
Performance Management and Employee Engagement


Added on  2020-02-05

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Performance Management and Employee Engagement_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................11. Unitary and pluralistic perspective taken in relation to employee relations............................12. Key ingredients of effective collective bargaining arrangements...........................................23. Contemporary attempts to promote effective employee relations...........................................4TASK 2............................................................................................................................................71. Approaches to handling disciplinary issues.............................................................................7CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................8REFERENCES................................................................................................................................9
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INTRODUCTIONEmployees who are attached to their work and committed to the organisation givecompetitive advantages to business. These could be lower employee turnover and maximumproductivity. Organisation investing in their employees and their practices. Company use manyhuman resource practices to increase employee engagement in business activity. Study ofmanaging workforce engagement and commitment help in understand importance of employeerelation in an organisation. These also focus on improvement of employee relation in order toachieve organisation's goal. These provide guidelines about how this practices can improvecompany's performance. Further it also helps in understand management of conflict which arisebetween employees and management.TASK 11. Unitary and pluralistic perspective taken in relation to employee relationsOrganisation is using various approaches in order to improve employee’s relation so thatthey can work with commitment. Effective employee relation play vital role in success of thebusiness. Employee relation is concerned with effectiveness of management in term of handlingconflict (Gruman and Saks, 2011). There are many problems which cannot resolve alone bycompany so employee’s relation helps in resolve such problems. Employee’s relation makeswork easy to understand. These help company in increase productivity, gain employee loyaltyand conflict reductions. These focus on sharing of work so that all employee well verse in everytype of work (Kompaso and Sridevi, 2010). This affect positively on the productivity ofcompany. Such relations increase motivation level of employee. This also helps management intaking decisions and implementation of them effectively. For maintaining such employee relationcompany use some perspectives, which are as follows:Unitary perspective – This perspective used to improve relation among employees andindustry. In this perspective, there is single source of authority in company. These help inmaking better and fast decisions (Shuck and Wollard, 2010). Company can effectivelyapply its decision by using such perspective. In unitary perspective, leaders haveresponsibility of promoting loyalty among employees. This also focuses on employeecommitment so that individual's efforts can identify. Under this aspect organisation areconsisted of teams and all workers are working for mutual goals. All the workers have1
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common objective which is finally fulfilled objective of company (Grzegorz, 2010.). Thisperspective believes that organisation work with employee's value and beliefs. There arealso no conflict between company and workers. This perspective deal with strongleadership in organisation. Under this, there is no need of trade unions for managingconflicts. This perspective assumes that all stakeholders are member of the business. Thiscan also use for stakeholders management and employee are treated as importantstakeholder for company. This perspective focus on mutual interest of employees andemployer (Hahn and Kuhn, 2012). Which help in enhancing loyalty and commitment foremployees. Unitary perspective focus on creating win-win situations for both employerand employees. This perspective assumes that all member has equal rights. Theconditions are not same in all organisation because employee has less authority thanemployer. This might result to conflict among both the groups.Pluralist perspective – Pluralistic perspective is a modern approach to the managementsystem. This is a wide aspect of organisation for controlling its activity effectively. Thisperspective believes that every employee has its own beliefs, value and behaviour (Kallioand Kallio, 2014). They work according to their strength and weakness. Different beliefsand value of employees are resulted to dividing them among groups. This perspectivehelps in handle such conflict by using various management techniques. Pluralisticperspective assumes that trade unions are important for employees (Kaplan, Norton andRugelsjoen, 2010.). Further, trade unions help employees in making better decisions andHelp Company in better circulation of information. This perspective believes thatbusiness stability attain through series of negotiations between employers and employees.This focus too much on employee's interest which can affect collective bargainingprocess. This perspective assumes that many time conflicts are helpful to the organisation(Leonard and Cardy, 2014). Furthermore, it helps in identify problems of employeerelated to work or management. This provides guidelines about resolutions for conflictsand disputes. This perspective helps employees in enhancing their participation amongdifferent activities. This perspective can affect speed of working of organisation.2. Key ingredients of effective collective bargaining arrangementsCollective bargaining is an aspect of negotiation related with employment relationship. Itis a process of negotiation between company and workers in order to regulate rules and2
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