
Importance of Managing Employee Behavior in Organizations


Added on  2023-06-12

7 Pages2177 Words388 Views
Leadership Management
Running head: Organization behavior
Organization Behavior
Importance of Managing Employee Behavior in Organizations_1

Organization behavior
“Behavior of employees”
Organization behavior is a method and also it is the application of knowledge about the
individual. The groups are also performing the activities within the company. The employees are
considered as an important asset to the company. The growth and success of the company
depend upon the behavior of the employees who are conducting the routine activities. By having
positive behavior with the employees it can be easy for the company to complete the task
according to the policies and procedures. If the employees have a positive attitude then positive
environment can also be created in the workplace (Garg and Dhar, 2017).
At the time of doing the activities which are assigned to them, it has been seen that
employee's behavior plays a great role. The consumer evaluates the behavior of the workers at
the time of solving the queries related to the products and services of the company. By having
good behavior the employee can easily solve the queries which can lead to positive impact on the
overall image of the company. When the employees solve their queries with the positive attitude
then it will help to enhance the overall satisfaction level of the employees. If the trust and
experience of the customers is good then it can be seen that profitability and growth in the
market can be attained effectively (Anitha, 2014).
Customer viewpoint is also considered by the company as it is seen that if a customer has
a positive image then it can be easy to accomplish the overall goals and objectives. The customer
can be satisfied if they have a positive response from the employees. Performance of the
company can also be measured by considering the behavior of the employees. The behavior of
the employees plays a great role in achieving a positive response from the market. If the
employee behavior is not proper then the customers can be dissatisfied with the services. They
will not come back or induced to purchase the products or services (Alagaraja and Shuck, 2015).
So, it is important for the company to focus on managing the employee behavior so that
customer service or goodwill can be maintained in the market. The positive response of the
customer and also feedback is important for the company to survive in the competitive
environment. A positive response can only be achieved if employees are trained to behave in a
proper manner or they have good behavior at the time of conducting the activities (Lindia and
Morfe, 2014).
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Organization behavior
The Employees behavior give direct impact on the activities conducted in the company.
Job satisfaction is also the factor which is related to the behavior of the employees. In the present
scenario, it has been analyzed that the emphasis is given by the top management to maintain
proper behavior of the employees and they ensure that the employees are satisfied with the
activities which are assigned to them. Positive behavior employees have a high productivity and
also they give their best towards the activities of the company (Janssen and Gao, 2015).
Hurdles can be created if the employees are not satisfied with the activities that are
assigned to them. Employee behavior plays a great role in the competitive environment. To
survive in the competitive environment it is important for the company to focus on the activities
that should be conducted in a proper manner. Dedication to the employees can only be enhanced
by giving the activities of their interest (Lazaroiu, 2015). Profits can also be maintained if
employees have a positive attitude towards the activities of the company.
The behavior in the company also concerned with the individuals and the groups who are
working in the company. There are different aspects that the company faces at the time of
managing the operations of the company. The behavior in the workplace is only related to the
individuals and it also creates the environment. If the employees have negative behavior then the
negative environment will be created (Nyberg, Pieper and Trevor, 2016). Therefore, it is
important to focus on creating a positive environment so that culture of the company can be
maintained. There are many factors faced by the company to manage the employee's behavior in
the company. The manager has to face many challenges like diversity (Lee and Steers, 2017).
Diversity is considered as a challenge which is faced by the manager. In the company,
there are many different people. Different people have different background age and mindset.
The company faces challenges related to diversity management. If the company manages the
activities then it can be seen that positive impact can be seen in the activities (Barak, Findler, and
Wind, 2016). Therefore, it creates an issue in the company and also the managers should focus
on the behavior of the employees. The different behavior of the employees and attitude of the
employees should be managed so that in the right direction the activities can take place. Conflicts
also take place because different people have different attitude and behavior towards the
activities (Hofhuis, van der Zee, and Otten, 2015). So, at the time when conflicts take place, it is
important to manage the conflict by taking accurate decisions related to the issue of both the
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