
The Importance of Managing Crisis in the Hospitality Sector


Added on  2023-06-12

21 Pages5703 Words281 Views
Data Science and Big DataCalculus and AnalysisPolitical Science
Research project
The Importance of Managing Crisis in the Hospitality Sector_1

Table of Contents
TITLE- The importance of managing crisis in the hospitality sector. ............................................1
CHAPTER-1 INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................1
Overview of Research............................................................................................................1
Rationale of research topic.....................................................................................................1
Review of problem faced........................................................................................................1
Research aim & Objectives....................................................................................................1
Research Structure..................................................................................................................2
CHAPTER 2- LITERATURE REVIEW.........................................................................................2
Concept of Crisis management...............................................................................................2
Importance of managing crisis management .........................................................................3
Practices can be taken for managing crisis in hospitality sector............................................4
Role of managing crisis in hospitality sector.........................................................................4
CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.............................................................................5
CHAPTER 4: CRITICAL DATA ANALYSIS.............................................................................10
Critical review of primary data ............................................................................................10
Critical review of secondary research..................................................................................14
The Importance of Managing Crisis in the Hospitality Sector_2

TITLE- The importance of managing crisis in the hospitality sector.
Overview of Research
The crisis management is refereed as procedure which has dealing with major events that
already or threaten the organisation. It encompasses all aspects of crisis in orde4r to protect
human life, material resources image and hospitality organisation (Alonso, and et.al., 2021). The
crisis management has dealing with ongoing crisis by controlling damage through conducting
rescue operations, informing and coordinating relevant emergency issues, issuing press reports
etc. In the crisis 6tyhe problems creates serious risks for hospitality industry in UK in ability to
continue regular operations. It comprises of risk and disaster management in hospitality sector.
Rationale of research topic
The main reason of selecting this research topic is to enhance the knowledge in respect to
crisis management in hospitality sector along with to have knowledge regarding importance of
managing crisis. This report will help researcher in focusing on the study as topic of manag9ing
crisis in significant for all the tourism and hospitality sectors which is helping from preventing
bad reputation and business damages. This helps in minimising the negative impact to visitors
and tourism industry along with help researcher in acquiring adapting of several skills such as
researching & writing skills etc.
Review of problem faced
The crisis management is problem for the several hospitality organisation which affects
negatively. The hospitality organisation undertakes the vulnerability analysis for identifying
potential future internal and external crisis in order to formulate strategic plan. In managing the
crisis several difficulties is faced by hospitality sector (Arjona-Fuentes, and et.al., 2019). It is
very important for the organisation to manage the crisis in effective manner in hospitality sector
as without managing it puts negative impact on hotels perceived image, ostracise customer base,
devastating short and long term financial consequences.
Research aim & Objectives
Research Aim
“ To identify the importance of crisis management in UK hospitality sector”
The Importance of Managing Crisis in the Hospitality Sector_3

Research Objectives
To understand the concept of crisis management.
To identify the importance of crisis management.
To determine the current practices of crisis management in hospitality sector.
To assess the role of crisis management in hospitality sector.
Research Questions
What is crisis management?
What is the importance of managing crisis management?
What practices can be taken for managing crisis in hospitality sector?
What are the role of managing crisis in hospitality sector?
Research Structure
In this part it shows overall structure of report under which research is to be taken by
involving as follows-
Chapter1: Introduction- It explains the research objectives and by considering aims of
overall research.
Chapter2: Literature review- In order to analyses different authors views the secondary
research is taken where person already has conducted research earlier.
Chapter3: Research methodology- This state methodology which is interpreted by
investigator for assembling data.
Chapter4: Critical data analysis- This states the critical discussion that is made on
information collected through primary & secondary research.
Chapter5: Recommendation and action plan- The suggestions are recommended to
organization in order to solve and overcome with issues.
Concept of Crisis management
According to Erköse, 2020, the conception of crisis management defines the process in
where company has dealing with disruptive and unexpected event that threatens or harms
stakeholders of organisation in hospitality sector. With large scale industrial and environmental
disasters in 1980 the study of crisis management was introduced. It is an application of strategies
which is designed in order to help business concerns for dealing with sudden and significant
The Importance of Managing Crisis in the Hospitality Sector_4

negative event. The crisis happens as uncertain event or unexpected outcome of event which is
reasoned as potential risk. The Covid-19 can be taken as best example in crisis management as
business around the world force to shut their doors, millions of employees were sent home. The
problems negatively impact the operations of large and small business. It involves the
identification and analysis of special crisis situation, developing of strategies and crisis plan. In
context to hospitality sector, different organisation chart can be created, subsystems are formed
for planning to manage task in crisis management. According to Ferreira, 2019, in the hospitality
sector the crisis may occur due to technological failure and breakdown of machines because of
internet problem, corruption in software. In hospitality employees are not agreeing to each other
resulting in disputes, violence, thefts & terrorism at workplace leads to crisis. The need of crisis
management in the hospitality sector prepares individual in facing unexpected developments and
adverse conditions in organisation with courage and determination. It helps managers in devising
strategies in order come out of uncertain conditions along with future course of action is decided.
There are several types of crises which can occur in hospitality sector such as natural crisis such
as hurricanes, Flood, Drought etc. Technological crisis it results in failure of technology,
confrontation crisis when employees have disputes, disobey superiors, ineffective
communication & lack of coordination. The crisis occurring due to false rumours regarding
organisation and brand. In terms of data security, ethical supplier chains, cross-cultural
communication, safe products, and man-made environmental disasters, crisis management is
probably even more relevant and crucial to today's organisations. In today's business world,
technological innovations have revolutionised productivity and communication.
Importance of managing crisis management
According to Magno, and Cassia,2021, in the hospitality sector managing crisis is
important as this organisation from preventing damages to organisation reputation, restore calm
and stability, and makes organisation to its normal operations by ensuring people safety.
Whenever there are sudden changes, employees adjust well in UK hospitality. The managing of
crisis management is important as it helps employees in understanding and examining the causes
of threat emerging by considering best solution in order to cope with it. In crisis management it
regards activities and process which assist manager and worker in analysing circumstance that
may lead to crisis and uncertainty in organisation. The effectual managing of situation keeps
every one safe from jeopardy which is benefit of having crisis management planning. It is
The Importance of Managing Crisis in the Hospitality Sector_5

important to have crisis plan to fix the problem immediately. In hospitality sector crisis
management is important as it helps in minimizing damages both in reputation and revenue by
having crisis management plan. According to Mehta, Kumar, and Ramkumar, 2021, the
managing crisis management is important in hospitality sector by developing of crisis
management plan which deals with various possible crisis situations in which needed steps to be
taken are outline, and implementing them. The plan also involves guidelines on how employees
is required to respond different stages of a crisis. The managing of crisis management in
hospitality sector is important to ensure safety and well-being of human life by making people
responsible for dealing with crisis and communicating with others effectively. Crisis
management is important in hospitality sector as it allows team managers and employees ample
time to adapt to changes in the organization's culture in an acceptable and efficient manner.
During a crisis, the management team should maintain continuous and up-to-date contact with all
external clients, employees, stakeholders, and the media which aids in the prevention of rumours.
Practices can be taken for managing crisis in hospitality sector
According to Miller, 2021, the offering of sustainable development opportunities helps in
managing crisis in United Kingdom hospitality. In managing the crisis, hospitality sector can
take several practices. The crisis management has roots in strategic planning which incorporates
contingencies for the unexpected events. The hospitality sector can have emergency response
plan for minimising the damage to people, property and business operations such as processes,
procedures and other aspects. The organisation is required to analyse what kind of crisis can arise
which is known as vulnerability analysis which consider the several types of situations. The
solutions team can be created whenever there is crisis hit hospitality sector in which effective
team members are assigned to small team for managing situation. The clear authority from
management is provided and communicates with team for clarifying the purpose and role in
assessing problems. According to Nilashi, and et.al., 2022, the practice of informing employees
can be effective in managing crisis as to maintain loyalty of employees and keep engaged with
organisation work, it is important to keep inform employees about ongoing crisis which helps in
keeping check on rumours that are circulating among employees or on social media.
Role of managing crisis in hospitality sector
According to Papathanassis, 2021, the role of crisis management aids organisations in
dealing with unexpected developments or major negative consequences. Managers can use crisis
The Importance of Managing Crisis in the Hospitality Sector_6

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