
Managing Self and Others: Strategies for Career Development and Lifelong Learning


Added on  2022-11-25

17 Pages4957 Words404 Views
Professional DevelopmentDesign and CreativityHigher Education
Managing Self and
Managing Self and Others: Strategies for Career Development and Lifelong Learning_1

Table of Contents
Question 1 - Career Development and Lifelong Learning...............................................................1
a. Creation of own individual PDP.........................................................................................1
b. Assessing how strategies for skills development and lifelong learning may enable career
Question 2 - High Performance Individuals and Teams..................................................................9
a. High performance people be developed by effective performance management...............9
b. Illustrated report that evaluates how high-performance strategies enable to reflect on how
may work effectively as part of a team................................................................................11
Managing Self and Others: Strategies for Career Development and Lifelong Learning_2

Managing self and others is a quite complex and dynamic process which require effective
analysis and evaluation of key aspects and skill of an individuals. Thus, use of PDP model and
process is being made by individuals, managers and employees to effectively identify and
evaluate the areas where further improvement can be made. Further managing self-skills and
motivating others for improvement and betterment in performance is vital to ensure better
personal and career development (Ahearn, 2021). Thus, to ensure improved employability level
and better development of skills, the current project comprises of discussion about an individual
PDP which consists of skill audit and SWOT analysis. Along with this, a discussion about the
concept related with career development strategy has been also made together with analysing
how performance management lead to high performing people. At last, a report on of how high
performance strategies enable individuals to reflect on how they may work effectively as a part
of team is also made.
Question 1 - Career Development and Lifelong Learning
a. Creation of own individual PDP
Performance development plan is a vital and widely used tool for improving the
performance and skills level of an individual and employees. Various steps are involved in the
process of creation of personal development plan which comprises of setting along terms goals,
identifying ley strengths and weakness along with evaluating different opportunities and threats
that are prevailing in the physical environment of an individual (Gibbons, 2021).
Goal setting
The first and foremost step of creating a PDP plan comprises of setting of goal for which
improvement in skills and Knowledge level is required. It is vital that planning to set goals much
be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time bound). The goal for creation
of current PDP plan comprises of having improved employability level along with developing
improved skills to have higher growth opportunity and improved performance at workplace. Use
of skill audit along with SWOT analysis has been made by me to effectively analysis and
manage my skills and personal development during the past 12 months along with planning for
future PDP that has been explained and provided as below:
Skill Audit:
Managing Self and Others: Strategies for Career Development and Lifelong Learning_3

It comprises and facilitates an effective and systematic assessment of the skill and
understanding level of an individual and supports evidence of existing and developing skills.
Basis High
Very good Good Average Low
Skill Range 5 4 3 2 1
and time




Technical skill
The above stated skill audit is presenting information about the level of my skill level
ranging from low to excellent (1 to 5). It has been analysed that a range of skills are required to
have higher employability level and have improved performance within an organisation. A
discussion about these vital skills along with the level and range of presence of these skill within
me has been providing below:
Organisational skill- These are needed to ensure better management and organisation of
various resources along with ensuring timely completion of task in a discipline and efficient
manner (Bouncken, Aslam and Qiu, 2021). I am having high and excellent level of
organisational skill which makes me more discipline and efficient.
Intellectual skill- Efficient intellectual skills are needed to have improved employability
as it ensures huger level of creativity and innovate thinking along with the ability of problem
solving. I am somehow lacking in intellectual skill as find it difficult to make decision during
some complex or adverse situation.
Managing Self and Others: Strategies for Career Development and Lifelong Learning_4

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