
Marketing & Communications in a Digital World


Added on  2023-06-18

26 Pages3381 Words410 Views
Marketing &
Communications in a
Digital World
Marketing & Communications in a Digital World_1

MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3
Identifying the positive and negative impacts of marketing mix of coco cola............................3
Market research............................................................................................................................4
Detailed marketing research plan.................................................................................................5
PART 2 ...........................................................................................................................................7
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Marketing research plan refers to document which contains information regarding
potential markets to accomplish the overall objectives of firm. The present report is based on
Coca Cola who is relaunching new variant of iconic drink to gain competitive advantage and to
attract new potential customers. Further, the report will analysis marketing mix and identify
positive and negative impact of each factor on relaunch of new product. Moreover, the report
will also specify various research requirements and the best sources which can be opted by the
firm in carrying out successful research.
Identifying the positive and negative impacts of marketing mix of coco cola
Marketing mix refers to list of factors that can be controlled by company to influence
consumers to buy its products. For the coca cola company some of them are as follows.
Product : Coca cola sold in various sizes and packaging. The logo is clearly made so that
it can be easily differentiated from other brands. Merit is that it will help the quoted firm to reach
large masses through broadening its business opportunities (Marketing mix of coca cola, 2019).
Demerit is that consumers with set perceived thoughts may not find the product valuable and
hence revenues increases are not guaranteed.
Price : Coca cola will use competitive pricing strategy as little higher price of the product
make consumers feel that brand is more reliable in terms of the quality. Further, negative impact
can be created if the prices of the product are changed at frequently which may shift the
customer base.
Place : The quoted firm has decided to sell the product through various online and offline
platforms in UK market where it can be easily reached to large number of audience (Lim, 2021).
On the contrary with inefficient market reach the firm may result in loss of various production
Promotion : coca cola would use channels such as online mediums in UK to promote its
good for example Netflix where benefit is that personalized marketing can be adopted but on the
contrary the firm have problem as customers can check the product review on high ranking
product review sites (Kamins, 2018).
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People : Target audience would be among the age group of 18-35 which are ready to
consume new variants of drinks available in market. Positive impact is major population in the
country consists of this age group but on other side firm would incur losses if product is not liked
in this group (Wardhana, 2020).
Process : Products will be manufactured in batches so that it can be made easily available
according to the requirements as well as prevent losses from manufacturing extra units.
However, if there is excessive demand in the market than it may create problems to serve large
Physical evidence: If the infrastructure, design, interior etc. of the outlets is not
(appealing) than customers will not purchase products and rather shift to new sources. On the
contrary, improved physical facility and designs will attract more customers and hence sales
would increase.
Market research
The research aim of the present study is to construct the marketing strategies for
relaunching Coca Cola New
To analyse the first launch of marketing strategies that is based upon 7Ps, as it is covered
in part 1
To understand the expectation of a customer’s regarding the relaunch of a product.
Form the market research the company has identified the key problems that was creating the
threat for the organization. The company has conducted the random survey of 20 customers
with help of the questionnaire that helped the firm in solving the issues. Such as customer
was having problem with high price of the product and the promotional activity of the firm
was not up- to the mark as well as the quality and packaging of the product was not good.
Moreover, this has motivated the company in launching the new product. The company has
used the digital promotional activity such as using social site like Facebook and Instagram
that has helped firm in attracting large customer. In addition, to this the company has arrange
the price of product at very affordable price so that every segment of the customer can make
use of the product. Along, with this the firm has also adopted the attractive packaging style
so that it can easily garb the attention of the audience. Thus the new product has helped the
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company in expanding their business and enhancing the overall development of the firm
(McDaniel Jr and Gates, 2018).
There are various research methods which are available in markets and one which will be
adopted by quoted firm would be primary research method in which information could be
gathered through various means such as interviews, questionnaire, surveys, focus groups, visiting
to competitors place etc (Damen and Hooft, 2019). Hence, one which will be proved good for
Coca cola would be interview and observations method through which various details regarding
the choices, preferences, taste, attitudes etc. of the customers can be gathered, organized as well
as analysed and accordingly the product can be reviewed or launched in market with certain
Further methods which will not be selected by quoted firm would be secondary research
methods includes online data, data collected from government and non government sources, data
available in various libraries, institutions etc (Heaton,2020). Such research methods are proved
not useful when completely new product is launched in the market and extensive research needs
to be carried out to gain maximum benefits. In relation with relaunch of coca cola products
online data would be irrelevant as authenticity of data cannot be identified. Also, they are
unspecific in nature as the research materials can be of outdated nature and offer little or no
value to the researcher. Moreover, the researcher is not the owner of data so everyone can access
it easily and also data collected can be of biased nature which will provide less relevant results.
Detailed marketing research plan.
As per the defined aim and objectives, the marketing plan is as mentioned below with the
help of primary and secondary research.
Collecting relevant data and information: In this research data would be collected from
various primary sources such as Questionnaire. This is attached in appendix.
Data Analysis: In order to analyse the data, 20 regular customers of Coca Cola has been selected
that helps to determine their views pertaining to the chosen question. This helps to analyse the
whether the new product is good and relaunching will be beneficial for the business or not.
Theme 1: Preference of customer for Coca Cola New
Which of the Partici-
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following features
you want to be added
in the Cocoa Cola
New? pants
Taste difference 5
Packaging 6
Same as before 3
Low in price 6
Total 20
Taste difference
Same as before
Low in price
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Which of the following features you want to be added in the
Cocoa Cola New?
Interpretation: It has been interpreted that majority of the respondents are agreed that while
relaunching the products, they must consider the price, packaging and taste. it is so because out
of 20, 6 customers agreed that packaging and price of a products must be considered. While 5 of
them stated that taste difference is secondary option which must be preferred by the customers.
Further, it has been clearly examined that relaunching a new product will always helpful to the
business because it attracts new customers and enhance the financial performance.
Theme 2: Customers wants new product in bigger size
Do you expect Coco
Cola new should be
offer with bigger size
than the first launch? Partici-
Yes 18
No 1
Don’t know 1
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