not
recognized from the selected area of research.
Change and change management
It is very usual articulated perspective that change is the only permanent thing in life.
Studies have reflected that change is most of the time resisted because of different reasons.
According to Askenas (2016), the world in which all live is continuously evolving and is also
not static. Change is thus, pertinent to the needed progress which leads to the growth and
success of the companies. Christe‐Zeyse and Van (2017) have explained change as a transit
verb to make something different in some specific. Further, as per (), change encompasses
different things such as becoming different, undergoing transformation, transition,
modification, different position and course of action.
According to Burnes and Oswick (2014), for management of change, it is important
on the part of the organizations to have much planning prior executing and encompassing
different stakeholder so that the transition can takes place smoothly. In addition to this, as per
Mee-Yan and Holbeche (2015) change management is nothing but to offer support to the
firms in modifying or changing their existing manners of running into a new way, however,
meanwhile keeping the emphasis on the business strategy of the firm. Usually, change is not
welcomed and accepted by the workers in the workplace because they desire to keep things
the way it used to be and thus, interaction with the stakeholders is being regarded as an
important element particularly the workers because they will be utilized the spaces the most.
In doing this, the organization should pass on right information about the reason behind the
changes taking place in the firm.
Furthermore, as defined by Hayes (2018), one of the most crucial things of leadership
is to lead the firm through changes, for successful change in the business corporations,
effective leadership have an important role to play. Moreover, the top management are
generally the ones that helps in guiding the key alteration in the firm. In other sense, it can be
Managing Change in Tesco: A Study of Responding to the Changing Business Environment_8

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