
Managing and Leading People - PDF


Added on  2021-02-19

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Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentDesign and Creativity
Managing andLeading People
Managing and Leading People - PDF_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................3MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................31.Identify and evaluate relationship between line manager and leaders role.........................32.Motivating and engaging employees for organisational renewal with its relation to roles.53.Appropriate models relating to employee's motivation.......................................................8CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................11REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................12
Managing and Leading People - PDF_2

INTRODUCTION It is very important for organisation to keep employees motivated and enthusiastic abouttheir work and responsibilities (French and Rees, 2016). This can guide workers to perform welland achieve goals or targets of business enterprise. Employer can initiate towards motivation ofworkers by encouraging them to perform, creating positive environment in organisation andproviding them rewards according to their performance. Similarly, engagement can be defined asa relationship between organisation and its employees. This can be achieved when targets ofcompany are similar to employee's goals and make them dedicated or enthusiastic to attain them.For organisational renewal motivated and engaged employees plays a vital role for achievinggrowth and sustainability. They can create progressive ideas and concepts to achieve objectivesby building innovation and adaptation into organisation. In this report relationship between linemanager and leaders role are identified. This can be defined by various models of motivation andemployee engagement.MAIN BODY1.Identify and evaluate relationship between line manager and leaders role.Line managers and leaders plays an essential part for development and management ofresources in all business enterprises. Line managers are responsible for allocation of resourcesand making plans or decisions for effective implementation of activities while leaders in anorganisation helps to increase efficiency and group efforts for accomplishment of goals. Theyboth hold higher position and have important roles in an enterprise. Leaders and managers aredescribed as:Line ManagersFor direct supervision and management of employees in their work, Line managers playsa crucial role in an organisation. Line manager manages other employees which are itssubordinates and reports to that person in a position ranking higher to him. This concept holdsgreat importance in all organisations (Hodges, 2016). They are responsible for allocation ofresources properly by managing productivity level and development of companies. They buildsconnection with all employees and other line managers also to track all activities performing indifferent departments who works simultaneously with all other teams and specialised in teammanagement skills. They help an organisation to attain customer satisfaction by implementing
Managing and Leading People - PDF_3

various activities and to gain profits at higher rates. Line managers manageseach and everyactivity of an enterprise which guides its subordinates to perform well. As they are liable toperforms various actions such as motivational sessions, providing proper assistance and guidanceto work effective in management as well as in other matters also.LeadersEmployees working in organisation needs effective leader who can guide them and makeessential decisions to keep the activities ongoing effectively. A leader is a person who keepsmotivating group of people or employees to act towards achieving a common goal. They areinspiration and director of actions that possess leadership qualities which makes others to followhis directions for achievement of their goals (Cowne, Frankl and Gerschel, 2018). Effectiveleaders can find balance between business foresight and actual performance. They have variousqualities such as vision, courage, integrity and focus along with ability to plan and maintaincooperation among them. They are the person who knows right way of directing employees andalso show ways to them to perform at their best level. Leaders should consists of several qualitiessuch as honesty and integrity, confidence to ensure that their commands are followed, inspireothers to perform effectively, commitment and passion, good communication skills, decisionmaking capabilities, delegation, creativity with innovation and can develop empathy with theiremployees.The relationship between line manager and leaders role are described below:As a recruiter and trainer- Managers recruit employees and hire talented people in itsbusiness organisation to fill vacant team positions, that can help to achieve creativity andinnovation with new entrants (Bell and Harrison, 2018). They provide training and support tonew hires for development of their skills and thought process according to workplace. Similarly,on the other hand, leader has to guide employees and staff for better work performance so thatgoal and objectives of business can be achieved in best possible manner. For example, ifmanager has hired two marketing employees then it is team leader duties to guide them and makethem skilled and capable for respective profile. Maintain communication- Its a responsibility of line managers to maintaincommunication and proper interaction between employees, employers and leaders to holdharmony among them and bring effectiveness in their work (Responsibilities of the LineManagers in HR, 2019). They communicate with every employees working under its guidance
Managing and Leading People - PDF_4

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