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Managing People and Systems Assessment


Added on  2022/12/26

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This presentation discusses the management of people and systems in an organization, including job descriptions, person specifications, job advertisements, and the application of relevant legislature.

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Management of people is essential in an organization so that there are going to be higher
operations and tasks can be achieved on time.
The companies are dependent on the workforce for productivity and operations which must be
well managed. Lush is operating in the market since 1995 and is having its headquarters in
Poole, UK.
Lush needs to be able to match the demands and expectations of the customers which is going
to make the profitability and economic factor for investment be higher in the organization.
The presentation is going to consist of job description, person specifications, job advertisement
and application of account relevant legislature.
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29 high Street, Poole, GB, UK.
Numbers of employees
Management structure
Lush is using hierarchical organization structure for management structure in order to be able to have the right
working. Though this hierarchical structure is not that visible because of the operations which are taking place
because importance is being provided to the employees of the company.
It is important to make sure that there is effective working for the employees also which is present so that
there are higher operations and working which is going to be present.

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Job role
Requirement for Marketing manager of Lush.
Reporting time
The manager will have to complete 52 hours of working per week.
Reporting to
The manager would be reporting to Mark Constantine
The candidate applying for this post needs to have a masters and bachelors degree in
marketing field. Working experience is additional preference which lush organization
would be looking forward for in the candidate.
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Hard skills
Must be able to work according to the bigger picture of the company.
Employees have to be monitored and supervised from time to time so that there is going to be
higher working and managers must have that controlling skill in them.
Marketing manager must be able to make sure that they are having the right motivation which
can be present for the employees as well and make sure that the changes are being able to come
in easily.
Soft Skills
Professional and friendly environment must be established by the managers of marketing so
that the processing and operations by the department can take place effectively.
There must be good communication and knowledge skill in the market in order to be able to
make sure that there is good working.
Situations have to be dealt with effectively and flexibility and health factors for the employees
must be present as well.
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Attitude Dressing must be appropriate.
Respectful and positive behaviour and actions.
Honest nature.
Good common sense.
Confident and sociable in nature.
Knowledge Training must be attended.
Should know the field better.
Know the company well.

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Experience Interest must be in the same field.
Know the field.
Creativity Must be using different approaches to solve conflicts.
Attract the employees in making the objectives be achieved.
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About company
Lush is producing fresh hand made beauty products for the clients which are not tested
on animals and is going to make the customers have higher satisfaction level. The
company has made a strong place for themselves in the market since 1995.
Lush is looking for Marketing Manager.
Candidate must have the right attitude, communication, knowledge and experience in
this field so that there is going to be effective working and objectives of the company
can be achieved easily.
Starting amount for the marketing manager would be £30,500 per month.
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Responsibilities and Duties
Marketing manager will have to make the brand image and value in the market be increased by 40% within 2 years of
Control should be high of the manager and monitoring the working is also expected from the candidate for this post.
Should solve the issues and conflicts on time with using unique ideas and functioning for higher operations.
Pricing and budgeting should be strong in the manager so that the company would be able to make the right functioning
and working which is going to be present.
Right planning and design must be provided to the marketing department so that the sense of direction is going to be
stronger and make the operations be higher of the company.
Should have a bachelor and masters degree in marketing field.
Experience in a reputed organization is very essential so that there are going to be higher outcomes.
Skills have to be well developed and must be used effectively in the organization so that the working environment and
trust of the employees is present in the organization which is good for a long run.

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Leaders and managers of Lush have to use democratic style for leadership so
that there are going to be higher achievement and performance which the
organization is going to have for a long run.
Including the employees of the company are going to make sure that there are
right functioning and improvement which the company is having for a long
With the customers satisfaction the employees have to be worked upon as well
so that there are going to be better operations and functioning which is going
to be there.
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It is important for applying legislatures while recruitment which is taking place in Lush. There
is going to be effective working and functioning and also make sure that right employees are
being hired and make the brand value increase in the market as well.
Equality act 2010
While recruitment there must be no discrimination on the bases of sex, religion, race, sexual
orientation, marriage, etc. while hiring the right employee. There has to be good evaluation of
workforce on performance so that there is higher growth and working which is going to be
present and that is going to be a great factor for the overall working. Labour relations have to
be well maintained so that the company would be able to get in higher branding and client
loyalty as well.
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There are online forms and other aspects which have to be considered to be
able to make sure that the candidate is being able to have higher operations.
A lot of methods have come up which are online as well as offline which have
to understood which is going to make sure that there are higher functioning.

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From the above presentation it can be concluded that there is a need for the
recruitment to take place effectively in an organization so that there is right
operations and working which is present.
Competition in the market is high which is why the company will have to opt
for the best methods for recruitment so that there is effective working and
processing which would take place.
Good design and planning is required for hiring the right employee as well
which is going to make a higher impact on the performance and working of
the company which needs to be well managed and monitored.
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