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Managing Enterprise in the 21st Century - A Report on Delight Organics Cafe


Added on  2023/06/13

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This report discusses the importance of management in achieving organizational goals, and provides a detailed analysis of the market audit, target market, marketing plan, management team, and financial plan of Delight Organics Cafe in the 21st century.

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Managing Enterprise
in the 21st Century

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Managing Enterprise in the 21st Century .......................................................................................1
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.............................................................................................................3
PRODUCTS AND SERVICES.......................................................................................................3
MARKET AUDIT...........................................................................................................................3
Target market...................................................................................................................................4
MARKETING PLAN......................................................................................................................4
Management team............................................................................................................................6
Financial plan...................................................................................................................................6
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Management is very important for the company and it is the part of the company
functioning. To achieve a goal, management entails managing and regulating a group of people
or an organization. Human resources, financial resources, technology resources, and natural
resources are all deployed and manipulated in management. The coordination and administration
of tasks to attain a goal is referred to as management. Setting the organization's strategy and
organizing employee efforts to achieve these objectives through the application of available
resources are examples of administrative activities. In other words, it is the process of many
functions such as planning, organizing, leading, and regulating business operations in order to
meet the business firm's objectives. It encompasses all aspects of a company's operations, from
strategic planning to day-to-day operations(Nikolić, Pavlović and Milojković, 2022).
In this report there is the description of the cafe, Delight Organics Cafe is a new coffee company
that is highly known for its careful selection of high-quality organic beans. The company has
been sourcing its organic coffee directly from American suppliers. Delight Organics Cafe is a
new coffee company that is highly known for its careful selection of high-quality organic beans.
The company has been sourcing its organic coffee directly from American suppliers.
A corporate plan is an important part of an entrepreneur's strategy since it helps them decide
what to do while they're starting a firm or looking for ways to expand an existing one. A business
plan is a notion that offers information on where they are in their journey and aids in determining
how much money they will need to reach their goals and objectives. The company will be able to
meet its objectives and results in a timely manner, as well as provide all of the basic accessories
to the client, allowing them to gain even more and achieve more, because the company is willing
to build an interactive transmission of organic coffee and employs a digital programme that
provides a multitude of choices to the consumer.
The new company will have to work much harder to gain a competitive advantage by
establishing a solid reputation. Many small firms in London have started a café
business(Yuguda and et. Al., 2022).
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Fairtrade bananas, Volcano, and other notable competitors are depicted here. "Delight
Organics Cafe" competes with well-known and significant corporations. As a result, the five
forces depicted on the billboard can be used.
There is competitiveness at every step. Market competitors must be identified, and effective
techniques must be developed. As a result, it is necessary to investigate the impact of the
competitive environment. To compete on pricing, the company needs put forth a lot of effort.
Target market
The consumer segment that will be served must be determined. The STP plan will aid in
understanding the firm's role aims. Segmentation is the process of dividing a society into
homogeneous groupings. To provide the greatest service to clients, there are numerous
segmentation grounds that can be applied. The following is a list of them:
Geographic segmentation is the simplest form of segmentation. Individuals from various
backgrounds have a wide range of hobbies and interests. In London, the "Delight Organics
Café" will make its premiere.
Demographic Segmentation: Demographic segmentation is used by the "Delight Organics
Café." The clients are between the ages of 18 and 60. They are anxious to try a new sort of
organic coffee that is healthy and safe for them. In order to progress, the expectations and
desires of potential clients will be analysed on a daily basis. This is crucial for identifying
the optimal client segment and providing effective service to them.
Psychographic Segmentation: The market can be segmented based on the qualities of an
individual. Character, temperament, and environment are just a few of the things that are
looked at(Liu, 2022).
Behaviorist categorization: These are based on a person's mentality, such as their education
or mindset.
The STP model is used to grow the business by splitting the people, focusing on the separated
groupings based on their preferences, and updating brand and market strategies to meet their
needs. The STP Model for cafe is as follows:
Segmentation: It recognises comparable groupings of customers and divides the market into
several categories. These markets are classified as follows:

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Demographic: This section includes characteristics such as age, gender, education,
occupation, and many others. In the case of cafe delight, they had tailored their products based
on client attributes, resulting in significant growth for their company.
Geographic : This section is about categorising all pieces by country, region, city, and
other factors. They had concentrated on largely that side of the cafe, where its presence was
gradually shifting in various directions, and then it was expanding more and more(Jenkins, Lahr
and Fink, 2022).
Psycho graphic: This section focuses on their personality, behaviour, hobbies, beliefs,
and thinking, among other things. In the case of cafe , they have also divided the food items into
categories based on their personality, eating habits, and other factors.
Behavioural: This portion is all about the consumers' attitude toward the product, or their
devotion to it. As in the case of a café, they require devoted customers as well as information on
the food that customers want to eat and the interests that customers have, all of which contribute
to the company's growth.
Targeting: This is the second step in determining which option is best for the company. It is used
to assess each section's potential and commercialised appeal.
Criteria Size: It is linked to a market's size, which determines the market's future
potentiality development. Delight cafe has a large market because the number of people
interested in the food of cafe is growing, leading to a thorough examination of the item, its
pricing, and its location..
Profit: It has to do with net income and how much money a certain division of the
company wants to spend on marketing. It is exceeding the price of additive marketing methods in
regard to cafe food, which helps them to increase profits.
Reachability: It refers to the factors that influence how easy or difficult it is for a
consumer to see each part. Purchasers of cafe food might also be reached through promotions or
distribution methods(Madhavan, Bhatt and Nair, 2022).
This is the final section of the model that helps to position a commodity for attracting different
types of customers by focusing on the features that set it apart from its competitors.
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Symbolic positioning: It refers to the enhancement of a consumer's self-image or ego. In
the case of this cafe, it is positioning itself by recognising what its customers are saying or
ranking its competitors.
Functional positioning: It has to do with the placement where customers can figure out
their problems and receive genuine benefits. In the case of joy cafes, businesses are focusing on
the value proposition of cuisine that satisfies the needs and self-esteem of customers.
Experiential positioning: It refers to a focus on the emotional connection that a customer
has with a brand. In the instance of pleasure cafe, there are a few dedicated customers who are
emotionally attached to the brand's food(Kervalishvili, 2022).
Management team
Management is crucial to the success of any firm. Because the management team establishes the
targets and goals after foretasting, it is they who make the effort to achieve them. A company
must do a variety of jobs, and employees must have the appropriate skills and abilities to
complete the tasks assigned to them. In order for "Delight Organics Cafe” to achieve its
objectives and ambitions, all of the tasks must be managed effectively.
Staff Training: Education and training are essential in any business. Establishing personnel is
critical, which may be accomplished through the use of education. It aids in the provision of
opportunities for people to grow and complete the tasks that are assigned to them at work.
Workers are also given technical training to help them use technology effectively. A variety of
educational tactics may be used by the company. Managers of "Finer Threads" will provide on-
the-job training to employees. Initially, the company would teach them about their jobs so that
they are familiar with the working atmosphere. The organization's entire technology inventory is
used to provide them with education(Popescu and Kyriakopoulos, 2022).
Financial plan
The economic division of a company is crucial. It's referred to be the backbone of a company.
When it comes to starting a new business, finances are crucial. The cafe's financial strategy
Business can provide long-term opportunities, provide capital income or loans, or change the
way a firm runs. The amount and location of the gift will be used by the quantity of money
group. All other decisions are made by the finance department(Abah, Asiedu and Dei, 2022). As
a result, effective financial management is required because it will assist the organization in
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correctly planning. The majority of the factors that could influence the company's investment
decision are taken into account(Bag, Dhamija, Bryde and Singh, 2022).
Delight Organics Café provides consumers with digital technology services, which necessitates
some financial help. Some costs are included below to aid in forecasting the need for capital in
the business strategy. A company's start-up cost is the money it spends to launch its commercial
plan, which includes things like application repair and design, as well as marketing events. The
corporation will be charged for all of the additional procedures, which will be accounted for in
the initial charges. This cost is broken down into several components, each of which is detailed
further below:
Development of the application = £ 2000.
Promotional Activities = £ 1500.
Application Developer =
Security deposit = £ 100.
Advance fees = £ 100.
Estimated cost of sales = £10 per unit.
Selling price per unit = £50.
Fixed cost = £ 1500.
Variable cost = £3 per unit.
The financial goals of the company are to obtain funds from an SBA customer.
To invest profits in the food sector in order to increase the number of customers who already
Earn extraordinarily high net sales in 2021, 2022, and 2023, due to market economic forecasts.
The study of a number of factors suggests that they have a considerable impact on the user's
revenues. The app is projected to earn revenue from 200 users per monthly, and an acceptable
cost summary may be predicted depending on the aforementioned data:
Less: variable cost

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Sales-variable cost
Less: fixed cost
Less: estimated cost of sales
Net profit
The above-mentioned cost analysis aids in determining the business's revenue and break-even
Analysis of the break even point: Break even analysis describes the amount of revenue generated
by a company when there are no earnings or deficits. In order to make a profit, the corporation
must reach this point of sale, and it is critical to calculate the following impartial scenario:
Break even point = Fixed cost/ (selling point – variable cost)
= 1500/(50-3) = 31.91 units or 32 units (approx.)
Profitability study - Determine if any income earned above the break-even threshold in the
previous paragraph is helpful to the company. The net profit of the company is calculated using
the following formula:
Net profit margin for the company = net profit / sales*100
= (5900/10000)*100 = 59%
In this respective report it has been conclude that the the cafe business which is started by
the owner must need to make some of the new and advanced strategies to deal with the
competition which is there in the marketplace with keeping in mind all the other rivals. The
market has been discussed in the report with involving the products and services, target market,
market plan and segments in which the cafe is dealing and working and the management of the
team of the cafe and in the report lastly it has the financial plan of the cafe.
Document Page
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