
Promotional Mix Activity of Tesla


Added on  2022-12-27

13 Pages3738 Words82 Views
Marketing Consultant
Promotional Mix Activity of Tesla_1

Table of Contents
Background of TESLA...........................................................................................................3
PROMOTIONAL MIX ACTIVITY OF TESLA............................................................................3
Advertising: ...........................................................................................................................4
Public Relations and Publicity:..............................................................................................4
Sales Promotion:.....................................................................................................................4
Events and experience:...........................................................................................................5
Personal Selling:.....................................................................................................................6
Direct Marketing:...................................................................................................................6
Interactive Marketing:............................................................................................................7
Word of mouth marketing:.....................................................................................................7
Social media marketing..........................................................................................................7
TASK- 2...........................................................................................................................................8
Model 1- AIDA......................................................................................................................8
Model 2- Communication Process.......................................................................................11
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Marketing is buying and selling of goods and services to the customers to achieve the
organisational goal. Marketing can be done by promoting commodities through both offline and
online mode. It is done on the basis of marketing mix which includes product, price, promotion,
place, physical evidence, people and process. In marketing, promotion plays quite a big role in
selling or buying. It should be done in an effective manner to attract the customers. These
includes all the tactics in which an organizes uses in advertising their product as well as their
brand. Organisation uses different promotional mix tool for promoting their products. In this
report, TESLA is taken as our base company in which it includes all the promotional mix
strategies used by TESLA in promoting their products and also highlights impact of the AIDA
model and communication model applied to the organization in aspects of promotional mix.
Background of TESLA
TESLA is an American electric auto-mobile company founded in 2003 as TESLA Motors by
Elon Musk. The name TESLA is tribute to Nikola TESLA which was an electrical engineer.
They design, manufactures and develop electric cars as well as energy solar products. Products
of TESLA are environment friendly which attract large number of people. Currently they are
world's top selling car brand by producing Model S sedan, Model 3 and Model 3 sedan electric
cars which are all time favourite among people. These cars uses lithium-ion batteries which are
rechargeable. The purpose of TESLA is to promote sustainable transport and energy. They are
the first auto mobile company to use batteries to run vehicles. TESLA also launches their
autopilot vehicles which uses advance technology for running on roads. There global sales
increases in 2020 is 35.8% from previous year with selling of 499,550 units. Recently, they have
launched their company in India which fascinates people of India about their products.
Promotional mix is are tools that is used in promoting organisation's products and
services. It is most crucial for an organisation in representing of product and services at right
time to right audience. These tools not only helps in promoting goods but also helps in
representing its company by showcasing their products. It create trust between the organisation
Promotional Mix Activity of Tesla_3

and people. Using promotional mix tools helps in defining of product and services in a detailed
manner (Baker and Hart 2016). In context to TESLA, they uses promotional mix for promoting
for their offerings and communicating to the people. They uses both offline and online platforms
for promotions. Every organisation uses these tools not only in creating promotion but also
creates awareness among them. Creative and innovative advertisement targets the customers
easily. Various tools of promotional mix which helps in communication with people are
mentioned below-
Advertising is a paid promotion of product and services. It creates brand awareness among the
people. It can be done on large scale which can capture masses of people which can be done
through advertisement on televisions, radios and many more (Benzo, Mohsen, and Fourali,
2017). Advertising is a non-personal promotional function as during communication, seller
doesn't have a direct contact with the customers. In reference to TESLA, they never investment
in advertising. Organisation thinks that instead of investing in advertisement, they use their
money in order to manufacture their products using environment friendly and advanced
technology to increase their efficiency and also productivity of the company.
Public Relations and Publicity:
In this communication process, organisation uses public relation to develop attractive brand
image by highlighting unique and interesting stories in the media or by press release to develop
the relationships between organization and public. Publicity is getting response of audience by
press coverage. Organization hire publicist for free and also hire by offering money. In context to
TESLA, they mostly uses public relations to boost their popularity. Its supercharging stations on
highways have TESLA branding all over them and even restaurants, hotels and mall also have
TESLA branding. Recently, they have shut down their PR department because they think that it
doesn't require public relation in order to gain attention of the audience. Free press coverage or
publicity is enough for them for grabbing attention of the people as they are launching products
that are environment friendly and currently in the world's top car list.
Sales Promotion:
Sales promotion is a short time incentives given by the company to its customers in the form of
discounts, coupons, free items, payback offers, loyalty schemes and so on which helps in
increasing brand awareness. This persuade customer to shop from their organisation. This tool
Promotional Mix Activity of Tesla_4

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