
Marketing and Nature of Marketing


Added on  2022-12-19

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Business DevelopmentData Science and Big Data
Marketing and Nature of Marketing_1

Table of Contents
TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1
Define marketing and nature of marketing .................................................................................1
Development of marketing concept which includes current and future trends and determine
how external environment influences marketing activity............................................................1
Structure and operations of marketing departments....................................................................2
Marketing processes.....................................................................................................................2
Roles of marketing with context to B2B and B2C......................................................................3
Marketing as a business function.................................................................................................4
Interrelationships between various functional units with related to marketing...........................4
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................5
Compare in which organisations use elements of the marketing mix (7Ps) to accomplish the
overall business objectives...........................................................................................................5
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................7
Importance of marketing plans...................................................................................................7
Marketing plans, marketing objectives and marketing strategies................................................7
Mission and objectives of Coca Cola: ........................................................................................7
STP analysis.................................................................................................................................8
REFERENCES ...............................................................................................................................9
Marketing and Nature of Marketing_2

The term marketing is an activities which are used to buying and selling of various
products or services (Al-Nashmi and Almamary, 2017). It includes various advertising
promotions, selling and delivering of products or services to other customers and various
businesses. Selected organisation is Coca Cola is an American multinational beverage with
headquarter in Atlanta. It was invented by John Stith Pemberton in 1886 and firm has interests in
manufacturing, retailing of non alcoholic syrups and drinks. For this assessment, various topics
are to be covered such as nature of marketing, marketing concept and influence current trends,
role of marketing, 7P's of marketing compare with two organisation and evaluate a marketing
Define marketing and nature of marketing
The term marketing consist of buying and selling of goods and services and contact
customers to provide product or service according to their customer expectations (Barnum,
2020). It is a set of institutions for communicating with customer and delivering the right
product or service. In case of Coca Cola, it allows to create an advertisement that will help to
reach people whether it is interested in products or not that they would offer.
It is an human activity which needs human to work and satisfy their efforts. Basically it is
all about satisfaction of human.
It is an consumer oriented when customer are satisfy with human needs then firm must
find out desirable customer to deliver their various products or services as per needs of
Development of marketing concept which includes current and future trends and determine how
external environment influences marketing activity
Product concept: These includes that product are always a high quality with innovative
features (Bernstein, 2018). Manager need to improve their high quality products in over time and
it is assumed that there is admire to well made products.
Marketing concept: This concept is stands on basic principle that firm can beat their
customers to produce a high quality product or services and communicating customer regarding
with availability of products and their prices.
Marketing and Nature of Marketing_3

Current and future trends in marketing:
Relationship marketing: This pattern of marketing consist of emphasizes of customer
satisfaction instead of number of sales that they have made (Blythe and Martin, 2019). It could
be maintain their relationship with customers so that more and more customer customer are
attract and good relationship helps for more products in future.
Societal marketing: It helps to identify their clients wants and needs of target market
then deliver satisfaction of customers in an efficiently manner. It is helpful to achieve long term
and short term goals which include quality of products or services in current and future basis.
External environment greatly influences marketing activity because several number of
forces control over little or no control they make up its external marketing activities which
includes regulatory of economic, political and competitive forces to changes in technology and
various influences of cultures.
Structure and operations of marketing departments
The internal structure of marketing department covers many different areas of operations
(Carson, O'Connor and Simmons, 2020). Organisational structure of marketing department can
be vary in individual firm and it consist of two or more employee in marketing. Various
organisational structure that firm can defined with context to Coca Cola are as mentioned below:
Functional structure: These structure consist of highest level to lowest level of
organisation and it depends on higher responsibility from top and goes down there. Employees
needs to be organised according to their skills. With relation to Coca Cola, it is used to approach
their team members and allow employees that they would be part of decision making procedures.
Coca Cola promote their all employees plays an equally significant part of success.
Horizontal or flat structure: According to these structure, flat structure determines that
few levels between upper management and staff employees levels. Most of start-up business can
start through these structure because they grow a large enough to build offer of different
departments. For Coca Cola, their employees, team members and group can avoid to middle
level of management and communicate directly with higher level of management. They can meet
and share of information among team members.
Marketing processes
Situational analysis: This process of marketing determine that firm finds itself for basis
of identifying and satisfied their unfulfilled customer needs (Fill and Turnbull, 2019). This
Marketing and Nature of Marketing_4

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