
Research Report: Challenges and Solutions


Added on  2020-07-23

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Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1P1............................................................................................................................................1Research title:.......................................................................................................................1P2............................................................................................................................................3P3............................................................................................................................................5TASK 2............................................................................................................................................7P4............................................................................................................................................7TASK 3............................................................................................................................................9P5 Analyse research data using appropriate tools and techniques.........................................9P6..........................................................................................................................................16TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................17P7..........................................................................................................................................17CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................18RECOMMENDATIONS...............................................................................................................18APPENDIX....................................................................................................................................21
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INTRODUCTIONIn the present world of global competitive business, it is crucial for enterprises to makeusage of advance applications in their business operations. It has a multi fold benefits attachedwith it. For smaller firms this becomes more important as they have limited amount of financialresources to operate their business activities (13 Biggest Challenges When Moving YourBusiness To The Cloud. 2017). As a use of technology reduces the overall costing of theorganisations as well as helps firms in producing higher quality products that helps to meethigher customer satisfaction level (Ajmal, Helo and Kekäle, 2011). Unicorn grocery is one suchtype of organisation which is operational in Britain and is having flat structure of management. Itdeals in the business of selling Grocery items as well as household and body care items. Thereferred enterprise is doing good business every year. The following study will reflect impactadvance applications on the smaller firms such as unicorn grocery. This also provides the projectmanagement pan for the company. At the last I will showcases the learning outcome andrecommendations.TASK 1P1Research title:The influence of digital applications supporting small business development and inventionCompanies which are using advance applicationin day to day managementare able toachieve the competitive advantage as they are using a better code of conduct. Through this theyhave controlled their administrative cost and has given them several kinds of assistance in theirworking (Bloch, Blumberg and Laartz, 2012). One of the important fact behind promotinginnovation inside the firm is that it helps to ensure the maximum profits can be achieved throughfirm's operation. The updation in technology helps to make innovation process faster andsmoother.AimThis project will aim to understand the various situational problem that Unicorn Grocerycome across during their operations so that they can achieve better growth in future.1
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Its main aim is enhancing the capacity of consumer that can be handled at a time by 10%and reducing the operational cost by around 5%. Technological advancements is one thebest solution to achieve the target.This project will study the influence of new applications on the operations of the firmsuch as marketing as well as in the field of storage, data manipulation, information safety.It aims to describe the ways in which innovation is supported by technology.ObjectivesTo search the necessity of regular up-gradation in digital technology.To study the modes in which operative price is reduced by making use of technology inpromotion.To underline the impact of new applications on the alteration of actions related tobusiness.To analyse the different areas where the impact of technology is maximum.Research questionwhat kind of up-gradation that is required by the firm in their use of new applicationsWhat are the latest methods of advertising?What effect digital technology does have on business transformation.What kind of technological tools can help in achieving these activities.These objectives are significant in this part of report. In the present case “UnicornGrocery” is a small business enterprise and has capacity to expand their business using modernways of technology. It can use online mediums so as to sell its products in the open market. Bydoing aggressive marketing using digital mediums can be beneficial in becoming larger firm.Other issues such as problem of storage as well as manipulation of data can be managed usingdigital mediums (den Hertog, van der Aa, and de Jong, 2011). These all implementations canreduce the operational cost as well as it will make work easier.Background of the Project- It is important for the organisations to implement propercommunication methodologies and channels as it ensures that works can be done smoothly.Many of the organisations faces several types of conflicting situations which is a result ofimproper communication mechanism (Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods. 2017).At time when administration instructs employees to deliver information a message using2
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messaging software, it assists in conveying final message deprived of any impact on its actualquality.P2It is important for any company like unicorn Grocery to make proper project managementplan. As it is fact that having for anything reduces the extra work in project. Planning reduces thenegative impact that various factors can pose. It also helps in tackling the amount of risk andhelp managers in utilising available resources in a optimum way (Eckerson, 2011). When theamount of resources is less like in the case of small firms such as “unicorn Grocery” planningbecomes more important. This plan will cover various activities and essential requirements of theproject:Scope: The research that is to be conducted has greater range of areas that will becovered. It mainly focuses on various kinds of actions in the firm such as marketing andinformation managing. Adoption and advancement ofdigital application will fulfil theneeds of HR working there. Newer technological advancements in communication willhelp to ensure that there is proper flow of information and hence help in reducing theconfusion between managers. This project will in providing the support for the expansionand growth plan for business.Quality Control: The major focus that will be checked here is on the quality of researchthat is conducted. The authenticity of primary data will be checked so as to find out theresults that are better for the company. If investigators do not get success to write properdata than it becomes difficult for them to produce an excellent statement. Watching ofwhole project will be done on constant basis at regular intervals of time so that any kindof deviation or mistakes can be stopped at their point of generation only. Gantt charts anddata analysis tools will aid in knowing the collected content in a better way.Dangersupervision: There are several threats that are associated with the project such asimproper gathering of facts but there are few issues such as investigating hidden risks.These risks are has to be encountered in proper way because any negligence can result inefficiency of the full task (Freeman, 2011). Identifying the reality of data can be a bigproblem. There is large question mark on the quality or intelligence of content that ispresent on internet. Over expenditure on tasks is a major risk as many managers cross thebudget that is allotted to them by the senior officials of the company. Delay in the3
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completion of project can be another risk, If this kind of major issues are not handledproperly can lead to project failure that will ultimately lead Unicorn Groceries to fail inimplementing digital technology so as to solve major issues in their business and this willalso have negative impact on the growth of the firm. One of the another bigger riskinvolved with it is that it may not complete on time and hence proper strategy in thisregard needs to be made.Cost control: It is important for any project to be cost effective. Since the companies suchas “Unicorn Groceries” do not have deep pockets so it is important for them to make costcontrol. A budget will be allocated for each activity in the process which will help incontrolling the overall expense in a proper way. In order to reduce the overall budget it isimportant for the firm to implement cost checking measures so as to reduce the wastageof monetary funds (Reich, Gemino and Sauer, 2012). Normally the funds will be allottedby top officials are not enough for project completion as in this case there are severalexternal factors like tax hikes etc. that can increase the cost of whole programme.Formulating a plan is easier but its implementation is harder. It is estimated that there willbe 1200 pounds that will be required for this research with a flexible margin of around10%.Communication: Generally major conflicts in an firm arises due to lack ofcommunication (Gareis, 2011). At this time of making plans related to impact of digitaltechnology while ensuring its proper implementation, managers of several departmentswill give their views about several issues. Timely conversation with the staff membersthat are part of this project can ensure that there is smooth implementation of plans.Time: It is important to decide the time for project completion as it may help firm inachieving desired profits. A project that is not completed in desired time leads to achievemajor benefits from it. This project is estimated to take around six months time. UnicornGrocery believes in implementing the best possible strategy that will help in improvingtheir operational performance for achieving there goals. In this regard Gantt chart can bebeneficial so as to make the proper time schedule in which task will be completed.4
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