
Managing organizational Assignment PDF


Added on  2021-06-18

11 Pages2756 Words64 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
Running head: MANAGING ORGANIZATIONMANAGING ORGANIZATIONName of the University:Name of the Students:Authors Note:
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1MANAGING ORGANIZATIONHuman resource is one of the major elements that exist within an organization. In theexisting business condition, the employees competitiveness, knowledge updates, capability andtheir skilled plays an important role to yield successful results for their organization. The firmshave already started to strategize their Performance Management System (PMS) (Jiang andHuang 2016). It is the duty of the organization to assess their employees and determining theirefficiency by achieving all the desired objectives. The main duties for the employees includeeffectively planning innovative business actions. It is important to monitor and evaluate theprogress of the employees and also retain them within the organization. Diversity is such a dimension that is used to distinguish individuals and groups from eachanother. The factors include gender, age, ethnicity, disability, national origin, disability, religionand sexual orientation. Inclusion is the process of embracing strengths and various differences,which helps in encouraging involvement. Moreover, equal access to information andopportunities are provided to enhance the growth of the individuals. Managing diversity withinthe organization is all about focusing on the demands of each and every individuals. This createssuch an environment that facilitates the individuals to perform efficiently with full potential. Theaim of the essay is to evaluate the issues and organizing capabilities that would help in managingequality and diversity within the workplace. Globalization has actually made forced changes inthe workforce related to the its demographics characteristics. In the recent era of globalization, multinational companies are increasing at a rapid ratesince the last few decades. As the organizations are working hard enough to build a collaborativeand cohesive work environment, which would help the firm to achieve maximum growth besidesthe trust of the consumers. For being successful, the companies are now capitalizing major
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2MANAGING ORGANIZATIONamount on diversity management. The workforces generally arise from various backgrounds,aptitudes and skills. Diversity also creates competitive advantage by raising acceptance,innovation and problem-solving capacity of the individuals. The concept of diversity generallyincludes respect and acceptance. The subordinate level with an organization is not only depended on their abilities andqualifications. To obtain the best outcome from their work performances, it is important to fillthe gap between willingness and ability. This also helps in improving the performances level ofthe sub-ordinates that would result in reducing the operational costs, increasing the productivityand furthermore, improving the total efficiency of the organization. It also helps in theachievements of the organizational goals as motivation is one of the vital factors that createemployee satisfaction. In order to create a friendly environment it is important to frame anincentive plan that should benefit their employees by initiating monetary and non-monetaryincentives. This also includes promotion opportunities for their employees and incentives for allsuch inefficient employees. Effective cooperation helps in bringing the stability within an organization. This leads toincrease the profit maximization and increased productivity of the organization. The keyfunctions of a manager is to ‘get things done’ with their employees. Organization exists in therecent times to achieve the desired objectives. Employee’s works together to attain theirindividual’s targets as well as organizational goals. If the individual provides their most effectiveperformances within an organizational, then the goal should be met sooner. Moreover, properunderstanding of the human nature is highly effective for management and leadership.
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3MANAGING ORGANIZATIONDiversity is a set of cognizant practices, which involves appreciating and understandinginterdependence of cultures, practicing respect for experiences and qualities that are actuallydifferent from their own. Diversity not only includes how people acknowledge themselves butalso how they perceives others people in the group. This perceptions further leads to affect theirinteractions. By effective management a positive and comfortable work environment thedifferences and similarities of all the existing individuals are valued. Gender diversity is still agreat struggle in the current times. In various large corporations, diversity on the basis of genderis still a major issue. Diversity is highly significant for the business as diverse group tends toattain maximum success as compared to the homogenous groups. Organizations generally need to expand their activities by posting jobs in various forums.They need to recognize all the organizational biases for positive outcome. Women are highlyunderestimated in various global companies especially among the companies and leadershipteams. According to the research, firms having women in the senior level of management orleadership roles generally perform better. Diverse employees actually bring diverse perspectivesto their organization. This helps in improving both resiliency and problem solving. Furthermore,this helps in making the firm more adaptable to change and highly innovative. Generating truegender equality requires active participation by both the men and women of the organization.When a male employee truly gets involves in the gender diversity management then theorganizations actually make major progress by achieving gender equality. Supporting flexible work policies is one of the crucial way through which an organizationcreates a gender-balanced workplace. Offering flexible workplace through remote work, part-time employment, job sharing, parental leave and additional unpaid vacation is one of the vitalways to develop a gender balanced workforce. Providing flexible work environment usually have
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