
Integrated Marketing Communication Strategies


Added on  2020-06-04

24 Pages8622 Words123 Views
Integrated Marketing Communication Strategies_1

Table of Contents
TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Influences on consumer behaviour...................................................................................1
1.2 Role of promotion and advertising in market...................................................................3
1.3 Current trends in advertisement........................................................................................4
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................5
2.1 promotional plan...............................................................................................................5
2.2 Barriers on implementation of the plan............................................................................7
2.3 Recommendation for pricing, distribution and communication policies.........................8
TASK 2..........................................................................................................................................10
2.4 Consumer decision making which help in deciding the target market and significance of
brand loyalty, corporate image and repeat purchasing.........................................................10
2.5 Strategies for controlling and monitoring marketing plan.............................................13
2.6 Ways to measure the effectiveness of marketing campaigns made by the Sanisbury for
launching their new product.................................................................................................14
2.7 Ethical and legal issues in marketing.............................................................................15
TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................16
3.1 Below the line (BTL) marketing techniques and communications plan........................16
3.2 Above the line (ATL) marketing techniques..................................................................18
TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................18
4.1 Internal and external analysis of Sanisbury for achieving and implementing marketing
4.2 Ethical issues in marketing.............................................................................................19
Integrated Marketing Communication Strategies_2

Marketing communication relates to the communication between to two parties in
accordance to the business. Parties discuss the sales, branding, packaging, customer retention,
sponsorship and the promotion of their products. This is an essential need for the any
organisation to have proper link with its marketing competitors. Sainsbury's is the UK's largest
supermarket chain it has the great communication connection with its distributors, sponsors,
customers and the promotional professionals. The better communication brings the better
knowledge and the give opportunities to advance the technology in the world wide market. The
communication with the customers in the way to promote or advertise the product and give
adequate knowledge about the product. Branding of a product is very necessary to make a
personal identity in the market, so customer can easily recognise the product by its brand name.
Communication with the sponsors is essential for generating the capital investment on
launching of any business and any product. Advertising or promoting the product should be
done through the various sources like mouth publicity, online marketing, social media,
marketing in general, hoardings at various location, newspaper adversing, flies and etc. The
quality of a product is need to be good or better than the competitors. The prices of any product
should not be more cheap or luxury, it should be easily affordable for the customer and good for
the brand image. Every company wants to earn more in future than the present, so with the sake
of this there should be customer retention and have a good relationship with the customers
makes the brand as a symbol. To gain a better goodwill this is necessary to have new contacts,
new customers but retention of the previously added contacts is very useful for the company's
1.1 Influences on consumer behaviour
Consumer are the real players of the market they can be give hype to a brand or can be
show interest. The proper satisfaction should be given to them as according to their wants and
demands. If a customer is satisfied with the products he can become the client to the company
and helps in generating more customers (Chen, and Xie, 2008). The reputation and the goodwill
is to be generated with the customer satisfaction. The consumer can be influence by the various
Integrated Marketing Communication Strategies_3

Marketing campaigns:
Promotion and advertising a product plays the main role in influencing the customers.
There should be a proper adversing of the products, it can be generate more customers or can
lower down the interest in their mind (Solomon and et.al. 2012). The Sainsbury's is going to
launch fresh fruit juice on their marketing campaign, its adversing can be done through the
various sources like, Newspaper, social media marketing, online marketing, advertisements on
television, hoardings, flies, the mouth publicity etc.
Economical factors:
Economic environment plays the main role in influencing the customer's purchasing
power. The main barriers are the social class which is the household, luxury items, vehicles and
etc. Social standard of any customer can make him buy or not to buy any product (Solomon and
et.al. 2012). Sainsbury's has the variety of the products in their supermarket which fulfils the
need of every customer' economic standard level.
Personal factors:
Personal motivation is essential for spending on any product this is very necessary to
have a faith in the customer's mind towards the product (Cerne, 2012). Consumer perception on
any product of Sainsbury's can be sort out through know their choices, likes, dislikes or morale
to buy any product. The various choices can be seen the items like food, fashion and the other
luxurious goods.
Group influences:
Cultural variances makes the differences in the purchasing of various products.
Sainsbury's has the various range of products and has the various stores in the UK so it has
faced many cultural differences in operating at various places (Cerne, 2012). The consumer can
be positively influenced by its friends and family members who have used the goods and
services from the company. The references of their past experiences plays the main role in
buying a product.
Purchasing power:
Economic condition or the budget of the consumer influences him to buy a product.
Sainsbury's product can be good in quality but if do not meet the consumer's satisfied budget
Integrated Marketing Communication Strategies_4

level than it can be a down fall for the selling of the product. The prices are to be set on the
products as according to the purchasing capacity of the consumer.
1.2 Role of promotion and advertising in market
Promotion or advertisement of a product encourage a consumer to purchase. Sainsbury's
should adopt various techniques to promote the stores with the help of these promotional mix:
Consumer can get a good impression of the product on him by the advertisement. There
should be adoption of various tactics or techniques in promoting a product. The consumer will
pay interest in which has the good promotional presentation about the product (Cochoy, 2014).
Sainsbury's advertisements should reflect or show how important it is to fill their demands and
satisfy their needs. The adversing can be done through the various methods to promote a
product like online marketing, door to door publicity, social networking etc. The launching or
the fresh fruit juice in the stores are very necessary to have a good advertising which will reflect
the good health benefits to the customers.
Public relationship:
Promoting a product helps in making a good public relationships. The consumer can
help in bringing the new consumers and can be the brand loyal for the Sainsbury's. Good
promotional techniques helps in making good strength or goodwill of the organisation. The
product fresh fruit juice should meet the satisfaction level of the consumer (Danaher and
Rossiter, 2011). It should be healthy and hygiene or good in quality, so the consumer can easily
trust the product. There will be positive feedbacks as per the satisfaction of the customer.
Guerrilla marketing:
Guerrilla tactic helps in promoting a product at mass with help of graffiti on the walls in
mid market, stickers, distributing flyers, flash bombing on the access of any site through
computer or mobiles (Danaher and Rossiter, 2011). The main motive is to make the publicity of
Sainsbury's fresh fruit juices and make the product viral at the online as well as local market. It
should contain the details or features of this product including various flavours.
Integrated Marketing Communication Strategies_5

Sponsors are the investors to the company they marketing of the Sainsbury's can be
done on the various events like on festivals, sports event such as races, cricket, football matches
etc. Sponsors promotes the Fresh fruit juices by investing in or making a good promotional
decision in the meetings and seminars (Fill and Hughes,2013). This can be helpful in making a
good brand image which caries the sponsorship of very popular and reputed brand. This kind of
marketing is very fruitful for the growth of all the companies which are included the business.
1.3 Current trends in advertisement
Trends in marketing a product helps in generating the good and quick response from the
mass. The current trends should be followed by Sainsbury's to meet the maximum responses
from the UK market. There should be use of the updated technologies in their devices and the
proper record of the data should be acquired (Fill and Hughes,2013). The online marketing of
the product can help the buyers to individually access the features of the product which meets
their desired level. The current trending can be through:
Information and communication technology:
Promotion through the telephones, mobiles or internet are the source of communication
to the people at large. With the help of this communication techniques the consumer is able to
gain the knowledge by himself (Finne and Strandvik, 2012). Sainsbury's has the various
websites or portals so it can be in connection with costumers for all time and have succeed in
meeting their desired need. Consumer can call or directly contact on the internet to get their
quarry solved. The proper knowledge for the particular product can be gain to discuss with the
professionals leading on selling of the products.
Social media:
The promotion of the product on the social media can be through use of the various
social sites. It can be by adding the product quality or details on the site or sharing the
information with the various social groups (Finne and Strandvik, 2012). Sainsbury's has
facilitates the online market store at which it has the set up of getting all the records of the
orders from consumers on any product. The details are to be shared on the basis of the consumer
priority on any product. This way of communication is helpful for attracting the consumers at
large and have the individual feedback or opinion on any product or service.
Integrated Marketing Communication Strategies_6

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